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WIN ERP Accounts and Finance Software gathers financial data from various functional departments and generates valuable financial reports. The financial reports might include Balance Sheet, Trial balance, General Ledgers, Annual Financial Reports, Quarterly Financial Reports, Accounting Statements, Gross Profit Analysis, Branch wise Profit Analysis, Cost Centre wise Analysis, Tax Management, Asset and Depreciation Management, ABC Analysis, and many more. WIN Cloud ERP Finance Management
8/3/2021 Cloud accounting software | cloud Financial Accounting Software | online personal finance software (account- (Lead- (sales- (purchase- (inventory- (cloud- (warehouse- (?xed- ?nance- Account/ Finance management- Pre sales through CRM management- Sales mamagement- Purchase/ Procurement management- Inventory hrm- HR and Payroll management- Warehouse asset- Fixed Assets management.html) system.html) software.html) software.html) software.html) payroll- system.html) management- software.html) software.html) WIN ERP ACCOUNTS AND FINANCE SOFTWARE WIN ERP Accounts and Finance Software gathers ?nancial data from various functional departments and generates valuable ?nancial reports. The ?nancial reports might include Balance Sheet, Trial balance, General Ledgers, Annual Financial Reports, Quarterly Financial Reports, Accounting Statements, Gross Pro?t Analysis, Branch wise Pro?t Analysis, Cost Centre wise Analysis, Tax Management, Asset and Depreciation Management, ABC Analysis and many more. WIN Cloud ERP Finance Management Software has the capability of meeting all the accounting and ?nancial needs of an organization. This Software provides critical business inputs to all related stake holders of the organization. It helps in reviewing the ?nancial position of the company in real time allowing better decision-making and strategic planning. WIN ERP Accounts and Finance Software provides companywide control and integration of ?nancial information. This Software provides the ability to centrally track ?nancial accounting data within a framework of multiple companies, languages and currencies. winerp.co/account-finance-management.html 1/4
8/3/2021 Cloud accounting software | cloud Financial Accounting Software | online personal finance software Features of WIN ERP Accounts and Finance Software: Con?gurable Chart of Accounts Con?gurable COA allows you to choose prede?ned charts of accounts up to 9 levels, which include all basic con?gurations, such as tax codes and ?scal positions. We offer you to de?ne your own chart of accounts too. The chart is used by the accounting software to aggregate information into an entity's ?nancial statements. Financial Transactions Records and maintain ?nancial transactions of your organization in real-time on daily basis and generate ?nancial statements as and when required. This ?nancial accounting Software helps employees to manage data involved in any ?nancial and business transactions in a uni?ed system. Taxation Taxation Software automates compliance within your company’s existing framework that is effective and easy to implement. With TDS, Sales Returns and GST integrations available it’s highly likely this Software will be an integral part of your business. Bank Reconciliation Bank Reconciliation Software automates all of the steps in the bank reconciliation process. It imports data from both ERP or general ledger systems and bank ?les or statements. It then compares account balances and transaction details between these sources, and identi?es any discrepancies so they can be investigated by accounting staff. Period and Year Closing In this a period or year is accounted and the result is posted in next period/ year. Next, auditing, reconciliation, passing of ?nal correction entries and rebuilding of ledger history is carried out. In the last part ?nal closing of the periods and closing the year and archiving of data are done. Multi-Currency Multi-Currency Management automates the process of both buying and selling in foreign currencies. With tracking of default currencies as well as extensive exchange rate tables, manual transactions are reduced. Reports Various reports can be generated in this Software that includes Receipts and Payments, Day Book, Cash/Bank Book, Group Ledger, Ledger Month on Month, Ledger Day wise, Trial Balance, Trial Balance Openings, Pro?t and Loss statements and Balance Sheet. Advantages of WIN ERP Accounts and Finance Software: Manage interactions between the enterprise and any involved product vendor, supplier and service provider. Receive, account for, and manage customer-driven revenue data. Manage and reconcile bank-related records. Index, track, value, and actively manage soft, and hard, assets across the enterprise. winerp.co/account-finance-management.html 2/4
8/3/2021 Cloud accounting software | cloud Financial Accounting Software | online personal finance software Head Of?ce Jayam Nilayam, Hyderabad , Telangana , India. Call Us Mobile: +91-9440806867 Phone: +91- 040-4002 7768 Email info@winerp.co WINERP is a Jayam Solutions (http://www.jayamsolutions.com) product. Jayam Solutions is a leading Software Solutions and Service provider in the Global market providing Business solutions and High-End Technology. Our rich experience of 17 years into product development and maintenance has helped us devise scalable solutions for the smallest of businesses to the largest ones. Mon/Friday 10.00 - 13.00 / 14.00 - 18.00 IMPORTANT LINKS Features (Lead-management-system.html) About Us (about.html) Partners (partners.html) Contact (contact.html) Careers (career.html) Pricing (pricing.html) Site Map Blog (https://win-erp.blogspot.com/) Terms & Condition (terms-and-conditions.html) (images/win-erp-brochure.pdf) winerp.co/account-finance-management.html 3/4
8/3/2021 Cloud accounting software | cloud Financial Accounting Software | online personal finance software SUBSCRIBE WITH US Subscribe with our newsletters and receive news about our discounts. Your Email Here STAY CONNECTED (https://www.linkedin.com/company/winerp/) (https://twitter.com/jayamwinerp) (https://plus.google.com/u/4/114520203777763596134) © 2018 WINERP. All Rights Reserved. winerp.co/account-finance-management.html 4/4