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Auditors’ report. Marianne Grove Ditlevsen Aarhus School of Business Tartu 2000.
Auditors’ report Marianne Grove Ditlevsen Aarhus School of Business Tartu 2000
”At their annual general meeting, all companies have to appoint auditors who are responsible for reporting to the shareholders on whether the accounts have been prepared in accordance with the Companies Act and the appropriate accounting standards, and whether the accounts give a ”true and fair view” of the state of affairs of the company (and of the group, if relevant) and of the profit.” (Laidler & Donaghy 1998: 35) Auditors' report
Format and contentof audit reports • An identification of the report’s addressee(s) • An identification of the financial statements audited • Separate sections dealing with: • Respective responsibilities of directors and auditors • The basis of the auditors’ opinion • The auditors’ opinion on the financial statements • The signatures of the auditors • The date of the audit report (Pendlebury & Groves 1999: 96) Auditors' report
Assignment • Where do you find the basic elements in the auditors’ reports? • How are they expressed linguistically? • Please contrast your findings for each report! Auditors' report
”Die Buchführung und der Jahresabschluß entsprechen / Der Konzernabschluß entspricht nach meiner / unserer pflicht-gemäßen Prüfung den gesetzlichen Vorschriften. Der Jahres-abschluß / Konzernabschluß vermittelt unter Beachtung der Grundsätze ordnungsmäßiger Buchführung ein den tatsäch-lichen Verhältnissen entsprechendes Bild der Vermögens-, Finanz- und Ertragslage der Kapitalgesellschaft / des Kon-zerns. Der Lagebericht / Konzernlagebericht steht im Ein-klang mit dem Jahresabschluß / Konzernabschluß.” (From: HGB 322(1)) Auditors' report
Small group discussion • Which translation strategy would be appropriate? • Please take into consideration the pros and cons of the discussed strategies! Auditors' report
”At first glance the auditors’ report, in view of its importance, the amount of work involved and the size of the fees incurred, is extremely brief. However, this is because the report itself follow a set formula which does not describe in detail the work involved in reaching the opinion expressed.” (Laidler & Donaghy 1998: 35-36) Auditors' report
Opinion • Unqualified opinion • Qualified opinion – disagreement • Qualified opinion – adverse opinion • Qualified opinion – except for limitation of scope • Disclaimer of opinion (Pendlebury & Groves 1999: 97) Auditors' report