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Kanada - Waterton Lakes (Tom Bares)

Kanada - NP Waterton Lakes (Tom Bares) - soubor 97<br><br>Tento narodni park je vlastne malou soucasti americkeho narodniho parku Glacier ve state Montana; Middle Waterton Lake a budova hotelu Prince of Wales; Hotel Prince of Wales je historicka pamatka z r.1926; Z vystupu na medvedi skalu; Vzadu Middle, vpravo Upper Waterton Lake; Upper Waterton Lake - vzadu uz je USA; Typicky zlaty strom topol osika; Cameron Lake jak jsme ho videli ...; ...a Cameron Lake jak jsme ho meli videt; Po vanici ... music: Jeff Newmann -- Glacier Bay<br><br>Download pps: www.wistarie.net/kategorie/serie-z-cest-tb

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Kanada - Waterton Lakes (Tom Bares)

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