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DCRUST B.Tech Admission 2017 has been started. For admissions, counselling, and any queries contact @ 91-9312650500, 91-9311707000.
B.Tech Colleges in Delhi NCR DCRUST B.TECH ADMISSION 2017-2021 Universitys’ mission is to achieve excellence in education and research in main and related areas of Applied Science, Engineering, Technology, Architecture, Management and Healthcare and to occupy a place of pride amongst the most eminent organizations of the world.
ABOUT DCRUST MURTHAL B.TECH FindingIndiatobeattheforefrontoftheworldwiderace, engineeringfacultiesinIndiahavegerminatedmanifold. AndduringthisthoroughgoinglistDCRUST (DheenbandhuChotuRamUniversityofScienceand technology) havelapidariananineradicablemarkwithits setofengineeringcentresandcoursesinoftechnical education. DCRUSTisaHaryanaStateTechnicalUniversity whichisfoundinMurthal.
To facilitate and promote studies and research in emerging areas of higher education with focus on new frontiers of Science, Engineering, Technology, Architecture & Management, leading to evolution of enlightened technocrats, innovators, scientists, leaders and entrepreneurs who will contribute to national growth in particular and to international community as a whole. VISION To facilitate and promote studies and research in emerging areas of higher education with focus on new frontiers of Science, Engineering, Technology, Architecture & Management, leading to evolution of enlightened technocrats, innovators, scientists, leaders and entrepreneurs who will contribute to national growth in particular and to international community as a whole. MISSION
THE UNIVERSITY OFFERS 4-YEAR B.TECH DEGREE COURSE IN SIX DISCIPLINES ComputerScience InformationTechnology Electronics & InstrumentationControl Electronics & Communication Engineering ElectricalEngineering MechanicalEngineering
ADDMISSION Admission to B.Tech and M.Tech are done through entrance examination. The admission to undergraduate courses of B.Tech to colleges are done through entrance examination and direction method. Every state have its own entrance examination as an example, for change of integrity into IPU Delhi, there will be separate entrance test. In LPU Punjab, one should clear LPUNEST entrance
CAREER SCOPE Engineersareextremelydemandedeverywhere intheworld. TheEngineeringstudyinIndiahave rapidlyincreasedfrompastdays. TheEngineering isamostsuitablechoicetosettleonandbuildit asacareer
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Candidateshouldbe10thpassedoutwith minimum50% aggregateandhe/ shemustbe 12thpassedoutinmedicalornon-medical streamwithmin. 50% aggregate. Diplomainengineeringholdersalsowillbe eligibletotakeupB.Techandthattheyare havinglateralentrythatistheywillget admissiononto2ndyear DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR ADMISSION 10th + 12th (3yearsDiplomainEngineering) MarksCardCopy AnyIdProof (Voter, Adhaar, DL) 5passportsizephotosandrelateddocuments.
CONTACT US C - 3 9 , 3 R DF L O O R , M I L A PN A G A R , E A S TU T T A M N A G A R . N E WD E L H I , D E L H I - 1 1 0 0 5 9 L A N D M A R K : N E A RT OH I M A L Y AS A G A R R E S T A U R A N T . T E L : 0 9 3 1 1 7 0 7 0 0 0 , 0 9 3 1 2 6 5 0 5 0 0 , 0 9 5 4 0 7 0 7 0 0 0 , 0 9 7 1 8 7 0 7 0 0 0 , 0 7 8 3 8 7 0 7 0 0 0 E M A I L : W I N S O F T . E D U C A T I O N @ G M A I L . C O M We Winsoft Education Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (WET) are admission consultant in Delhi for DCRUST MURTHAL B.Tech Admission 2017201820192020. YMCA University B.Tech Counselling 2017201820192020 are going to held soon, you must hurry up to book your seats. WINSOFT EDUCATION TECHNOLOGIES Pvt. Ltd.