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The Mexican National Era

The Mexican National Era. Settlement in Texas. Failure of Spain. The mission system Spain had used to colonize Texas had very limited success. The Native Americans in Texas refused to give up their lifestyles and adopt the Spanish culture.

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The Mexican National Era

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  1. The Mexican National Era Settlement in Texas

  2. Failure of Spain • The mission system Spain had used to colonize Texas had very limited success. • The Native Americans in Texas refused to give up their lifestyles and adopt the Spanish culture. • Spain then tried to bring in colonists from other territories, but there was simply too much land.

  3. France Leaves • Napoleon was trying to establish France’s domination over Europe • He gave up his claims in the New World to Spain • After years of fighting in Europe, France wanted its land back only to sell it to the US (Louisiana Purchase) for $15 million

  4. Spain Worries • While France had been in the New World it had prevented the movement of Americans into Spanish controlled land. • After the Louisiana purchase that threat became a reality. • Spanish citizens in Mexico were also becoming upset with the Spanish government

  5. Father Hidalgo • Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla – not the same priest who worked with the Caddo • This Hidalgo was a local parish priest in Mexico who worked hard to help his people become self sufficient • After years of being oppressed (treated harshly and given few freedoms) Hidalgo called for Mexican independence from Spain

  6. Grito de Dolores • In September of 1810 Father Hidalgo gathered his parishioners and gave a speech that ignited the Mexican fight for independence • Hidalgo was captured by the Spanish army in 1811 and sent to Mexico City where he was executed. • His efforts were not in vain – the Mexican people continued to fight and won their independence in 1821

  7. Mexican Fight for Independence • After the death of Father Hidalgo many others took up his cause • Jose Bernardo Gutierrez and Augustus Magee organized the Republic of the North and declared Texas independent of Spain • Although they were quickly defeated their efforts encouraged others to fight to free Mexico and Texas from Spain

  8. Mexican Fight for Independence • After the failed Gutierrez-Magee Expedition – Dr. James Long lead a group into Texas from Mississippi and captured Nacogdoches • The group continued to San Antonio and proclaimed Texas free and independent from Spain • The Spanish Army responded swiftly and defeated the Long expedition

  9. Mexico is Free • After years of revolutionary war Mexico won its independence in 1821 • Now Mexico attempts to settle Texas by allowing Anglo colonization of the area

  10. Empresarios • Land in the newly formed United States was expensive • Land in the Texas was cheap • The Spanish government wanted the land settled to establish its claim • The Spanish government agreed to allow Anglos (from the US) to bring in settlers

  11. Moses Austin • Having gained and lost a fortune in the US – Moses Austin was hoping to regain his wealth by bringing settlers from the US into Texas • Moses Austin – with the help from prominent Spanish citizen, Erasmo Seguin, gained approval from the Spanish government in 1820 to bring 300 families into Texas.

  12. Stephen F Austin • Before he could fulfill his contract Moses Austin died • His son, Stephen, agreed to carryout his fathers dream • He met with the newly formed Mexican government and gained approval to bring the 300 families to Texas

  13. Stephen F Austin • Austin gathered his families and in 1821 settled them along the Brazos, Colorado, and San Bernard Rivers • Each family Austin brought had to • agree to adopt the Catholic faith • Become first Spanish (when Mexico and Texas belonged to Spain) and then Mexican citizens • Be in good standing with the community

  14. Other Empresarios • After the success of Stephen F Austin, others decided to make their fortune by bringing Anglo settlers into Mexico • Soon the cheap land became home to numerous Anglos who had made promises they were not keeping • Mexico was in danger of losing Texas

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