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FGM and Safeguarding Women and Children in London

FGM and Safeguarding Women and Children in London. Jennifer Bourne RGN, Queens Nurse CNS for FGM Services ONEL Community Services. Orient Medical Practice 75 Oliver Road, Leyton, E10 5LG Tel: 020 8430 7382 Email: jennifer.bourne@wf-pct.nhs.uk.

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FGM and Safeguarding Women and Children in London

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  1. FGM and Safeguarding Women and Children in London Jennifer Bourne RGN, Queens Nurse CNS for FGM Services ONEL Community Services. Orient Medical Practice 75 Oliver Road, Leyton, E10 5LG Tel: 020 8430 7382 Email: jennifer.bourne@wf-pct.nhs.uk

  2. Why do we need to Safeguard Girls and Women from FGM ? FGM is recognised internationally as a violation of the human rights of girls and women. FGM constitutes child abuse and causes physical, psychological and sexual harm which is life long. FGM is performed on a child who is unable to resist or give informed consent FGM is illegal in the UK.

  3. Safeguarding Girls Pan London Procedures Provide guidance for professionals. Identify when a child may be at risk of FGM and how to respond appropriately Identify when a child has been subjected to FGM Outline measures which can be implemented to prevent and ultimately eradicate FGM

  4. Safeguarding There are 3 circumstances relating to FGM which require identification and intervention Where a child is identified at risk Where a child has been abused through FGM Where a prospective mother has undergone FGM

  5. Safeguarding Girls • Any information or concern that a child is at immediate risk of FGM should result in a child protection referral to LA children’s social care • Referrals are dealt with as s.47 enquiries • 1st strategy meeting to be held within 2 days of receiving referral • 2nd strategy meeting must be held in 10 days • Primary focus is to prevent the child undergoing FGM

  6. Safeguarding Girls Contd. • Girls who have had FGM and have been in UK since legislation passed should be referred to Police CAIT. • A referral must be made to social care where there are other girls within the extended family at risk. • A health assessment should always be offered to ensure the girl has any appropriate health care provided and a health care plan put in place. This may include referral to the CAMHS service

  7. What has worked in Waltham Forest? African Well Womens Service provides dedicated services for women and girls. It has been established for 10 years Local SCB Procedures launched in 2006 FGM working group as part of the LSCB Ongoing Training for professionals Close working with leads from midwifery and children’s services Midwives identifying women at booking and making referral to Children’s Services Prevention work is begun before the woman delivers

  8. What has worked in Waltham Forest ? Links with local schools and education leads for Safeguarding Youth worker in schools to raise awareness with young people and education staff Multi Agency approach is essential AWWS team have close working links with Project Azure and Forward UK Working with local communities to raise awareness and support women and families.

  9. Resources for professionals: London Safeguarding Children Board FGM Resource Pack Pan London FGM Supplementary Procedures Cross Government Coordinator for FGM Forward UK Resources :- Information Support & Services Guide for YP London Peer Study. “FGM is always with us” Prevalence Study for England and Wales

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