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Section 1.3

Section 1.3. Scientific Method. Objectives. Identify the common steps of scientific method Compare and contrast types of data Compare and contrast types of variables Describe the difference between a theory and a scientific law. The Scientific Method. Systematic study

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Section 1.3

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Section 1.3 Scientific Method

  2. Objectives • Identify the common steps of scientific method • Compare and contrast types of data • Compare and contrast types of variables • Describe the difference between a theory and a scientific law

  3. The Scientific Method • Systematic study • Method of verification

  4. Steps of the Scientific Method • State the problem/purpose • Make observations • Develop a hypothesis • Conduct an experiment • Collect data • Draw a conclusion

  5. Hypothesis • Testable predication • Based on observations • Tentative explanation of events

  6. Experiments • Controlled observations that test hypothesis • Carefully plan & conduct • Test one variable at a time

  7. Qualitative Data • The five senses • Quantitative Data • Numerical information

  8. Qualitative or Quantitative? • It is yellow • It boils at 123C • It smells pungent • Its density is 2.26 g/cm3

  9. Variables • Independent • What you change • Should be the only thing affecting the dependent variable • Dependent • What you measure • Changes in response to independent variable

  10. Control • Standard for comparison • Helps you understand the behavior of variables

  11. Conclusion • Analyze the data • Apply to hypothesis • Make a judgment based on findings

  12. Hypothesis: Never proven, only supported data • Theory: Supported by many, many experiments • Scientific Law: a relationship in nature that has never been disproven

  13. Homework • Scientific Method Worksheets

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