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Evaluation Aziza Choudhury

Evaluation Aziza Choudhury. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?.

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Evaluation Aziza Choudhury

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  1. EvaluationAziza Choudhury

  2. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? After analysing my desired genre that I then filmed about, I believe I have made a real development in my media product. We have used many different types of shots and I believe it shows that we understood how to make our film better. After writing the story board an began to film, we realised that changing the storyboard would work better for us and make our film more exciting. We opened with a long shot, we was aware that most films do open with an establishing shot, however we chose to not use that shot but instead use a less obvious shot so less of the scenery is seen so that the audience, tries to figure out where they are and what is happening, its all apart of the mystery.

  3. How does your media product represent particular social groups? In my media product I use a range of races, the main character is a black man. Although my main character has a negative role, I am not implying that all black characters will all be the same. The detective in the film will be a black man also. Its important to know that his partner is a white women. I have tried to encourage a lot of multicultural background . I think this challenges the mainstream movies. One of the girls, who gets kidnapped is an Asian girl. I have not put these races into any types of groups, however I have chosen to portray women in a certain way. Women are seen to be weak, venerable emotional and are usually the victims. I have chosen to represent women in this way because we want the audience to sympathises with them when they are in danger. Also is generalisation happens in everyday so it is more realistic. I want the men to have the more powerful roles, mainstream movies tend to make the male characters the more dominant ones, and i think using this idea will make my movie just as good as the other films out there.

  4. We aim to target our media product at teenagers from the age ranges of 18 and above. We believe that that younger audience will not be as interested as the older ones, because they may not understand the psychological parts of it. Also we believe it won’t be suitable for children because their will be a few scenes of blood and many others with violence and strong language. It will appeal to our target audience because there will be a lot of thinking involved, many twists and the narrative will be really good. My film will attract many different types people of different ages from 18-28 because of characters being different ages and races. Plus people will want to watch it because something like this could happen for real life. • Who would be the audience for your media product and how did you attract your audience?

  5. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? I have learnt a lot during the process of constructing my media product. I was able to use final cut pro and edit my film, and i learnt how to add music and soundtrack. I found it rather difficult to use final cut pro, but after a few times I got the hang of it. I was able to use the scanner to upload my story board and i was also able to use and post work onto the blog. Overall I think I have been successful in using all required technologies for this project.

  6. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression it to the full product? I have learnt a lot of new skills, and have developed old ones too. Back when we where working on the preliminary task we found it hard to manage time and work things out. However now that we have completed our full product I can say that the preliminary task had helped a lot in a sense that it had made us aware of what to expect for out main task and what to do if we was ever stuck. I feel as though i have put in more effort time and energy into my final product. More time could have been put into it, and my product could have been better. But if am satisfied with my completed piece, but if i could change anything then I would love to have had some more time, i never had enough time to finish the credits or put any finishing touches

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