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Coding:. SQL S tructured Q uery L anguage. SQL. Select command. Employee:. SELECT ID,ENAME, BDATE,SALARY,DNO FROM Employee;. Query result. The Where condition. Employee:. SELECT ID,ENAME, BDATE,SALARY,DNO FROM Employee WHERE Salary >=1000;. Query result. SELECT Statement.
Coding: SQL Structured Query Language Dr. Mohamed Hegazi
SQL Dr. Mohamed Hegazi
Select command Employee: SELECT ID,ENAME, BDATE,SALARY,DNO FROM Employee; Query result Dr. Mohamed Hegazi
The Where condition Employee: SELECT ID,ENAME, BDATE,SALARY,DNO FROM Employee WHERE Salary >=1000; Query result Dr. Mohamed Hegazi
SELECT Statement • SQL has one basic statement for retrieving information from the database: SELECT statement • In the SELECT statement, users specify what the result of the query should be SELECT Basic Syntax SELECT <attribute list> FROM <table list> [WHERE <condition>] ; <attribute list> is a list of attribute names whose values are to be retrieved by the query (or * for all attribute) <table list> is a list of relation names required to process the query <condition> is a conditional (Boolean) expression that identifies the tuples to be retrieved by the query Dr. Mohamed Hegazi
Selection Example List the last names of employees working in department number 3. SELECT ENAME FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE Dno = 3 Query result Dr. Mohamed Hegazi
Selection Example 1. List the all data of employees who work in department 3 and earn over 1000, or work in department 1 and earn over 1100. SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE (Dno =3 and Salary > 1000) or (Dno = 1 and Salary > 1100); 2. List the Enames of employees who work in department 3 and earn over 1000, or work in department 1 and earn over 1000. SELECT EName FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE (Dno =3 and Salary > 1000) or (Dno = 1 and Salary > 1100); Query result Dr. Mohamed Hegazi
Selection Example - Multiple Tables • List the Enames of employees working in the “Research” department. Department: Employee: Query result SELECT ENAME FROM EMPLOYEE, DEPARTMENT WHERE Dno= Dnumber and Dname = “Research”; Dr. Mohamed Hegazi
Distinct • List the DNO from employees Query result Employee: SELECT DNO FROM EMPLOYEE; SELECT DISTICT DNO FROM EMPLOYEE; Query result Dr. Mohamed Hegazi
LIKE {%,-} List the Enames and the salary of employees in whish the first letter of his name is A Employee: SELECT ename, salary FOM EMPLOYEE WHERE ename LIKE ‘A%’; Query result SELECT ename, salary FOM EMPLOYEE WHERE ename LIKE ‘%a’; Query result Dr. Mohamed Hegazi
Data Manipulation Language(DML) UPDATE INSERT UPDATE tatement is used to modify attribute values of one or more selected tuples in a relation INSERT statement is used to add tuples to an existing relation DELETE DELETE statement is used to remove existing tuples from a relation Dr. Mohamed Hegazi
INSERT Example(1):(without attribute name); INSERT INTO EMP VALUES(108,’MOHAMED’, MUSCAT,1000,2); Example(2):(with attribute name); INSERT INTO EMP (ID,ENAME,ADDRESS,SALARY,DPNO) VALUES(108,’MOHAMED’, ‘MUSCAT’,1000,2); Example(3):(some of attribute ); INSERT INTO EMP (ENAME,ID) VALUES(’MOHAMED’, 108); Example(4):(NULL value); INSERT INTO EMP VALUES(108,’MOHAMED’, NULL,1000,2); INSERT Syntax INSERT INTO <table name> [(< column name> {, <column name> })] (VALUES (< constant value>, {,< constant value> })| <select statement>); Dr. Mohamed Hegazi
DELETE Example(1): DELETE FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE DNO = 5; Example(2): DELETE FROM EMPLOYEE; OR: DELETE * FROM EMPLOYEE DELETE Syntax: DELETE FROM <table name> [WHERE <select condition>]; NOTE: A single DELETE statement may delete zero, one, several or all tuples from a table Dr. Mohamed Hegazi
UPDATE Example (1): UPDATE EMP SET SALARY = SALARY * 1. 1 WHERE ENAME = ‘AHMED’; Example (2): UPDATE EMP SET SALARY = SALARY * 12 ; UPDATE Syntax: UPDATE <table name> SET <column name> = <value expression> {, <column name> = <value expression>} [WHERE <select condition>]; Dr. Mohamed Hegazi
Data Definition Language (DDL) DROP CREATE ALTER DROP TABLEDelete table: – Drops all constraints defined on the table – Deletes all tuples within the table – Removes the table definition from the system catalog CREATE TABLE statement creates a new relation, by specifying its name, attributes and constraints, and records the table definition in the system catalog ALTER TABLE is used for schema evolution. - a table created using the CREATE TABLE command, can be changed using the ALTER TABLE command Dr. Mohamed Hegazi
CREATE Example: CREATE TABLE EMPLOYEE (ID CHAR (9) PRIMARY KEY, ENAME VARCHAR (15) NOT NULL, BDATE DATE, ADDRESS VARCHAR (30), SALARY DECIMAL (10, 2), DNO INT NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE Syntax CREATE TABLE <table name> (< column name> <column type>[< attribute constraint>] [< table constraint> {, <table constraint>} ] ); Dr. Mohamed Hegazi
ALTER Adding or dropping constraints Adding or dropping a column: Changing a column definition Example (1) (add column) ALTER TABLE EMP ADD JOB VACHAR2(12); NOTE:To add an attribute (Value in all tuples will be initially NULL, so NOT NULL cannot be specified) Example (2) (delete column) ALTER TABLE EMP DROP JOB; Example ALTER TABLE EMP MODIFY ID CHAR(10); Dr. Mohamed Hegazi
DROP TABLE Drop table syntax: DROP TABLE <table name> Example: DROP TABLE EMPLOYEE; Dr. Mohamed Hegazi