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Navigating Japanese Business Culture: Etiquette and Protocol

Learn about the formal hierarchy, teamwork, timely meetings, and respectful habits in Japanese companies, including business card exchanges, meeting protocols, and cultural nuances.

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Navigating Japanese Business Culture: Etiquette and Protocol

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  1. 日本のビズ二スについて

  2. 日本の会社で • Hierarchy • Formal • Teamwork • Timely • Polite • Respectful

  3. Hierarchy • 田中さん • 田中君 (Tanaka-Kun) • 田中部長 (Buchou-Boss)

  4. The Meeting • Arrive earlier than set time • Bows • Handshakes • Gifts • Seating • Conclusion

  5. 名刺:Business cards • Japanese & English texts • Lower ranks hand over cards first • Two Hands • Slight Nod • From top of ladder and down • Given out individually • NEVER WRITE ON CARD • DO NOT PUT card into wallet/back pocket • Superior puts card away first • Do not leave any cards given to you behind

  6. Habits • Do not blow your nose in a public place • Do not pat a Japanese man on the back or shoulder. • Leave poor remarks about your competitors, even your employees out of conversations. • When asking questions, ask about customer’s company and not private life. Smile. Willing to Learn.

  7. Citations • Business Etiquettes. WorldRoom.com, 2006. <http://www.worldroom.com/pages/wrntky/customs/tky_bizetiq.phtml> • Japanese Business Etiquette. Venture Japan, 2004 – 2006. <www.venturejapan.com>

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