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Complete Payroll Solutions: Win ERP provides end to end cloud-based Human Resource Management Software.Manage a complete employee lifecycle with our cloud HRM Payroll software.Our Complete Payroll Solutions reduce the time you spend on HR management tasks
10/16/2020 Cloud HRM Payroll software | Online Human Resource Software | Complete Payroll Solutions (cloud- (Lead- (sales- (account- (purchase- (inventory- (warehouse- (?xed- hrm- HR and Payroll management- Pre sales through CRM management- Sales ?nance- Account/ Finance mamagement- Purchase/ Procurement management- Inventory management- Warehouse asset- Fixed Assets payroll- system.html) software.html) management.html) software.html) software.html) system.html) management- software.html) software.html) WIN ERP HR AND PAYROLL MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE WIN ERP HR and Payroll Management Software is extremely user-friendly that enables an organization to easily and ?awlessly accomplish the otherwise very di?cult and mundane activity. The Cloud ERP HR & Payroll Software helps in managing employee information and assists in processing payroll. The HR & Payroll Software is further customizable based on speci?c requirements sought by the customers. It comes with HR Dashboards, Employee Tracking and Management, Payroll Management and Structuring, Leave Management and Employee Self Service tabs. WIN ERP HR and Payroll Management Software integrates the HRD with all the other departments of an organization, and uni?es all employee and employee related information that are scattered across the company. Features of WIN ERP HR and Payroll Management Software: HR Dashboard WIN ERP HR and Payroll Management Software provides easy-to-use features for paperless hiring, payroll, timesheets, performance appraisals, HRIS (Human Resource Information Systems) and many more. In dashboard you winerp.co/cloud-hrm-payroll-software.html 1/4
10/16/2020 Cloud HRM Payroll software | Online Human Resource Software | Complete Payroll Solutions can ?nd all essential HR related information gathered visually and assorted in HR metrics. Various graphs and charts include statistical data on number of employees in a company, number of newly hired and ex-workers, working hours and overtimes, vacations days, gender coe?cients by departments, company’s hierarchy. All that data is gathered automatically from respective HR sections, and you just need to select a month for viewing. ERP Payroll Software Different categories of employees work in an organization. They have different components of Earnings and Deductions. Payroll is governed by Statutory Regulations like PF, ESI, and Professional Tax that are subject to change. They also specify a number of mandatory forms that need to be ?led by the employer every month. WIN Cloud ERP Payroll Software gives you the ability to deal with these issues in a simple and automated manner. Leave Management This menu allows admin to set leave policies and create individual records pertaining to leaves. Leave policy framework is maintained and designed for different designations or departments. Management team can review user leave requests. Holiday records can be created and employees can view leaves within a calendar year. Employee Self Service The Employee Self-Service Software offers a range of features that employees can use to update and maintain their information. Some of the common functions and bene?ts are employees can initiate their own change of address and update contact information when it changes. Employees can add new dependents to their bene?ts and can remove dependents that are no longer eligible. Employees can update bene?ciaries in Employee Self-Service and can see various bene?t plans available for them. Employees can also see their job title, supervisor’s name and department information in Employee Self-Service. Advantages of WIN ERP HR and Payroll Management Software: Automated processes save management time and effort that can probably be better spent on more relevant tasks. Enhance sharing of information and collaboration and then compile it into a useable format. Management gains a clearer picture of HR especially on employee resources and shortfalls. Helps maintain up to date data by ensuring that the data is not only correct, but also not duplicated. Helps reduce licensing expenses by setting up costs and maintaining these systems. Head Of?ce Jayam Nilayam, Hyderabad , Telangana , India. Call Us Mobile: +91 9440806867 winerp.co/cloud-hrm-payroll-software.html 2/4
10/16/2020 Cloud HRM Payroll software | Online Human Resource Software | Complete Payroll Solutions Mobile: +91-9440806867 Phone: +91- 040-4002 7768 Email info@winerp.co WINERP is a Jayam Solutions (http://www.jayamsolutions.com) product. Jayam Solutions is a leading Software Solutions and Service provider in the Global market providing Business solutions and High-End Technology. Our rich experience of 17 years into product development and maintenance has helped us devise scalable solutions for the smallest of businesses to the largest ones. Mon/Friday 10.00 - 13.00 / 14.00 - 18.00 IMPORTANT LINKS Features (Lead-management-system.html) About Us (about.html) Partners (partners.html) Contact (contact.html) Careers (career.html) Pricing (pricing.html) Site Map Blog (https://winerp.blogspot.com/) Terms & Condition (terms-and-conditions.html) (images/win-erp-brochure.pdf) winerp.co/cloud-hrm-payroll-software.html 3/4
10/16/2020 Cloud HRM Payroll software | Online Human Resource Software | Complete Payroll Solutions SUBSCRIBE WITH US Subscribe with our newsletters and receive news about our discounts. Your Email Here STAY CONNECTED (https://www.linkedin.com/company/winerp/) (https://twitter.com/jayamwinerp) (https://plus.google.com/u/4/114520203777763596134) © 2018 WINERP. All Rights Reserved. winerp.co/cloud-hrm-payroll-software.html 4/4