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Understanding Sediment Scour in River Environments

Dive into the dynamics of sediment scour in river environments, exploring factors like hyporheic zone interactions and post-dam-removal changes. Discover the impact on sediment response and habitat alterations.

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Understanding Sediment Scour in River Environments

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  1. Hyporheic Zone- area where stream water and ground water intermix. http://www.bgs.ac.uk/research/groundwater/images/Hyporheic_USGS_v2.jpg

  2. Diagram of drainage basin and related sediment occurences Church, 2002, Geomorphic Thresholds in Rivers

  3. Church, 2002, Geomorphic Thresholds in Rivers

  4. Landslide into Nooksack River https://mbvrc.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/p1080595-rsz-mark.jpg

  5. Scour occurs around objects in a river, such as bridge supports. http://www.aboutcivil.org/imajes/local-scour.gif

  6. 3D model of sediment scour behind objects in a river http://www.flow3d.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/sediment-scour-model1.jpg

  7. (A)showing a site 2km below Elwha Dam before removal. (B) is the same site after dam removal. (C)showing a site 7.2km below Elwha Dam before removal. (D) is the same site after dam removal Draut and Ritchie, 2014, Sediment Response to Elwha Dam Removal

  8. (A) Post-dam-removal sedimentary deposits on the Elwha River 2.15km downstream of dam. (B) Pre-dam-removal of cobble bed filling intersitial spaces with mud. Draut and Ritchie, 2014, Sediment Response to Elwha Dam Removal

  9. Draut and Ritchie, 2014, Sediment Response to Elwha Dam Removal

  10. (a) Surface erosion from a road. (b) Mass-wasting. (c) Bank Erosion Washington Dept. Forestry, 2004, Stream Processes and Habitat

  11. Washington Dept. Forestry, 2004, Stream Processes and Habitat

  12. Washington Dept. Forestry, 2004, Stream Processes and Habitat

  13. Washington Dept. Forestry, 2004, Stream Processes and Habitat

  14. Types of Channel Habitat

  15. Types of Channel Habitat

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