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Learn about Germany's healthcare system and the role of The BARMER Institute in research and data utilization. Explore key statistics, insurance system details, and the current market situation. Discover the challenges and opportunities in healthcare digitalization and data analysis.
The current Situation in Germany in Health Care The BARMER Institute for Health Care System Research - Research Focus & Utilizationof Data - 2018 iFHPBiennial ConferenceLisbon, 24-27 June 2018U. Repschläger
The BARMER Sickness Fund The BARMER ist a nationwidestatutoryhealthinsurance in germany- 9.3 Mio. insuredlives Uwe Repschläger- Working in thegermanhealth care systemsince 1992, since 2000 forthe BARMERresponsiblefor:- controlling, riskmanagements, datamanagement, strategicanalysis- patientclassificationsystems- companystrategy- memberof an expert committeeofthegermanhealthministry(expenditureforcastofhospitalcosts)
AGENDA A shortoverviewoverthegermanhealth care system and thecurrentgermansituation The new BARMER Institute – focusthemes and (utilizationof) data
The German „Health Care Market“ (1) 4 3 ~ 5.5 Mio. Employeesin Health care (2017) ~ 365 Mrd. € Expenditures(11.2% ofthe national output [3.263])(2017) ~ 4.400 € / person (368) (12.2% / 44.2 Mio.) 82.8 Million Population(2017, notable increasingsince 5 years) 1) ~100% coverdbyinsurance 1) legal requirement
The German „Health Care Market“ (1) 4 3 ~ 5.5 Mio. Employeesin Health care (2017) ~ 365 Mrd. € Expenditures(11.2% ofthe national output [3.263])(2017) (368) 82.8 Million Residents(2017, notable increasingsince 5 years) ~100% coverdbyinsurance INSURANCE-SYSTEM (2018) HEALTCARE PROVIDERS 157 Sickness Funds- 110 public „GKV“(72,8 Mio. insuredlives)- 44 privat(8,8 Million insuredlives) - 170.000 registered physicians (ambulatorytreatment)- 72.000 dentists- 1.950 hospitalswith 499.000 beds(160.000 physicians in hospitals)- 19.800 publicpharmacys- a.s.o.…. 1) 1) public = publicbodies (non profitorganisations,noserviceproviders)
The German „Health Care Market“ (2) INSURANCE-SYSTEM (2018) 157 Sickness Funds- 110 public „GKV“ (72,8 Mio. insuredlives)- 44 privat(8,8 Million insuredlives) (officials, self-employedpersons, employees > upperincomelimit [59.400 € / year]) nationwideorlocal (federalstate) BARMER ist a nationwidestatutoryhealthinsurance(founded 1912)- 9.3 Mio. insuredlives(11.2% /12.8% marketshare, secondlargestsichnessfund) - 15.000 employees- 32 billion € annual turnover(14% of all 110 statutoryhealthinsurance [228 bill. €])- 400 agencys & 50 processingcentresofexpertise(hospital, sick-pay, care, telephonyservice, a.so.)- headquarters in Berlin & Wuppertal, 16 stateoffices
The German „Health Care Market“ (3) The „Organisation of Financing & Competition“ in the GKV (110 sicknessfunds) „Health Care Fund“ Members all themoney Fed. Insurance Office Sickness Fund healthinsurancecontributions 15.7% oftheincome(50% member / 50% employer) Executionof aFiscalCompensationbased on morbidity(80 diseases) newdistribution ~ 95% oftheserviceofferareequal – so wehaveprimarly a „price-competition“ betweenthesicknessfunds,littlecompetitionbased on products in germany
The German „Health Care Market“ (4) The currentsituation in germany: „The germanhealth care systemhas, foronce, relativlylittle (cost)problems. relativlyconstantcontributions / pricesofthesicknessfundsoverthe last threeyears a lotofmoney in thesystem (18 bill € reservesbythepublicsicknessfunds (GKV)) why?
The German „Health Care Market“ (4) The currentsituation in germany: „The germanhealth care systemhas, foronce, relativlylittle (cost)problems ! relativlyconstantcontributions / pricesofthesicknessfunds a lotofmoney in thesystem (18 bill € reservesbythe GKV) why? Increasingwages(healthinsurancecontributionsare ~15.7% ofthewages) Decreasing rate ofunemployment Immigrationofmanyyoung and healthypeople
The German „Health Care Market“ (4) Increasingwages (healthinsurancecontributionsare ~15.7% ofthewages) Decreasing rate ofunemployment Immigration ofmanyyoung and healthypeople employees Public sicknessfundshospitals: +2.9% /+1.6%
The German „Health Care Market“ (5) So thereis (currently) nocost-problem in thehealth care system- (bytheway, increasingcostsforthenursing care insurance) ….but there ist ghostcomingup on thehorizon, disturbingthecalm… „DIGITALIZATION“ ….and thatmakesthe (traditional) sluggishgermansicknessfunds a littlenervous. Ustoo.
„Data“ arethemostimportantressourceofthe digital economy data and dataanalysisaregainingmore and moreimportance in business„date arethenewoil / thenewcoal“ & „long time ago“ industrialera 21. century < 18. century 19. century
The BARMER Institute for Health Care System Research sicknessfundsneed a professionalutilizationoftheirdata„data“ are an importantcompetitionparameter in health care „who ist gettingthemost out ofhisdata…?“ naturallaythebarmeris „usingdata“ for different purposes in routinebusinesssinceyearsand we publish different studiessincemanyyears – but: wedecided, toconcentrate and expand „digitalization“ „dataanalysis“ & „healthresarch“= formationof a „digital department“ & formationofour own resarchinstitut in 2018
AGENDA A shortoverviewoverthegermanhealth care system and thecurrentgermansituation The new BARMER Institute – focusthemes and (utilizationof) data
The BARMER Institute for Health Care System Research sicknessfundsneed a professionalutilizationoftheirdata - handlingdata(availability, quality) - understandingdata - utilisation(productsforcustomers, f.e. appsforsicknesspay / electronicalpatientrecord)
BARMER Institute – Research Focuses & Activities TheBARMER Institut für Gesundheitssystemforschung (BIfG)in it´sselfconceptionis a competencecenterforhealthsciences, withresarchfocus on thefollowingthemes: - dataanalytics - financingsystems - insurancesystems - healthservicesresearch - medicine (keyissues) wecreate and developindependentorin partnershipanalysis and conceptsespeciallytosystemquestions in healthsystem TheBIfGis an independent organizational unitwithin BARMER(1 manager, 22 employees) A Science boardisusedtoexchangeinformation and hold contactwithuniversities, scienceand stakeholders in thehealth care system.
BARMER Institute – Research Focuses & Activities example „Morbidityorientedclassificationsystems“ • Morbidity-basedriskstructureequalisation= financialcompensationbetweensicknessfunds- forthe 110 sicknessfunds in germany (since 2009)- based on diagnoses (inpatient & outpatientdiagnosis, validatedbydrugprescription)- (onlyfor) 80 diseases • Morbidityadjustedpaymentforhospitals - DRG-System (since 2004) • Morbidityajustedpaymentforambulatoryphysicians(since 2008) [only „sizethepie…“] The Institut applys different „grouper“ – offical and self-programmed(simulations,assementsofresults…)
Breakeven AnalysisBARMER (Federal States) -107 € +1 € -227 € +34 € -74 € example -23€ +8 € -19 € -89 € +6 € +40 € -61 € -47 € -29 € -47 € +49 €
BARMER Institute – Research Focuses & Activities example „Predictive Models“ • predictionoftotalscosts(regions, populations) • predictionofhospitalcases / hosptalcosts / hospitalpropability • predictionofdiseases / morbidity(regions, populations) • predictionoftheeffectsofthedemographicchange(expanditure, care) • a.s.o. toknowtoday „what will propabliy happen tomorrow“ is an keyissue in business
BIG DATA in Health Care – some Details „Big Data“isdefiniedas continuousgrowingquantities auf data, and usingthisdata Synonyms: „Big Data“, „Advanced Analytics“, „Predictive Analytics“, „Deep Dive“, „Data Mining“, („AI“), …. Big Data in Health Care has a specialimportance, because exeptionalquantitiesofdataareavailable(BARMER p.a.: > 2.5 Mio. hospital-cases, > 100 Mio. drug-prescriptions, >100 Mio. amb. accounts, > 45 Mio. therapeuticappliances, Total > 250 Mio. accounts p.a., ~ 1 bill. diagnosis). > germany: > 2.2 billionaccounts p.a. > 9 billiondiagnosis p.a. „every 6 monthunder a newterm“
„BIG DATA“ Details - BARMER thepresentdatabasefor ~ 11 millonindividualsin ourDataWareHouse: individual identifiablehospital-dataover15 years– goodquality(diagnosis [icd-10], procedures [ops], costs, lengthofstay, hospital….) individual identifiabledrug-dataover20 years– „perfekt“ quality(centralpharmaceuticalnumber [ddd, agent, producer], costs.) individual identifiableoutpatientdiagnosisover10 years– „average“ quality(missingguidlineforcoding) individual identifiabletherapeuticappliancesover20 years– goodquality(part. missingcodes) „coredata“ foreach individual - sex, age, residence, income, employer, qualification – goodquality The realizings out of such data and theusingareimportantfor all ofus- google: „wepredictyour individual mortalityrisk, based on our 37 billiondata….- E.Musk: „ai ist moredangerousthannuclearweapons…weneed a regulatoryauthority“
„BIG DATA“ Details - BARMER > 12.000 tables> 57 billionlines> 1.5 trillionitems thepresentdatabasefor ~ 11 millonindividualsin ourDataWareHouse: individual identifiablehospitaldataover15 years– goodquality(diagnosis [icd-10], procedures [ops], costs, lengthofstay, hospital….) individual identifiabledrugdataover20 years– „perfekt“ quality(centralpharmaceuticalnumber [ddd, agent, producer], costs.) individual identifiableoutpatientdiagnosisover10 years– „average“ quality(missingguidlineforcoding) individual identifiabletherapeuticappliancesover20 years– goodquality(part. missingcodes) „coredata“ foreach individual - sex, age, residence, income, employer, qualification – goodquality The realizings out of such data and theusingareimportantfor all ofus- google: „wepredictyour individual mortalityrisk, based on our 37 billiondata….- E.Musk: „ai ist moredangerousthannuclearweapons…weneed a regulatoryauthority“ additional officialstatistics…
BIG DATA – whatisrequired? a meaningfulutilizationofthisdatarequires a high (interdisciplinary) competence: mathematics / statistics programming / databanks suitabletechnology knowledgeofthedata („what´sincluded“ – „what not“) expierence in handlingdata (handlingunsharpnessa.s.o.). knowledgeofthe des functionalcontext…. time neededworkingwithdata: 60 %datapreparation („obligation“)20 % analysis („freestyle“)20 % interpretation („art“)
Data Mining - Algorithms and Tools algorithms(Statistics / Mathematics) Logistic Regression Neuronal networks Decisiontrees … tools IBM SPSS Statistics / Modeler SAS SQL-Server / Analysis-Services SAP-HANA Statistiksoftware „R“ …
Using „BIG DATA“ in Health Care predictionofthefuturerequirementofcapacities (based on population- and morbidityforecasts) thedigitizationofmedicalimaging and otherdataenables a fast secondopinionwithoutconsulation ai enablesthecomputertoadivisethedocororsuggestthebesttreatment. digitizationofdatamakesit possible, toavoid negative dual examination(f.e. x-ray) sicknessfunds: -pricingin greaterdetails - moreefficentprocessing - identificationofindividualswithinterventioncapability (DMP) - customersegmentation - product design - identificationoftrickery / regress …..
DATA in Health Care vs. Data ProtectionRegulations but…. Digitalization&Dataleadtomoreand more Informationand tomoreopportunities Data ProtectionRegulationsEU / Germany frictions
- outpatient-report- drug-report- hospital-report- therapeuticappliances-report- dental-report- … BARMER – 8 Annual Reports
BARMER – 8 Annual Reports Publications 2015-2017 (extract) - influencingfactorsforhospitalpropability(upto 60%)- influenceofthedemograpicchangetotheexpenditures [12%-18%, 2005-2015] - the real incomeofthe registered doctors in germany… - riskstructurecompensationin germany (development, effects) - costsofthe last monthin life - cost-benefit-analysis for different selecteddrugs - minimumquantityforhospitalsand theireffectforquality - effectsofthemigrationtothecostofhealth care- the care ofasyleesin germany
BARMER Science-Congress Issue: „Assessment in Health Care – Blessing orCurse?“ Moderation: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Greiner, Lehrstuhl für „Gesundheitsökonomie und Gesundheitsmanagement“ an der Universität Bielefeld Prof. Dr. Jürgen Windeler, Leiter des Instituts für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG ) : Nutzenbewertung bei Arzneimitteln und Medizinprodukten – Erfahrung mit dem AMNOG auf andere Themen übertragbar? Prof. Dr. Heinz Rothgang, Abteilungsleiter Gesundheit, Pflege und Alterssicherung, SOCIUM Forschungszentrum Ungleichheit und Sozialpolitik, Universität Bremen: Bewertungsverfahren - Pflegenoten - Impulsreferat Julian Witte (M. Sc.); wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Lehrstuhl für Gesundheitsökonomie und Gesundheitsmanagement; Fakultät für Gesundheitswissenschaften; Universität Bielefeld: Bewertungsverfahren - AMNOG - Impulsreferat Dr. Mani Rafii, Mitglied des Vorstands der BARMER: Bewertungsverfahren zur Qualitätssteigerung – Impulsreferat Podiumsdiskussion: Prof. Rothgang, Herr Witte, Herr Dr. Rafii 27. September 2018, Berlin