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ATONU: Optimizing Agricultural Investments for Improved Nutrition

ATONU focuses on how agriculture can deliver positive nutrition outcomes to smallholder farm families, with a focus on Ethiopia and Tanzania. It provides evidence-based interventions and technical assistance to improve nutrition outcomes. The project is sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

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ATONU: Optimizing Agricultural Investments for Improved Nutrition

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  1. Agriculture to Nutrition (ATONU): Improving Nutrition Outcomes Through Optimized Agricultural Investments http://fanrpan.org/projects/atonu/

  2. ATONU • Focus on how agriculturecan deliver positive nutrition outcomes to smallholder farm families through the generation of robust evidence • Project currently focusing on Ethiopia and Tanzania • Target groups: womenof child-bearing age and childrenin first 1,000 days of life,high burden of malnutrition

  3. ATONU Approach • Seeks to provide evidence for link between agriculture and nutrition • ATONU seeks to answer the question: “How can agriculture programs be designed to improve nutrition outcomes?” • ATONU works with existing agricultural development projects to: • Identify and design nutrition-sensitive interventions to deliver positive nutrition outcomes • Assess and collect evidence of the impact of interventions • Provides technical assistance to ensure effectiveness of nutrition-sensitive interventions in agriculture programmes

  4. Pathways to Improved Nutrition

  5. Opportunities for Nutrition-Sensitive Interventions Can be anywhere along the agricultural value chain, depending on the design and objectives of project

  6. Pilot Projects • ATONU is working with the African Chicken Genetic Gains (ACGG) Project in Ethiopia and Tanzania • ACGG is being implemented by ILRI • The objective of ACGG is: to improve the production and productivity of chickens kept by smallholder households by introducing improved and tropically adapted genotypes • ATONU is integrating and assessing the impact of a package of nutrition-sensitive interventions (NSIs) into ACGG toprovide evidence for agriculture’s potential to deliver positive nutrition outcomes

  7. NSIs and Pathways

  8. Impact Evaluation Service Providers: • Ethiopia: Harvard Chan School of Public Health and local partner • Tanzania: Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) Evaluation Questions: • What is the impact of implementing ACGG alone? • What is the added value of implementing NSIs (SBCC, income expenditure on nutritious food, women empowerment and home gardening) Main Indicators • Dietary diversity in women of reproductive age • Weight and anaemia (Ethiopia) in women of reproductive age • Dietary diversity, anaemia (Ethiopia) (and growth) in young children below 5 years

  9. Progress to Date

  10. ATONU Products and Technical Assistance • ATONU has developed frameworks that may be used to do the following: • Assess country readiness for nutrition-sensitive agriculture • Assess project/program suitability for integrating nutrition-sensitive interventions • Selection and design of nutrition-sensitive interventions • Impact evaluation of nutrition-sensitive interventions • ATONU is available to provide technical assistance to existing and pipeline projects that would like to deliver positive nutrition outcomes

  11. What Will Success Look Like? What

  12. ATONU Partners Sponsorship by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation #ATONU

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