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City of Quesnel C ommunity E nergy P lan

City of Quesnel C ommunity E nergy P lan. Putting the pieces together for a Comprehensive Energy & Emissions Plan. A Municipality doing more then meets the eye in Energy & Emissions. -1990 Development of 10 km River front walking/biking trail -1990 Designated an Environmental Committee

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City of Quesnel C ommunity E nergy P lan

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  1. City of QuesnelCommunityEnergyPlan Putting the pieces together for a Comprehensive Energy & Emissions Plan

  2. A Municipality doing more then meets the eye in Energy & Emissions • -1990 Development of 10 km River front walking/biking trail • -1990 Designated an Environmental Committee • -1999 Organized Air Shed round table • -1999 Adopted revised O.C.P. (keeping E&E in mind) • -2000 Implemented Public Transit • -2001 Developed Sustainability Indicator Report • -2002 Power Smart II Pilot Project Community • -2002 Became member of Partners for Climate Protection • -2002 Received Fraser Basin Overall Sustainability Award • -2003 Completed CommunityEnergy Plan • -2003 Vehicle Emissions Testing Clinic

  3. Environmental Committee Members: Industry Citizen at Large Youth Agriculture Commercial Business Local Gov’t Environmental stewards Air shed Round table Members: 6 Industry Health Mun. Gov’t Min. of Hwy Hwy’s Contractor Commercial 2 Enviro. Stewards C.R.D City of Williams Lake City Staff Min. of W,L&AP Community Communication is Key For Standing Committees

  4. Power Smart II Council Members:BIA’s CNC Student Industry Malls Public Works Prov. Gov’t Quesnel Foundation Enviro. Groups Environment Chair City Staff BC Hydro Mayor Sustainability Indicator Team Members: CNC Forest Industry Mining Air Shed Mng RT Special Needs City CAO Metis Assoc Community Futures Health Council Chamber of Commerce Mun. Gov’t Local Indian Bands District Labour Environmental groups Regional Gov’t Economic Dev Corp School District Fraser Basin Council As Well As 2 Pilot Projects Used fryer Grease for diesel? -Just one of Quesnel’s latest potential Pilot Projects in co-operation with EYA/UBC Full Control of Individual Streetlights? -This is a second energy conservation potential project in co-operation with STI technologies. Booth #913 here at the trade show.

  5. Co-operation leads to Accomplishments • Our 10 Km walking/biking Riverfront trail is our Cities most used facility • Our Public Transit system increased rider-ship by 279% in it’s second year, with over 36,000 riders in a community of only 13,000 we are ready to ride • The initial savings of Power Smart II Project has saved the city $920,000 and growing as we continue various retrofits in partnership with Regional District and BC Hydro • The Air Shed Round Table Monitoring System provides Air Quality reports each morning and the Web Cam allows visual tracking of the Particulate, as well as statistical info. • A wood stove exchange program has assisted in reduction of wood smoke • By-laws for emissions standards in new installations of furnaces and boilers will ensure cleaner air in future developments, A no Burning by-law has been in place for some time • Sustainability indicators are allowing each area to take charge of their indicator of responsibility and monitor against past performance • Our OCP provides for public participation in alternative transportation methods • Our project team provided a Power Smart City Hall to ensure we lead by example • Development of a Recycling/Compost program are reducing land fill inputs • Weekly Enviro tips on local Cable by youth student provide continued public guidance

  6. Decreased City Energy means Increased City Synergy • News headlines read “Quesnel receives provincial recognitions for transit success” • News headlines read “Quesnel tops Power Smart II project surpassing targets” • As people walk & bike the trails and streets or ride the bus you can always hear a friendly “Hello” • Energy & Emissions are two topics of interests to citizens as Sustainability becomes a prominent part of our lives.

  7. Less Energy and Less Emissions = Sustainability • Energy retrofits and reductions help mitigate the economic impact on municipal budgets • As respiratory illness increases and health care costs rise emissions reductions are environmentally essential • With the continued increase of gasoline prices and potential privatization of insurance Public transit infra- structure provides an affordable accessible alternative, in turn creating asocially healthy community.

  8. Eco-Value Added • Environmental Actions continue to be monitored by the general public prior to relocating. • Some questions now being asked: • What is the air quality like? What is being done? • What is the water quality like? What safeties are in place? • Are energy efficient practices in place? • Is public transportation available? • Do you have a pedestrian friendly infra-structure? • Does your City have a bicycle trail network? The answer in Quesnel YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES!

  9. What about Co-ordination? • While all the projects that have been undertaken continue to be successful, they were not co-ordinated together in any fashion. • All groups are active but are doing so independently • All groups are working to meet various different targets, although ideally similar in overall outcome • How will we get the community unified in an overall long-term plan as we work to meeting various targets?

  10. BC Energy Aware Committee • With a phone call and an explanation of our present situation the Co-ordination is now well underway • With step by step guidance Odette Brassard of BCEAC soon began the co-ordination for a Community Energy Plan. • $10,000 of funding was provided by the Federal Climate Change Fund matched by $5000 from the City and $5000 from BC hydro Power Smart project

  11. Community Energy Planning • Goals of this plan are: • Establish an advisory team and process • Provide baseline and projection of energy and emissions • Identify sustainable energy actions to manage E&E • Research potential partners for various projects • Establish targets to meet Kyoto targets for 2010 • Develop Community Energy Plan • Designate group for responsibility of CEP • Coordinate multiple activities related to energy • Utilize FCM Green funds to the fullest potential

  12. What do we Know so far? • Quesnel’s energy demands are more diverse than other similar sized communities • Supplies are currently dominated by low-cost natural gas and electricity • Existing initiatives such as Power Smart and BC Transit are already helping to reduce emissions • The Quesnel region is endowed with several sustainable energy opportunities – energy efficiency, low-impact renewable energy, district heating, and sustainable transportation • Community engagement in energy issues has been expanding

  13. Where can you go to find out more? • www.energyaware.bc.ca/tk_cases.htm (Public transit) • www.bctransit.bc.ca (Public transit) • wlapwww.gov.bc.ca/car/ (Air shed management ) • www.climatechangesolutions.com (emissions resources) • www.pembina.org (energy & emissions resources) • www.fraserbasin.bc.ca (sustainability report) • www.bchydro.com (Power Smart program) • www.quesnelinfo.com (City of Quesnel info) No need to re-invent the E&E wheel, Just Get it Turning!

  14. Thank-you and Breath EasyI look forward to your Questions. Councillor Mike Doyle Environmental Chair City of Quesnel

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