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Najkrajsie miesta Europy - Places of Europe that must be seen in ones lifetime (Tony & Steve) 2<br><br>"Madarsko (Zamek, Budapest); Madarsko (Parlament, Budapest); Svycarsko (Observator Sphinx); Gibraltar (Gibraltarska skala); Lotyssko (Riga); Cerna Hora (Kotor); Belgie (Gent); Recko (Monastyry Meteora); Chorvatsko (Dubrovnik); Irsko (Popularni ctvrt Temple Bar); Turecko (Chram Svate Moudrosti Hagia Sofia, Istanbul); Svycarsko (Zenevske jezero); Italie (Dolomity); Anglie (Jezerni oblast); Recko (ostrov Santorini) ... music: George Zamfir - Let It Be ..."<br><br>Download pps: www.wistarie.net/tags/steve
2017 Places of Europe that must be seen in ones lifetime 2 Compiled by - Tony Chacko and Steve Rumpler
Europe 2017 Compiled by - Tony Chacko and Steve Rumpler
Europe- a concept dating back to classical antiquity - is a continent that comprises the westernmost part of Eurasia. Europe is bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and the Mediterranean Sea to the south. Politically, Europe is divided into about 50 nations of which the Russian Federation is the largest, spanning 39% of the continent and comprising 15% of its population. Europe, in particular ancient Greece, was the birthplace of Western civilization. The fall of the Roman Empire, during the migration period, marked the end of ancient history and the beginning of an era known as the Middle Ages. Renaissance humanism, exploration, art, and science led to the modern era. From the Age of Disco-very onwards, Europe played a predominant role in global affairs. Between the 16th and 20th centuries, European powers controlled at various times the Americas, most of Africa, Oceania, and the majority of Asia. The Industrial Revolution, which began in Great Britain at the end of the 18th century, gave rise to radical economic, cultural, and social change in Western Europe, and the wider world. Here is a presentation of great touring places of European countries. Though Turkey is not in the E.U., historically and geographically it had been the cause for some cultural and geographic changes to the European culture and region by it’s past Arab invasions. Area : 10.18 million km² Population : 743.1 million (2015) Languages : English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish; (total about - 225 languages) Compiled by - Tony Chacko and Steve Rumpler
HUNGARY (Castle, Budapest) Maďarsko (Zámek, Budapešť)
HUNGARY (Parliament House, Budapest) Maďarsko (Parlament , Budapešť)
SWITZERLAND (The Sphinx Observatory) Švýcarsko (Observatoř Sphinx)
GIBRALTAR (The Rock of Gibraltar) Gibraltar (Gibraltarská skála)
LATVIA (Riga) Lotyšsko (Riga)
MONTENEGRO (Kotor) Černá Hora (Kotor)
BELGIUM (Ghent) Belgie (Gent)
GREECE (Metéora Monasteries) Řecko (Monastýry Meteora)
CROATIA (Dubrovnik) Chorvatsko (Dubrovník)
IRELAND (The Temple Bar, Dublin) Irsko (Populární čtvrť Temple Bar)
TURKEY (Hagia Sophia, Istanbul) Turecko (Chrám Svaté Moudrosti Hagia Sofia, Istanbul)
SWITZERLAND (Lake Geneva) Švýcarsko (Ženevské jezero)
ITALY (Dolomites) Itálie (Dolomity)
ENGLAND (Lake District) Anglie (Jezerní oblast)
GREECE (Santorini Island) Řecko (ostrov Santorini)
MALTA (Blue Grotto) Malta (Blue Grotto - Modrá jeskyně)
ITALY (Tuscany) Itálie - Toskánsko
FRANCE (lavender fields, Provence) Francie (Levandulová pole, Provence)
ICELAND (Landmannalaugar) Island (Landmannalaugar - Duhové hory)
NORWAY (Lofoten) Norsko (Souostroví Lofoty)
NORWAY (Trolltunga, Hordaland) Norsko (Skalní útvar Trolltunga - Trolí jazyk, Hordaland)
NORWAY (The Atlantic Ocean Road) Norsko (Silnice Atlantic Ocean Road)
SWEDEN (Stockholm) Švédsko (Stockholm)
CZECH REPUBLIC (Moravian fields) Česko (Pole na Moravě)
GERMANY (Rakotzbrücke, Kromlau) Německo (Můstek Rakotzbrücke, Kromola)
SERBIA (ethno village) Srbsko (Etno vesnice Drvengrad)
FRANCE (Camargue) Francie (Přírodní park Camargue v deltě řeky Rhôny)
PORTUGAL (Algarve) Portugalsko (Jeskyně Benagil, Algarve)
SWITZERLAND (Lucerne) Švýcarsko (Lucern)
RUSSIA (The Swallow‘s Nest, Crimea) Ukrajina nebo Rusko? (Vlaštovčí hnízdo, Krym)
UKRAINE (Carpatian Mountains) Ukrajina (Karpaty)
UKRAINE (St.Sophia Cathedral, Kiev) Ukrajina (Katedrála svaté Sofie, Kyjev)
BOSNIA and HERZEGOVINA (Mostar) Bosna a Hercegovina (Mostar)
RUSSIA (Red Square, Moscow) Rusko (Rudé náměstí, Moskva)
RUSSIA (St.Petersburg) Rusko (Petrohrad)
CZECH REPUBLIC (Prague) Česko (Praha)
SCOTLAND (Edinburgh) Skotsko (Calton Hill, Edinburgh)
ITALY (Venice) Itálie (Benátky)
IRELAND (The Rock of Cashel) Irsko (Hrad Rock of Cashel)
ICELAND (Kirkjufell) Island (hora Kirkjufell)
SLOVAKIA (High Tatras) Slovensko (Vysoké Tatry)
SLOVAKIA (Orava Castle) Slovensko (Oravský hrad)
www.wistarie.net/tags/steve Hope you have enjoyed viewing this presentation Have a nice day With regards - Tony Chacko and Steve Rumpler tonychacko2000@gmail.com pista2011@gmail.com Music: George Zamfir – Let It Be 2017 music: George Zamfir — Let It Be