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Unit 9 AUTOMOBILE SUSPENSION SYSTEM. 蒋 芳 吴喜骊. Basic Content. Aims and Requirements New Words Phrases and Expressions Notes to the Text Specialized Knowledge Exercises. Aims and Requirements. Describe the functions of suspension system List the components of suspension system

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  2. Basic Content Aims and Requirements New Words Phrases and Expressions Notes to the Text Specialized Knowledge Exercises

  3. Aims and Requirements Describe the functions of suspension system List the components of suspension system List the types of suspension system List the types of springs Describe the parameters of wheel alignment

  4. New Words suspension[sEs5penFEn] n. 悬吊,悬浮,悬挂 roll [rEul] n. 摇晃,摆动 lean [li:n] vi. 倾斜,偏向 strike [straik] vt. 撞击,冲击 bump [bQmp] n. 撞击,肿块 squat [skwCt] v. 蹲坐;n. 蹲坐 tilt [tilt] v.使倾斜,使翘起 dive [daiv] vi. 下潜,俯冲 alignment [E5lainmEnt] n. 队列,调正 knuckle [5nQkl] n. 关节,转向节

  5. New Words visualize [5vizjuElaiz] vt. 形象,想象 swivel [5swivl] v. 旋转 flex [fleks] vi. 折曲,弯曲 bounce [bauns] v.(使)反跳,弹起 sleeve [sli:v] n. 袖子,套筒,衬套 jounce [dVauns] v. 颠簸 rebound [ri5baund] v. 回弹 spiral [5spaiErEl] n. 螺旋 oscillation [7Csi5leiFEn] n. 摆动,振动 hump [hQmp] n. 小圆丘,峰丘

  6. New Words dampen [5dAmpEn] v. 使潮湿,使沮丧 restrain [ris5trein] vt. 抑制,制止

  7. Phrases and Expressions control arm 控制臂 ball joint 球节 shock absorber 减震器 independent suspension 独立悬架 nonindependent suspension 非独立悬架 coil spring 螺旋弹簧 leaf spring 钢板弹簧 torsion bar 扭力弹簧

  8. Notes to the Text [1] The suspension system works with the tires, frame or unit body, wheels, wheel bearings, brake system, and steering system. 悬架系统连同轮胎、车架或车身、车轮、轮轴轴承、制动系统、转向系统一起工作。

  9. Notes to the Text [2] Before discussing each component in detail, you should be able to visualize each major part and how it functions in relation to the other parts. 在详细讨论各个部件之前,你应清楚每一个主要部件的结构,以及它是如何与相关零件一块起作用的。

  10. Notes to the Text [3] Since each wheel is attached to its own suspension unit, movement of one wheel does not cause direct movement of the wheel on the other side of the car. 因为每个车轮都与它自己的悬架单元相连,所以一个车轮的运动不会直接引起另一边车轮的运动。

  11. Notes to the Text [4] Coil springs may be used on either the front or rear of the car. 螺旋弹簧可以用于前悬架或后悬架。 [5] A leaf spring is commonly made of flat plates or strips of spring steel bolted together. 钢板弹簧通常采用螺栓连接的多块平板或带状弹簧钢制成。

  12. Specialized Knowledge Fig.9-1 Elementary parts of suspension system

  13. Specialized Knowledge Fig.9-2 Independent suspension

  14. Specialized Knowledge Fig.9-3 Nonindependent suspension

  15. Specialized Knowledge Fig.9-4 Shock absorber

  16. Specialized Knowledge Fig.9-1 Caster Fig.9-2 Camber

  17. Specialized Knowledge Fig.9-3 Toe

  18. Exercises (1) What are the functions of a suspension system? (2) What are the components of a suspension system? (3) How does the independent suspension work? (4) How does the nonindependent suspension work? (5) How many types do the suspension system springs have? What are they?

  19. Exercises (6) Why does the suspension system need shock absorbers? (7) How do the shock absorbers work? (8) How is the coil spring made of? (9) How does the torsion bar work? (10) Can you describe the construction of the coil-spring suspension system?

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