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Everyday Life and Mobile Communication: Exploring New Dimensions

Discover how mobile media shapes everyday life, from economic to virtual mobility. Explore the evolution of communication practices and the impact of mobile technologies on society. Gain insights into various forms of mobility and mediating effects in contemporary life.

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Everyday Life and Mobile Communication: Exploring New Dimensions

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  1. http://youtube.com/watch?v=9QKhff0yge8&feature=related Medier og kommunikation F08 / lektion 8 / 250308 /

  2. MEDIEROG KOMMUNIKATION Lektion 8 250308 Gitte Stald Medier og kommunikation F08 / lektion 8 / 250308 /

  3. http://www.myspace.com/doxwise http://www.krazybilly.com/ Medier og kommunikation F08 / lektion 8 / 250308 /

  4. Dagens program • Lektion: • Medier og mobilitet • Ubiquitous, pervasive information • Remediering eller nye medier og måder? • Læsning: • Bolter: “Remediation and the Language of New Media” • Castells: “Conclusion: The Mobile Network Society” • Haddon: “Research Questions for the Evolving Communications Landscape” • Dagens øvelse: • 13.00-13.50: Eksamensprojekter – ideer og problemstillinger • 14.00-15.00: Litteratursøgning v/Rasmus Helles Medier og kommunikation F08 / lektion 8 / 250308 /

  5. Introduktion:Hverdagsliv og digitale medier Leslie Haddon: • More - and more varied - communication options arebecomingopen to us • Thetotalityofcommunicationspractices as a repertoire and therelationshipsbetweenits elements • Continuitybetweenpractices (compared to uniqueness, stressing evolution over revolution) • Evolution of new practices and dynamicsof elements of repertoire • Mobile media as oneofseveral digital communication platforms • Howmuch, in empirical studies, ofthepatternsofuseweuncoverarerelativelysettled, even in theshorter term? (Haddon, ”Research Questions for theEvolvingCommunication Landscape”, in Mobile Communications, eds. Ling and Pedersen, 2005:19) Medier og kommunikation F08 / lektion 8 / 250308 /

  6. Hverdagsliv med medier (2000) Lasse 16 år Medier og kommunikation F08 / lektion 8 / 250308 /

  7. Hverdagsliv med medier (2007) Lasse 16 år (red. af GS) Medier og kommunikation F08 / lektion 8 / 250308 /

  8. Medier og mobilitet • Økonomisk mobilitet • Arbejdskrafts mobilitet • Kulturel mobilitet • Fysisk mobilitet • Psykologisk mobilitet • Virtuel mobilitet • Lokal mobilitet • Global mobilitet • Mobile individer • Mobile medier Vi bevæger os generelt mellem mange lokaliteter i dagligdagen (værelse/andre rum, hjem, byrum, transport, skole, arbejde, andre institutioner, venner mm). Mobile meder forbinder os og opdaterer os uafhængig af tid, sted, situation. Vi bevæger os mellem større geografiske lokaliteter (rejser) Vi bevæger os lokalt og globalt i symbolske rum, for eksempel ved hjælp af digitale medier, som forsyner os med lokalitet og rum for interaktion, udveksling og nærhed. Medier og kommunikation F08 / lektion 8 / 250308 /

  9. Mobil kommunikation i forskellige dimensioner → ”Everyday life is made up of a broad range of social practices that recur in the routine of people’s experience. They include work, family, sociability, consumption, health, social services, security, entertainment, and the construction of meaning through perceptions of the sociocultural environment. Because mobile communication is pervasive and reaches all domains of human activity, its mediating effects can be observed in these different dimensions. … Hence, as elements of daily routine, wireless technologies, especially the mobile phone, are perceived as essential instruments of contemporary life”. (Castells et al.: Mobile Communication and Society, 2007:77) Medier og kommunikation F08 / lektion 8 / 250308 /

  10. Tre former for mobilitet • Masao Kakihara & Carsten Sørensen (2002): ”Mobility: An Extended Perspective.” • Spatial mobility: objects, symbols, space itself - Ex: ’cyberspace’ • Temporal mobility: structural and interpretive - Ex: monochronic and polychronic cultural practices (Hall, 1959) • Contextual mobility: context frames - and is framed by - user actions, including action at a distance via ICTs - Ex: meeting at the bank or transferring money online • ”human interaction [is] mobilized” (p. 8) Medier og kommunikation F08 / lektion 8 / 250308 /

  11. Vi har altid været mobile Tid/rum Information Kommunikation Underholdning Handel/økonomi Og det har medierne også Medier og kommunikation F08 / lektion 8 / 250308 /

  12. Medier og mobilitet K.B.Jensen: ”Media have been mobile... ...for millennia: humans communicating in the flesh; manuscripts and other writing surfaces fixing and disseminating information ...for centuries: printed materials for deliberation and debate, first by specialized audiences, later by ’mass’ audiences ...for decades: audio and video recordings on shifting technologies of reproduction and dissemination” (K.B. Jensen, presentation, Media and Mobility, Seminar 070907) Medier og kommunikation F08 / lektion 8 / 250308 /

  13. Medier og mobilitet Jensen: ”What’s mobile: the contexts in which senders, messages, and receivers are reconfigured for purposes of action.” (K.B. Jensen, presentation, Media and Mobility, Seminar 070907) Medier og kommunikation F08 / lektion 8 / 250308 /

  14. Mobile muligheder KONVERGENS CROSSMEDIA Mobiltelefonen = det mobile digitale medie er det bærbare, håndholdte, personlige medie, der kombinerer mulighederne for mange anvendelser: Kommunikation – telefon, sms, mms, (chat), billeder, internet, messenger Information – downloads, hukommelse, kommunikation, radio, internet Underholdning – ”medfødte” spil, downloadede spil mm, vittigheder, ikoner, lyde/ringetoner, musik, personligt udseende, jokes, billeder/fotos Praktisk redskab – adressebog, notesbog, kalender/hukommelse, ur, vækkeur/alarm, fotoapparat, videokamera, GPS, monitorering Mobilen som personlig repræsentation Mobilen som ”citizen tool” / borgerredskab Medier og kommunikation F08 / lektion 8 / 250308 /

  15. Mobile medier - medier og mobilitethvad er nyt? Lektion 10 Ling resp. Haddon: Continuity and discontinuity in domestication and integration of digital communication media Jensen: What’s new: the degree of integration of media technologies with everyday actions (K.B. Jensen, presentation, Media and Mobility, Seminar 070907) Stald: Det personlige medie Speed potential (Kaufmann) (Potentielt) åbne kanaler - brugere som producere (Castells, Goggin) Flow mellem borger niveau / bruger niveau Global ekspansion af billigt, tilgængeligt medie Empowerment – demokratisk potentiale Medier og kommunikation F08 / lektion 8 / 250308 /

  16. (PAUSE) Medier og kommunikation F08 / lektion 8 / 250308 /

  17. Medier og kommunikation F08 / lektion 8 / 250308 /

  18. Mobilen – det personlige medie • ’85  redskab til professional kommunikation • ‘95  familens bærbare telefon • ’98  populær, personlig mobiltelefon • ’00 håndholdt computer • Redskab og medie for kommunikation, information, underholdning, dokumentation (telefon, sms, mms, Internet, email, Mp3, radio, tv, video, spil etc) • Praktisk redskab (vækkeur, kalender, notesbog, kontakter, foto, video, gps) • Redskab til dokumentation (foto, video, båndoptager, beskeder, aktiviteter/bevægelse, overvågning) • Læringsredskab www.answers.com/topic/mobile-phone-evolution-jpg Medier og kommunikation F08 / lektion 8 / 250308 /

  19. Mobilen – det personlige medie • Helles: • Term highlights agency • Located in the private sphere • Recombination of social roles and spheres • Agency is socially structured • Personal media allow re-negotiation of social roles and spheres • Long-term effects across multiple physical contexts • The structure of the network a precondition for the interplay of norms and agency • Larger issues of social power actualized • (R.Helles presentation, Media and Mobility, Seminar 070907) • Re-negotiation of social roles and spheres at micro-social level impacts general norms and meanings. Medier og kommunikation F08 / lektion 8 / 250308 /

  20. Speed potential (hastighedspotentiale…) ”The speed potential” (Vincent Kaufmann, RethinkingMobility) In his book Tyrannny of the Moment. Fast and Slow Time in the Information Age Thomas HyllandEriksen discusses the meaning of time – the consequences of its speed and consequently absence, as he sees it, as well as the luxury of having time in modern, digitalised society. Another core point he makes is the luxury of lack of information, that is, the potential shutting off channels of information in order to achieve time and quietness for contemplation and reflection. According to Eriksen unavailability is a new human right as we are now theoretically online 24 hours a day. One of his claims is that the extensive growth and use of digital communication technologies, among which the mobile phone, are to blame for the intensified pace of social spaces and in society at all levels. A counter argument towards the line of thought in Eriksen’s book, however, is exactly the fact that mobile phones are providers of access(ability), information exchange, instant communication. Along with other digital communication media it provides citizens with potentials for dialogical, horizontal communication and for vertical exchange in institution-citizen relations; and for shared social spaces which may be seen as the bottom-up democratic civic potentials. To some degree it also facilitates possible interaction and active citizen influence – among other issues because it has become very easy to mobilise opinions but also movements. And doesn’t the mobile also allow for coordination of everyday life which gives more time with friends and family? (Stald 2007: ‘Mobile Monitoring. Aspects of risk and surveillance and questions of democratic perspectives in young people’s uses of mobile phones’) Medier og kommunikation F08 / lektion 8 / 250308 /

  21. Åbne kanaler – brugere som producere Castells et al: ”Users are the producers of content and services” (Castells et al.: Mobile Communication and Society, 2007:77) G.Goggin: ”inextricably intimate and manifold hinges between production and consumption” (Goggin: Cell Phone Culture, 2006:62) ”Apressing question regarding the future of cell phones as they metamorphise irrevocably into mobile media revolves around openness, something – not straightforwardly, not unproblematically – that is critical to the exercise of cultural agency.” (Goggin: Cell Phone Culture, 2006:210) Mobile media as tools for micro-economy, coordination, information acces, cultural exchange in developing areas of the world. (Lektion 10) Medier og kommunikation F08 / lektion 8 / 250308 /

  22. Remediering eller nye medier og måder? = + = Jay Bolter og Richard Grusin (1999): Remediation. Understanding New Media. Cambridge MA: MIT Press. Lev Manovich (2001): The Language of New Media. Cambridge MA: MIT Press. Northern Lights: Digital Aesthetics and Communication Medier og kommunikation F08 / lektion 8 / 250308 /

  23. Remediation • the process of borrowing among media forms … (Bolter: 2007:38) • ”We call the incorporation of one medium in another remediation, and we will argue that remediation is a defining characteristic of the new digital media” (Bolter & Grusin 1999:45) • Formål: ”to examine the complex intermedial relationships of digital media forms to such older forms as film, television, radio and photography” (2007:38) • Remediering manifesteres i en dobbelt logik der indeholder to former for representation: immediacy og hypermediacy. • Immediacy – linearitet / gennemsigtighed. Mediernes gennemsigtighed som vinduer til verden. • Hypermediacy – ikke-lineær / synlighed. Mediet ”forstyrrer” opfattelsen af hvad der ses. • Remediering finder sted i de kreative praksisser, bevidst og intenderet eller ubevidst • Brugerne konstruerer meningen med/ betydning af remedieringen (2007:39) Medier og kommunikation F08 / lektion 8 / 250308 /

  24. Remediation • ”Remediation is meant above all to describe the competition among various media forms over the construction of the real” • Mobilens transparens (immediacy)? • Kommunikationssituationer – følelse af tilstedeværelse • Tekst / billeder / lyd - linearitet • Mobilens synlighed (hypermediacy)? • Ringetoner • Upload og download • Mobil internet – muligheder og begrænsninger Medier og kommunikation F08 / lektion 8 / 250308 /

  25. REFERENCES Castells, Manuel et al (eds)(2007): Mobile Communication and Society. A Global Perspective. Boston Mass.: MIT Press. Goggin, Gerard ( 2006): Cell Phone Culture. Mobile Technology in Everyday Life. London: Routledge. Ito, Mizuko et al (Eds): Personal, portable, pedestrian:Mobile Phones in Japanese Life. MIT Press 2005. Katz,.E. & M.A. Aakhus (eds.) (2002): Perpetual Contact. Mobile Communication, Private Talk, Public Performance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Ling, Rich (2004): The Mobile Connection. The Cell Phone’s Impact on Society. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. Ling, Rich & Per E. Pedersen (eds)(2005): Mobile Communictions. Re-negotiation of the Social Sphere. London: Springer Verlag. Rheingold, Howard (2002): Smart Mobs. The Next Social Revolution. Cambridge, MA: Basic Books. Stald, Gitte (2007) (red.): Mobile Medier, Mobile Unge II. Formidlingsrapport II/07. Stald, Gitte (2007): ‘Mobile Identity: Young Danes, identity, and mobile communication media’, in David Buckingham (ed.): Identity and Digital Media. New York: The MacArthur Foundation Series on Digital Media and Learning. Stald, Gitte (2007): ‘Mobile Monitoring. Aspects of risk and surveillance and questions of democratic perspectives in young people’s uses of mobile phones’, in Peter Dahlgren (ed.) Young Citizens and New Media: Strategies of Learning for Democratic Engagement. London: Routledge. Medier og kommunikation F08 / lektion 8 / 250308 /

  26. Eksamen og vejledning Eksamensform: skriftlig eller skriftlig/mundtlig? Vejledning: senest 8.4.: hvert projekt → mail til Gitte med kort redegørelse for samt problemformulering + evt. litteratur derefter vejledning med Gitte om projektet ca. 2 gange + e-mail efter behov vejledning med hjælpelærer ca. 1 gang plus e-mail efter behov Vejledningsdatoer og –tider (= 50 tider á 30 minutter): 14.04. kl.13-17 29.04. kl.15-17 21.04. kl.09-12 05.05. kl.09-12 22.04. kl.15-18 15.05. kl.13-17 28.04. kl.09-12 16.05. kl.10-13 Medier og kommunikation F08 / lektion 8 / 250308 /

  27. Næste lektion 9 / 010408 Lektion: Medieret kommunikation Mobiltelefoni og følelsen af tilstedeværelse Læsning: 1) Stald: “Mobile Identity” (K) 2) Humphreys: “Cellphones in public” (K) 3) Hjarvard: ”Mediated Encounters” (K) Medier og kommunikation F08 / lektion 8 / 250308 /

  28. KBJ: How to do things with mobile media • Austin (1962) on ’How to do things with words’ • Information -- Availability: from traffic updates to comparative shopping • Communication -- Accessibility: from micro-coordinating meetings to negotiating best buys • Action -- Performativity: from just-in-time living to empowering consumers Medier og kommunikation F08 / lektion 8 / 250308 /

  29. Mediernes dobbelte hermeneutik – brugssituationer på tværs af ude og hjemme– flere deler refleksioner ”Medierne fortolker samfundet, modtagerne fortolker medierne ; og begge slags fortolkninger er med til at reproducere såvel som udfordre dominerende opfattelser af, hvordan samfundet fungerer – og hvordan det måske burde fungere.” (M&S s.41) Medier i social handling – medier er nok en repræsentation af virkeligheden men de udgør også en ressource til at handle med i virkeligheden (M&S s.162) ”Mobile medier kan være med til at institutionalisere samfundet og socialisere brugerne på nye måder” (M&S s.169) Medier og kommunikation F08 / lektion 8 / 250308 /

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