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Explore the foundational concepts of theory in organizational studies, including assumptions, paradigms, and the process of theorizing. Gain insights into different perspectives and theories used to explain organizational phenomena.
Theory rests on a set of assumptions that forms thefoundation for a series of logicallyinterrelatedclaims.
نظريه مبتني بر مجموعه اي ازپيشفرضهاست كه شالوده اي را براي مجموعهاي از ادعاهاي منطقاً به هموابسته را شكل مي دهد.
For example , some theories assume that reality is objective ( out there ) whereas others assume that it is subjective ( in here ).
Many objectivists reason that since reality is outthere it can be studied by observers who are independent of their subjectofinterest.
Subjectivists argue that since reality is inhere it is personalandrelative , and therefore , independentobservationsis impossible.
They reason instead that knowledge is mediated and thus altered in significantways by the act of observation.
In organizationtheory when a set of basic assumptions underlies multipletheories , the theories come to be recognized as a distinctiveperspective or paradigm. ( Lex Donald-son , 1985 )
هنگامي كه مجموعه اي از مفروضاتاساسي زير بناي چنديننظريه قرار داشته باشند اين نظريه ها را پارادايم گويند.
Familiarity with these different perspectives will help you to comprehend the multipleways of theorizing about organizations.
Furthermore , because the assumptions underlying a given perspective or paradigm were introduced into OT at different times , perspectives often have historicalassociations.
A theory is an explanation, that is ,it is an attempt to explain a segment of experience in the world.
The particular thingthat a theory explains is called the phenomenonofinterest.
In organizationtheory the primary phenomenon of interest is the organization.
However , organization can be defined in many different ways , for instance , as a social structure, A technology, A culture, A physical structure, Orasapartofan environment.
Organization can also be studied in terms of the central issues and recurring themes of organizing including control , conflict , Decision making , Power and politics , and change.
A theory consists of a set of concepts and the relationships that tie them together into an explanation of the phenomenon of interest.
نظريه مركب از مجموعهاي از مفاهيم و روابطي است كه اين روابط آن مفاهيم را در قالب توصيفي از پديدةموردنظر بهم مرتبط مي سازد.
For example , organization can betheorized as asocialstructure created through conflict over powerrelations that is expressed in physical, Structure, technology, and culture.
E s.s T P.S C سازمان را مي توان به عنوان يك ساختاراجتماعيتئوريزه كرد كه از طريق تعارض بر سر روابطقدرت به صورت ساختارفيزيكي , فناوري و فرهنگ تبلور يافته است.
Alternatively , it might be theorized as atechnologyconstructed through decisionsthat demand certain structural,culturaland physicalArrangements.
ياسازمان را به عنوان يكفناوريمي توان تئوريزه كرد كه از طريق تصميماتي كه ترتيبات فيزيكي , فرهنگي و ساختاري معيني را مي طلبد ساخته شده است.
However , before you canbeexpected to tackle theorizing , you will need to develop your understanding of thebasicconcepts.
مفاهيم و فراگرد تجربه Concepts provide categories for sorting,organizing , and storingexperience.
Webster’s new world Dictionary defines: abstraction as the “Formation of an idea by mental separation from particular instances”.
This means that you buildconcepts in your mind on the basisof youracquaintancewith instances that arefamiliar to you , either as the result of personalexperience , or on the basisof what others havetold you.
For example yourconceptof “dog” is built upon your personalencounters with representatives of this class of animal.
Concepts are like emptybaskets to be filled with experience.
If youfirstencounter a conceptthrough academicstudy , it is empty.
You must fill it with meaning by relating personalexperiences to it so that theconcept becomes enriched.
That is , you must gatherspecificexamples that fitthe concept until it is moreorless fully formed.
Of course you can continue enriching your concepts for the reminder of your life.
There is no end to the subtletyyou can develop in your understandingby enriching your concepts and of course , by addingnewconcepts to your knowledgebase.
Although concepts are associated with specificcases , a concept is not a simpleaggregation of all the information you rememberabout specificexamples.
Concepts are formed by removing some of the detail of particular instances so that what remains is only the essence of the thing, trimmed of non- essential information.
In forming a concept , unique elements or features of specific examples are ignored , only those features that are common to all examples of aconceptare included.
The process of removing unique details so that essential qualities remain is called the process of abstraction.
Concepts give you an increased ability to process information.
In addition to giving you the ability to generalize , your knowledge and to communicate it to others , concepts give you enormous powers of thought.
Conceptsallowyou to associate volumesofinformation with a singleidea and thereby toprocessthis informationrapidly whenever you thinkof , or with , the concept.
Be sure to notice that there is both some thing gainedand some thing lost when you useconcepts.
You gain theability to think about numerous instances or cases of the abstract category,
But you lose the richdetailthat the individual cases contain.