Provider Outbound Malang Traveling to the city of Stone is the tour to pamper you with panoramic views, as well as the many attractions there. Towering mountains, green fields and plantations, and the air was still very beautiful it offers relaxation for boredomfrom your routine. abundant natural resources also Batu advanced in almost all bidangm, one in the field of tourism. Tourism in Batu extremely varied, from which brought the concept of agrotourism, beautiful nature, but also a trip artificial as a playground and water park. Kind of has a unique character, which offers a variety of travel experiences. travel-tourism is a concept that nature reap tourist village, bath and travel pieces. tourist village which can refresh you're a tourist village farmer and tourist villages Temas Kungkuk. Two tourist village serves exotic natural beauty of the landscape. In the tourist village complete travel packages that are available, such as planting traveling, camping, as well as provider outbound Malang. Malang travel out of the trip was a lot of interest in the tourist village, because jobs are fun and provide positive feedback for you. Malang outbound usually wear open space big enough or camping ground and also be used as an outbound or more private location with a more solid material. Well besides the beautiful tourist village, Batu Malang travel out too often found in the bathroom Songgoriti, Cangar, Rais and Coban Coban Rondo. All sights are still beautiful nature and not contaminated. You can use outbound activities Malang not only as a means of entertainment or travel alone, but is useful as a means of self-development or improvement of the quality of human resources as well. Outbound is also an activity that is suitable for filling family gatherings, reunions or events together. Not only formal matter only given in the show, but also the material in the form of exciting games and a burning passion. Information and reservation: Web : www.wisataoutboundmalang.com Email : wisata_outbound@yahoo.co.id