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A Jeopardy-style game to test your knowledge on topics related to photosynthesis, cellular respiration, fermentation, and the electron transport chain (ETC). Answer questions and earn points to win!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jeopardy Photosynthesis Cellular Respiration Fermentation ETC ADP/ATP Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

  2. $100 Question Photosynthesis A group of students want to find out how much carbon is used by plants During the daytime. What control can Be used in this experiment?

  3. $100 Answer Photosynethsis The amount of CO2 used at night

  4. $200 Question Photosynthesis What form of abiotic carbon do plants remove from the environment?

  5. $200 Answer Photosynthesis Carbon Dioxide

  6. $300 Question Photosynthesis What is the equation for photosynthesis?

  7. $300 Answer Photosynthesis Energy + H20 + C02 yields C6H12O6 + 6O2

  8. $400 Question Photosynthesis Where in plant cells are the energy Absorbing molecules for Photosynthesis located?

  9. $400 Answer Photosynthesis Thylakoids

  10. $500 Question Photosynthesis What roles do electrons and Hydrogen ions play in the light- Dependent reactions of photosynthesis?

  11. $500 Answer Photosynthesis Electrons transfer energy, and Hydrogen ions flow through ATP Synthase to produce ATP

  12. $100 Question Cellular Respiration What products result from the Chemical reactions taking place in the Mitochondria of the cell?

  13. $100 Answer Cellular Respiration Sugars and oxygen

  14. $200 Question Cellular Respiration What is the equation for Cellular Respiration?

  15. $200 Answer Cellular Respiration C6H1206 + 6O2 yields 6CO2 + 6H2O

  16. $300 Question Cellular Respiration The Krebs Cycle is also called the …

  17. $300 Answer Cellular Respiration Citric Acid Cycle

  18. $400 Question Cellular Respiration The part of cellular respiration that Needs oxygen takes place inside The…..?

  19. $400 Answer Cellular Respiration Thykaloids

  20. $500 Question Cellular Respiration Is process of glycolysis takes Place in the ……?

  21. $500 Answer from H2 Mitochondria

  22. $100 Question ADP/ATP The unit which has a phosphorus Group taken away is called….

  23. $100 Answer from H3 ADP

  24. $200 Question ADP/ATP The universal currency for Energy in the cell is called…

  25. $200 Answer ADP/ATP ATP

  26. $300 Question Cellular Respiration What kind of molecule provides The most ATP when it is broken Down?

  27. $300 Answer ADP/ATP Lipid

  28. $400 Question ADP/ATP How is ADP converted to ATP?

  29. $400 Answer ADP/ATP One phosphate group is added To ADP and energy is required

  30. $500 Question ADP/ATP Why do organisms need to Digest food?

  31. $500 Answer ADP/ATP Digestion breaks down food Into smaller molecules that can Be used to make ATP

  32. $100 Question Fermentation What foods are made by fermentation?

  33. $100 Answer from H4 Cheese, bread, yogurt

  34. $200 Question Fermentation How are glycolysis and Fermentation related?

  35. $200 Answer Fermentation Fermentation recycles the Supply of NAD+ so glycolysis Can continue

  36. $300 Question Fermentation What products are formed From alcoholic fermentation?

  37. $300 Answer Fermentation An alcohol, carbon dixoide And NAD+

  38. $400 Question Fermentation Why is fermentation such an Important process to cells?

  39. $400 Answer Fermentation It allows glycolysis to continue to Produce a small amount of ATP when Oxygen is unavailable.

  40. $500 Question Fermentation In which process is lactic acid Formed when there is not enough Oxygen present for cellular Respiration?

  41. $500 Answer Fermentation Fermentaion

  42. $100 Question ETC What is the ETC?

  43. $100 Answer ETC Electron Transport Chain

  44. $200 Question ETC Metabolic Pathways are controlled By ____________ which regulate Chemical reactions.

  45. $200 Answer ETC Electrons

  46. $300 Question ETC What is the function of NADH in The electron transport chain?

  47. $300 Answer ETC It carries energized electrons To the proteins of the ETC

  48. $400 Question ETC What is the function of oxygen in cellular Respiration?

  49. $400 Answer ETC It picks up electrons and hydrogen ions From the ETC to form water

  50. $500 Question ETC Hydrogen ions combine with ___________ To form _________ in the ETC

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