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ATONU focuses on how agriculture can deliver positive nutrition outcomes to smallholder farm families, with a focus on Ethiopia and Tanzania. It provides evidence-based interventions and technical assistance to improve nutrition outcomes. The project is sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Agriculture to Nutrition (ATONU): Improving Nutrition Outcomes Through Optimized Agricultural Investments http://fanrpan.org/projects/atonu/
ATONU • Focus on how agriculturecan deliver positive nutrition outcomes to smallholder farm families through the generation of robust evidence • Project currently focusing on Ethiopia and Tanzania • Target groups: womenof child-bearing age and childrenin first 1,000 days of life,high burden of malnutrition
ATONU Approach • Seeks to provide evidence for link between agriculture and nutrition • ATONU seeks to answer the question: “How can agriculture programs be designed to improve nutrition outcomes?” • ATONU works with existing agricultural development projects to: • Identify and design nutrition-sensitive interventions to deliver positive nutrition outcomes • Assess and collect evidence of the impact of interventions • Provides technical assistance to ensure effectiveness of nutrition-sensitive interventions in agriculture programmes
Opportunities for Nutrition-Sensitive Interventions Can be anywhere along the agricultural value chain, depending on the design and objectives of project
Pilot Projects • ATONU is working with the African Chicken Genetic Gains (ACGG) Project in Ethiopia and Tanzania • ACGG is being implemented by ILRI • The objective of ACGG is: to improve the production and productivity of chickens kept by smallholder households by introducing improved and tropically adapted genotypes • ATONU is integrating and assessing the impact of a package of nutrition-sensitive interventions (NSIs) into ACGG toprovide evidence for agriculture’s potential to deliver positive nutrition outcomes
Impact Evaluation Service Providers: • Ethiopia: Harvard Chan School of Public Health and local partner • Tanzania: Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) Evaluation Questions: • What is the impact of implementing ACGG alone? • What is the added value of implementing NSIs (SBCC, income expenditure on nutritious food, women empowerment and home gardening) Main Indicators • Dietary diversity in women of reproductive age • Weight and anaemia (Ethiopia) in women of reproductive age • Dietary diversity, anaemia (Ethiopia) (and growth) in young children below 5 years
ATONU Products and Technical Assistance • ATONU has developed frameworks that may be used to do the following: • Assess country readiness for nutrition-sensitive agriculture • Assess project/program suitability for integrating nutrition-sensitive interventions • Selection and design of nutrition-sensitive interventions • Impact evaluation of nutrition-sensitive interventions • ATONU is available to provide technical assistance to existing and pipeline projects that would like to deliver positive nutrition outcomes
ATONU Partners Sponsorship by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation #ATONU