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The Republic of ICELAND

The Republic of ICELAND. Background Information. Population: 313,000 Capital: Reykjavik 103,000 Sq. km (about the size of Kentucky) Life Expectancy: 81 Literacy Rate: 99.6% Language: Icelandic, English, Nordic Languages, German.

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The Republic of ICELAND

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  1. The Republic of ICELAND

  2. Background Information • Population: 313,000 • Capital: Reykjavik • 103,000 Sq. km (about the size of Kentucky) • Life Expectancy: 81 • Literacy Rate: 99.6% • Language: Icelandic, English, Nordic Languages, German. • Major Natural Resources: fish, hydropower, geothermal power, diatomite (and other precious metals) • The “Althing” 930 was the worlds first Parliament

  3. National Symbols

  4. Political • Constitutional Republic(representative democracy) • Gained Independence from Denmark June 17th 1944 • Civil Law system based on Danish model • -Chief of State: President (OlafurRagnarGrimsson) • -Head of Government: Prime Minister (Johanna SIGURDARDOTTIR) • Legislative: Unicameral Parliament 63 seats (largest party “Social Democratic”) • Judicial: Supreme Court, Justices appointed by President for life. • No standing military (rely on NATO/U.S.)

  5. Economic • Social market system combines free market capitalism with democratic socialism. • Has extremely even distribution of wealth. • $38,000 per capita income average • Major industries include fish processing; aluminum smelting, ferrosilicon production; geothermal power, hydropower, tourism. • Currency: Icelandic Kronur 117:1 U.S.Dollars

  6. Religious • Lutheran Church of Iceland (official) 80.7%, • Roman Catholic 2.5%, other or unspecified 16.8% • Strong Nordic/Viking tradition of Mysticism.

  7. Social/Cultural • Have a strong passion for independence and self-sufficiency. • Nordic and Viking mysticism strongly believed in by Icelanders, a 2005 poll showed that a majority of Icelanders believes in elves or are unwilling to rule out their existence. • Soccer, handball, chess, fishing, and horseback riding are the most common hobbies.

  8. Intellectual/Artistic • Iceland has had a strong literature tradition since the 12th century. • 1955 Halldor Laxness won Nobel Prize in literature for his work writing poetic sagas (a popular style of Icelandic literature) • Icelandic art has been built on northern European traditions and was influenced in particular by the unique Icelandic landscape as well as by Icelandic mythology and culture. • Their Architecture is world renowned for modernism and environmental efficiency.

  9. VigdísFinnbogadóttir was the world’s first democratically elected female head of state (she was president of Iceland from 1980 - 1996).-Current Prime Minister is Female • Has the highest gender equality in the world, demonstrated by near identical wage earning rates and high level positions held. • Interesting Fact: Icelanders drink more Coca-Cola per capita than any other nation.

  10. Current P.M. First Female Head of State Most advanced power generation system in world

  11. Works Cited • https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ic.html • http://www.iceland.is/iceland-abroad/un/nyc/ • http://www.iceland.is/ • http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/3396.htm • http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/country_profiles/1025288.stm • http://travel.nationalgeographic.com/travel/countries/iceland-facts/ • *All images are either from the above sources or Google images.

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