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AIP—Math October 28 th , 2010 PROFESSIONAL COLLABORATION. GOAL: Data Informed Strategic Instructional Focus. Objective : Teachers will DETERMINE THE January-March 2011 AIP Strategic MATH STANDARDS to analyze and list HANDS ON Activities. 4 SIMPLE STEPS.
AIP—Math October 28th, 2010PROFESSIONAL COLLABORATION GOAL: Data Informed Strategic Instructional Focus Objective: Teachers will DETERMINE THE January-March 2011 AIP Strategic MATH STANDARDS to analyze and list HANDS ON Activities
4 SIMPLE STEPS • Step 1: I.D. 3 Strategic Standards (20 minutes) • Step 2: Correlate/Match to current grade level standards (20 minutes) • Step 3: Collaborate listing “hands-on” activities to teach each strategic standard (30-40 minutes) • Step 4: Determine/List material needed for at least one strategic standard 10 minutes)
BIG IDEA The reason you are here today; * TIME to focus, * TIME to plan, * TIME to collaborate “One must learn by doingthe thing; for though you think you know it you have no certainty, until you try it.” –Sophocles
RECORDER AND REPORTER Please choose a RECORDER from your grade level team to note your responses and to REPORT collaboration notes CHART PAPER: Summarize & Report out
Step 1: Identify the 3 strategic standards • Use the data • Focal Standards Benchmark 1 & 2 • Benchmark 3 • Use the California CST Blueprints
Example: Identify 3 Strategic Standards 1. 1st GRADE [Number Sense 1.4]—“ Count and group objects in ones and tens (e.g., three groups of 10 and 4 equals 34, or 30 +4)” 2. 1st GRADE [Number Sense 2.3]—“Identify one more than, one less than, 10 more than, and 10 less than a given number.” 3. 5th GRADE [Algebra and Functions 1.2 ]—“ Use a letter to represent an unknown number; write and evaluate simple algebraic expressions in one variable by substitution”
How did I do? Did I explain well? What is the first step? Hint, “We will identify …” What data will you use to do the first step? What other information will you use to help you complete the first step?
Step 2: EXAMPLE: Correlate the strategic standards from last year’s benchmarks to this year’s standards. 1stGRADE [Number Sense 1.4]—“ Count and group objects in ones and tens (e.g., three groups of 10 and 4 equals 34, or 30 +4)” • CORRELATION: 2nd Grade [Number Sense 1.2]—Use words, models, and expanded form (e.g., 45 = 4 tens + 5) to represent numbers to 1,000) 1stGRADE [Number Sense 2.3]—“Identify one more than, one less than, 10 more than, and 10 less than a given number.” • CORELATION: 2nd Grade [Number Sense 1.3]—“Order and compare whole numbers to 1,000 by using symbols <, =, >”
Correlation Example Continued 5th GRADE [Algebra and Functions 1.2 ]—“ Use a letter to represent an unknown number; write and evaluate simple algebraic expressions in one variable by substitution” BLENDED CORRELATION • CORRELATION: 6th Grade [Algebra and Functions 1.1 1.2]—Write and solve one step linear equations in one variable & Write and evaluate an algebraic expression for a given situation, using up to three variables.
How did I do? Did I explain? What is the 2nd Step you are going to complete? Hint, “We are going to ____________ the strategic standards from last year’s benchmark results to this ____________ standards”. What form/information are you going to use to correlate?
Practice Correlating: Try these in your groups 2nd Grade: 1st Grade Number Sense 2.1 “addition facts and corresponding subtraction facts to 20” correlates to 2nd grade— ??? 3rd Grade: 2nd Grade Numbers Sense 2.2 “Sum or difference of two whole numbers up to three digits long” correlates to 3rd grade—??? 4th Grade: 3rd grade Number Sense 2.1 “…sum or difference of two whole numbers between 0-10,000” correlates to 4th grade—??? 5th Grade: 4th grade Number Sense 2.1 “… Estimate and compute the sum or difference of whole numbers and positive decimals to two places” correlates to 5th grade—??? 6th Grade: 5th grade Number Sense 2.1 “Add, subtract, multiply, and divide with decimals…” to 6th grade—???
CORRELATIONS 2nd Grade: (1stGrade Number Sense 2.1 )—2nd grade Number Sense 2.2 “…sum or difference of two wh0le numbers up to three digits long” 3rd Grade: (2nd Grade Numbers Sense 2.2)—3rd grade Number Sense 2.1 “…sum or difference of two whole numbers between 0-10,000 4th Grade: (3rd grade Number Sense 2.1)—4th grade Number Sense 2.1 “… Estimate and compute the sum or difference of whole numbers and positive decimals to two places”. 5th Grade: (4th grade Number Sense 2.1)—5th grade Number Sense 2.1 “Add, subtract, multiply, and divide with decimals; add w/negative integers; subtract positive integers from negative integers…” 6th Grade: (5th grade Number Sense 2.1)—6thgrade Number Sense 2.3 “Solve addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems including those arising in concrete situations, that use + and – integers and combinations…”
Complete Step 3: Correlate/Match the 3 Strategic Standards 15 MINUTES SUMMARIZE NOTES
STEP 3: Collaborate on strategies to teach each standard (Hands On) Examples: (6th grade A & F 1.1) “Write and solve one step linear equations in one variable” i.e. Solve 2x = 5using a balance • http://www.teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=49679 • Electronic Version: http://nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/frames_asid_201_g_4_t_2.html?open=instructions • http://www.teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=196110
1st Strategic Standard: 9 MINUTESCollaborate to develop/discuss hands on activities
2nd Strategic Standard: 9 MINUTESCollaborate to develop/discuss hands on activities
3rd Strategic Standard: 9 MINUTESCollaborate to develop/discuss hands on activities
EXTEND/DEVELOP ONE IDEA FURTHER FOR EXAMPLE: 6th Grade California Standard 1.2 Write and evaluate an algebraic expression for a given situation, using up to three variables. Budgeting 101: Stay within budget. CLASSROOM FLOOR DECORATORS: Most of the decorators complete work within a budget. A teacher has recommended to the principal that instead of all new carpet, that linoleum or tile be placed in the classroom. WIDTH (W)The principal has budgeted $1,500 for the carpet in the classroom . The decorators measuring fee is $100.00. The cost of carpet per square feet (S) will equal to the budget (B) – Measuring Fee (M)/Carpet Area (A) OR S = B-M/A If the total budget for the carpet is $1,500 (B) and the area is 300 square feet (A) how much will each square foot cost ? Length (L) S = 1,500-100/300= $4.66 Try this one: Measure the carpet area from your classroom and calculate how much it would cost per square foot with a $50.00 measuring fee. Try this one: The principal needs your help… He needs to purchase new linoleum for the cafeteria, but does not have the time to calculate the cost. He has $5,000 allocated to for it. How much can he spend per square foot. Your measuring fee will be 100.00. Create an algebraic expression and solve for the amount each square foot will cost minus your measuring fee. What will the equation look like? Once the principal has the amount he may spend per square foot he may shop around to determine the quality of linoleum and work within his budget. --What other areas may need repair? Sidewalk? Playground area? Carpet Area (A) Tile or Linoleum
STEP 4: List Material Needed—Focus on 1 Standard Algebra tiles Balance Measuring tape ….. 15 MINUTES
WHATS NEXT? JANUARY 5th • RESOURCES TO HELP A. Harcourt Brace Textbook Standard Indexed B. Standard Based AIP Pacing Guide by grade level C. Possible STANDARDS PLUS material for 1 FOCUS • Multiple Representation Strategy by grade level