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Enhancing Customer Access: Mobile Business Voice Portal

Explore the introduction, technology, and user interface of Voice Portal, with examples like Yahoo By Phone and VoiceXML. Discover service options and technologies offered in mobile business voice portals.

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Enhancing Customer Access: Mobile Business Voice Portal

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  1. Ch5 & Ch6 Study Case :Voice Portal 917715許哲榮(Wallace Hsh) 917725林宜鋒(Evan Lin) MIS Dept., Yuan Ze Univ., Taiwan Mobile Bussiness

  2. Outline • The introduction of Voice Portal • Speech technology • User Interface • The Example of Voice Portal • Yahoo By Phone • The introduction of VoiceXML • Conclusion Mobile Bussiness

  3. Voice Portal • enables customers to access information on the Internet through a telephone interface. • Voice Portal Technology • Build on traditional interactive voice response (IVR) technology Mobile Bussiness

  4. Speech technologies • Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) • the process by which a computer maps an acoustic speech signal to text. • Speech Authentication (Speaker Recognition) • the process of automatically recognizing who is speaking based on individual information included in speech signals. • Text-To-Speech (Speech Synthesis) • the process of converting textual input to spoken output by automatically generating synthesized speech. Mobile Bussiness

  5. User Interface • Presenting To the User • Pre-recorded audio prompts • Audio files • Synthesized speech • Unnatural speech better than • Getting input from the User • DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Frequency) key input • 0-9、*、# • Spoken Command Mobile Bussiness

  6. User Interface • VoiceXML • creating audio dialogs • feature synthesized speech • Digitized audio • recognition of spoken and DTMF key input • recording of spoken input • mixed-initiative conversations……….etc. Mobile Bussiness

  7. Voice Portal Architecture Mobile Bussiness

  8. Example of Voice Portal Service Mobile Bussiness

  9. News Stocks Weather Driving directions Traffic info Horoscopes Movie reviews Restaurants Travel info Soap opera info Lottery results Currency info Music Sports results Business finder Email-to-voice Example of Voice Portal Service Below are some content services typically provided by voice portals. Mobile Bussiness

  10. Voice Portal Technology Provider • Some vender • Previously offering a standalone “voice portal” • Now Offer Voice Gateway or “Voice Portal” Solution • SpeechWorks offers an open source VoiceXML interpreter Mobile Bussiness

  11. Voice Portal-Yahoo!by Phone • 嶄新的特色如下 •利用語音認證存取 •直接聽取POP帳戶的信件 •新信件通知 •直接用電話存取你的通訊錄 • Get all this for only $4.95/month. Yahoo! by Phone.. http://phone.yahoo.com/ Mobile Bussiness

  12. Yahoo!by Phone服務一覽表 • 1-800-MY-YAHOO 1-800-69-92566 • 整合全部的EMAIL在同一個地方 • 收發VOICE MAIL • 利用電話收聽EMAIL • 可以同時收取數個信箱 • 並且可以直接用語音寄信(限於YAHOO通訊錄內人) • 將YAHOO訊息服務整合在電話中 • 說出通訊錄中人名可以傳回相關資訊 • 利用電話聽取天氣、新聞 • 甚至是聽取個人化的資訊 • Yahoo By Phone實例 Mobile Bussiness

  13. Voice Mail • 電話收聽 • 利用1-800-MY-YAHOO (1-800-699-2466) 收聽 • 需要輸入PIN碼 • 網路收聽MAIL • 如右圖、利用網路的部分去收聽MAIL Mobile Bussiness

  14. Email by Phone • 利用電話收取EMAIL • EMAIL會利用TTS的技術、逐字念出來 • 可以用電話直接寄送EMAIL,他會將語音直接以夾檔的技術送出。 • 可以直接寄信給YAHOO通訊錄上面的人、利用語音辨識可以直接辨識出該人並且寄送含有語音檔案的EMAIL Mobile Bussiness

  15. VoiceXML • VoiceXML 是Voice Extensible Markup Language的縮寫。事由AT&T, IBM, Lucent,Motorola三家共同制訂標準。 • 優點 • 將web-based 設計程式的優點與內容轉換到互動語音回應系統之中。 Mobile Bussiness

  16. 關於VoiceXML演進 Mobile Bussiness

  17. VoiceXML與HTML差別 Mobile Bussiness

  18. VoiceXML Architectural model Mobile Bussiness

  19. VoiceXML 與傳統系統結合圖 Mobile Bussiness

  20. An VoiceXML Example <?xml version="1.0"?> <vxml version="1.0"> <form> <field name="drink"> <prompt>Would you like coffee, tea, milk, or nothing?</prompt> <grammar src="drink.gram" type="application/x-jsgf"/> </field> <block> <submit next= "http://www.drink.example/drink2.asp"/> </block> </form> </vxml> C (computer): Would you like coffee, tea, milk, or nothing? H (human): Orange juice. C: I did not understand what you said. C: Would you like coffee, tea, milk, or nothing? H: Tea C: (continues in document drink2.asp) Mobile Bussiness

  21. Conclusions • 與WAP的矛盾點 • 資訊提供 • 資訊內容相同 • 表現方式不同 • 服務定位不同 • VoiceXML的地位 • Voice Portal與其他服務整合的關鍵 • Voice Portal疑慮 • 語言種類多 • 目前已知技術20-30種語言 • 辨別技術還待加強 Mobile Bussiness

  22. Reference Voice Portal • http://pegasus.rutgers.edu/~youpeiyu/Internet%20Telephony(Kogan).doc • www.medialab.sonera.fi/workspace/VoicePortals.pdf • comp.speech FAQ [Internet]. Available at http://www.speech.cs.cmu.edu/comp.speech/ [Accessed May 23, 2001] Voice XML • Voice extensible Markup Language specification. Available at http://www.voicexml.org/specs/VoiceXML-100.pdf [Accessed December 10, 2001] Mobile Bussiness

  23. Reference • Voice Extensible Markup Language (VoiceXML) Version 2.0. W3C Working Draft. Available at http://www.w3.org/TR/voicexml20 [Accessed December 10, 2001] • http://www.jsliu.com/DOC/voiceXML.htm • http://www.voicexml.org/ • http://www.voicexmlplanet.com/ • http://www.vxml.org/ • http://www.zvon.org/xxl/VoiceXMLReference/Output/ • http://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.voxpilot.com&sa=l&ai=AhSME7Gk79cey7EookAcWEDYIYmf7B8ow2jgABApTAAthDEQABA&num=1 • http://www.voxpilot.com/ Mobile Bussiness

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