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How Can We Save Money?. A Department for Education guide to help your school save money. Government White Paper (point 8.23). It is important that schools should be able to make savings on procurement and back office spend in order to invest resources in teaching and learning.
How Can We Save Money? A Department for Education guide to help your school save money
Government White Paper (point 8.23) • It is important that schools should be able to make savings on procurement and back office spend in order to invest resources in teaching and learning. • The Spending Review announcement said that schools should be able to save at least £1 billion in these areas by 2014–15. To assist in this we will • signpost best deals • provide financial and procurement information and tools • work with schools and partners to improve procurement practice With this help schools should achieve: • financial savings • carbon reductions via energy savings
BuyWays • http://www.buyways.co.uk • This is the DfE’s procurement e-learning system which can be used as an introduction for school staff new to a purchasing role or as a handy refresher for more experienced buyers. • All schools users can access BuyWays free of charge
Assess your spend • Value for money self-assessment tool - http://www.schoolresources.audit-commission.gov.uk/ • Keep a log of your contract expiry dates – this will help you to plan future spend • Benchmark https://sfb.teachernet.gov.uk/Login.aspx • Talk to other schools – collaborate
Department for Education information • A variety of procurement information and good practice for School Business Managers: • http://www.education.gov.uk/schools/adminandfinance/procurement • Admin & Finance – Procurement • Leadership and Governance • Initiatives and Tools
Helpful organisations Pro5, other Public Sector Buying Organisations (PSBOs) and Buying Solutions, can: • Help schools achieve best value • Provide framework contracts which have been procured professionally • Offer links to thousands of suppliers www.buyingsolutions.gov.ukwww.pro5.org
The Pro5www.pro5.org West Mercia Supplies (WMS) http://www.westmerciasupplies.co.uk/ Multi-Functional Device Advice Utilities Advice • Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation(ESPO)www.espo.org • www.espodirectdealing.org • Framework Contracts • Energy • ICT Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation (YPO) www.ypo.co.uk Contracts Sustainability Energy Central Buying Consortium (CBC) http://www.cbconline.org.uk/ The largest local authority purchasing consortium in the UK which is madeup of 17 LAs. North Eastern Purchasing Organisation (NEPO) http://www.nepoportal.org/
Ensure your procurement is SUPERB Seek advice from your Local Authority Use pre-existing frameworks and contracts set up by PSBOs or your LA Pay only for what you have specifically ordered and that has been deliveredExtra care needs to be taken with leases – know the difference between operating and finance leases, especially with MFDs and check every lease with your LA before signing Remember, never sign any incomplete agreement Be familiar with, and never breach, the Financial Regulations in your LA and remember that for purchases with a value above the EU thresholds you must use the OJEU tendering process.
Other useful links • www.direct.gov.uk - the official UK government website for citizens • http://www.cpc.salford.ac.uk/ - the further education purchasing consortium which can be used for sixth form expenditure. • www.idea.gov.uk/idk/core/page.do?pageId=1589595 - This procurement management resource on the LG Improvement and Development website has been designed specifically to meet the needs of the local government procurement community. It contains a range of guidance and good practice on all aspects of procurement. • www.procurexnational.co.uk - Procurex National 2011, which takes place on 8-9 March 2011, is one of the UK’s leading events designed specifically for professionals engaged directly in or associated with procurement from both the public and private sectors. It is free to attend and will feature over 60 training workshops, conference speakers and over 100 exhibitors. • www.publicprocurementshow.com - The Public Procurement Show, on 14-15 June 2011 at the EXCel, London is free. It provides visitors with a educational seminars, conference features and suppliers.
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