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電子診斷儀器報告. Chapter 22 Computers in Biomedical Equipment. 級別 : 儀器系統組碩一. 姓名 : 蘇仁昌. Chapter 22 Computers in Biomedical Equipment. 學習目標. 1 . 瞭解基本的電腦名詞並且能畫出其架構和解釋其操作. 2 . 能夠畫出微處理器或微電腦的簡單架構並加以描述. 3 . 能夠解釋介面電路 , 如 ADC, DAC 等等. 4. 能夠列出醫療儀器中的微處理器 , 電腦的型態. 5. 能夠描述神經網路對醫療儀器的幫助.
電子診斷儀器報告 Chapter 22 Computers in Biomedical Equipment 級別: 儀器系統組碩一 姓名: 蘇仁昌
Chapter 22 Computers in Biomedical Equipment 學習目標 1.瞭解基本的電腦名詞並且能畫出其架構和解釋其操作 2.能夠畫出微處理器或微電腦的簡單架構並加以描述 3.能夠解釋介面電路, 如ADC, DAC等等 4.能夠列出醫療儀器中的微處理器,電腦的型態 5.能夠描述神經網路對醫療儀器的幫助 6.能夠描述出Internet對健康照顧的幫助 7.能夠描述何謂專家系統 8.能夠畫出用在實驗室儀器的DAS 9.可以列舉出電腦在醫療研究的例子
22-3 Introduction 電腦的演進:真空管電晶體VLSImicropressor/microcomputer 電腦發展史 算盤 4000~3000B.C 1642 Rotating wheel mechanical Blaise Pascal Baron Von Leibnitz More elaborate one 1671 Stored programs 19th Charles Babbage 1890 Punched card to stored data Herman Hollerith Complex calculator 1930s George Stibitz Mark I Automatic Sequence Controlled 1937 Harvard University Genernal purpose computer 1940 John Von Neuman
第一台商用數位電腦 1958 National Cash Registor Corporation CDC 7604/IBM 7090 1960 CDC 6600/IBM 360 series 1964 Advanced 370 series 1970s Intel(8080A,Z80) 6800 1977 早期致力建構特殊用途的電腦,進而朝向發展可程式化的數位電腦 -藉由程式做不同的工作 -Can be reprogrammed to perform a wide variety of chores Microprocessor :a chip that contains all of the arthmetic and logic elements required for a programmable digital computer Microcomputer替醫療儀器和控制系統帶來新的革命 把電腦整合入醫療儀器裡可達成自動化操作和即時的資料處理
22-4 Computer hardware and software Analog: an electronic ( or mechanical) device that can perform continuous mathematical operation. - very limiting in making logical decision Computer - can perform many parallel operations at high speed Digital: An electronic and electromechanical device that can perform a sequence of arithmetic and logical operation - can solve mathematical problems, sort, arrange information Software:computer program(is the sequence of instructions) Hardware:組成實體的部分
Y = M X + B * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Character 101 1001 100 1101 101 1000 ASCII Code 100 0010 011 1101 010 1010 010 1011 Instructions Read Y = M * X + B Input equation Read M = 2, X = 2, B = 1 Input data Calculate Y = M * X + B Perform arithmetic calculation Write M, X, B, Y Print or display data on SRT
22-5 Computer programming language 電腦程式語言:電腦所運算的一連串的指令 - Machine Language binary number string that is keyed in bymeans of switches on the computer front panel in older machines and through code translators in newer ones - Assembly Language A symbolic code of alphabet and number Characters, call mnemorics that replace the numeric instructions of machin language - High-Level Language Symbolic representations of alphabet number and special characters that are problem or function-oriented
22-6 Microprocessor and microcomputer system Microprocessor : - a LSI electronic digital circuit that contains the control pressing and holding register of a microcomputer.(Fig 22-4a,b) Microcomputer : - a general purpose computer composed of standard LSI component built around a CPU.(Fig 22-4c) 資料儲存形式 RAM ROM Magnetic bubble memory (MBM) [NEW!]
Simplified block diagram of a microprocessor/microcomputer system (a) Basic system (b) Processor signals
MBM : - 在薄磁層上有細微的磁化區,脈衝式的訊號電流產生 moving bubble or ligic 1. - 當一bubble通過一特定的偵測器時,電阻性的陣列元件會改變其 電阻值,便可讀出所儲存的資料 -access time 1ms (faster than disc and less expensive) Charge couple devices (CCD) [NEW!] - 利用小電容的充放電來存取和讀出資料 - faster(us) but cost much more - volatile CD-ROM Magnetic-optical
22-7 Interface between analog signals and digital computer Biomedical instrumentation usually transduces, amplifier, filters and displays analog signals obtained from the human body. 利用ADC把類比的生理訊號轉成數位訊號在送給電腦做處理. 數位訊號先經由DAC轉換,再顯示在生醫儀器上 ADC : Fig22-6a DAC : Fig22-6b
22-8 Hardware, software and firmware Hardware : The physical computer with its electronics, keyboard, display, interface… Software : - is the programs that operate a computer - low level and high level types - 程式語言,應用程式,繪圖程式,圖形化可程式軟體 Firware - 結合硬體和軟體
22-9 Modern Communications 結合多媒體的技術,提供聲音,影像等等 - Digital simultaneous voice and data(DSVE) Fig22-7 : high speed data bus system Wireless or mobile communication system透過telecomputer 下載資訊而不需直接使用電話線. -應用:視訊會議,救護系統 Hardware telecommunication : - 連接聲音和數位資料的使用者 - due toHDSL system Asymmetrical digital subscriber line (ADSL) Virtual reality (VR)
22-10 Modern microprocessors 目前大多數桌上型電腦屬IBM,Motorola,etc… 3rd generation PC : MPC604 (Fig22-8) Motorola: MC68000 series 8/16/32 bit - 用於馬達控制 - allow finer control of system parameters - also used in smart perpherals - Apple Macintosh uses 68000 series platform - Embedded computers Perform dedicated tasks for the environment they are connected to. Hardware, software and firmware are alse add to the Embedded system.
22-12 Digital signal processors (DSPs) 用以執行特定功能, 如mathematical operation, special data processing and analysis Off-load the microprocessor or computer allowing faster through-put processing 有特殊的I/O介面, called "on chip peripherals", 用以和 ADC做介面 Contain one or more series or parallel ports for inputting and outputting data from DMA 應用 :無線通訊,CD player, 行動電話,醫療儀器等等
22-19 Neural networks and computing applications Neural network - A computational system made up of either hardware or software and contains a large number of simple interconnected artificial neurons. - an adaptive learning system that self organizes information - three characteristics: a. Structure b. Dynamics c. Learning - Chaos theorem -應用於pattern recognition and adaptive control -臨床應用:imaging, waveform analysis, outcome prediction … -BCS : specific biomedical application of neural network
22-20 The Internet A group of shared computer interconnections that allows any person to log on-line and browse through categrories of information, download files, or interactively engage in discussions with other individuals who are also logged on. Information superhighway - an internetwork connection of computers(or workstations or smart terminals)that allows any computer to communicate with any other computer Information highway system Hardware: computers, servers, fiberoptic, RF… Software: browser Internet Explorer (Microsoft) Browsing software Navigator (Netscape)
22-22 PC, CD-ROM, and Interactive, Palmtop, and Laptop Computing and Health Care 目前朝向加強使用者和電腦之間的互動上 - 如何及時更新資料(information and image) PDA(Personal Digital Assistant) - Small screen some pushbutton, keyboard, witting pen - Offer flexibility in storing, sortng, transferring patient information - thinner, smaller, faster , easier to acess - easy to download appointment, notes from hospital rounds, and sketches into a large computer - challeng to find information quickly - the small screen permit only a small view of the big picture
22-23 Expert System A computer-based program comprised of writings of trained and experienced professionals who consult with the user through simulation Use a knowledge base and interence-ruled procedures that simulate the decision-making process of an expert (Fig22-10) 醫療照顧傳給較偏遠的地區的方法 - Telemedicine on Wheels - consist of a mobile clinic including video cameras and video-equipped medical instruments -醫生藉由通訊網路及時提供現場且適當的診斷
22-24 Computer-based patient record 電腦在醫療上的應用 -gathering , maintaining, retrieving medical records 優點 - elimination of illegible handwriting - easy tracking of a medical chart - finding answer to a simple question concerning a patients condition
22-25 Computer workstation advanced instrument workstation diagram - Fig 22-11 To make repair of mainframe and minicomputers more efficient remote instrument telemaintenance systems over a LAN are being more widely used. 藉由電腦輔助可預防或及早修復儀器上的故障
22-26 Computers in laboratory instrumentation 目前一般實驗室的儀器使用標準界面來與電腦做資料的傳輸 利用下拉式的選單來執行一些功能 - acquire sensor data, 如溫度, 壓力, ph值等 - process or analyze data - display the result - Data Acquistion System ( DAS ) : Fig 22-12 DAS 的準確度 - relate to analog side of continuous signal levels and digital side of discrete steps - Fig 22-13
Digital output sensor : Fig 22-14 - allow for tremendous system flexibility and reconfigurabiity - smart sensor : with their electronics can self calibrate for zero, gain and nonlinearity and check themselves for faults 目前的實驗室儀器大都提供隨插即用( plug and play) 亦可使用圖形化的程式軟體來設計 DAS , 如 Labview 電路縮小化也是另一項革命的重點 plug in printed circuit boards PCMCIA - provide a highly flexible multichannel data acquisition addition to an already powerful computing and processing system - has a standard IEEE 488 electrical interface
22-28 Computers in medical research 電腦對於醫療研究上幫助 Heger :低血糖(hypoglycemia)情形下生理參數的量測 如EEG, heart rate, skin impedance…等等 - 電腦用以擷取生理資料,紀錄和分析 Gruetter :大腦的葡萄糖(glucose)濃度的觀察 磁共振造影上的貢獻 利用電腦分析資料以尋找與某些疾病相關的基因
22-29 Computers in biomedical equipment 電腦在醫療設備的應用需考慮幾點因素 - data acquisition - ability to store and retrieve data - a process of data reduction or transformation to usable from - calculation of variables - recognition of variables - recognition of patterns in the endless waveform - establishment of boundaries or limits - statistical analysis of variable signal - presentation formats for the data
一些大系統上的應用 1. Automated medical information system (MIS) 2. Computer analysis of the ECG - P, Q, R, S, T的量測 - 檢測心律 3. Computer analysis in patient monitoring - monitor使用microprocessor based system - central station使用較大的微電腦來分析和顯示資料 (ECG波形,血壓呼吸率) -Fig 22-15 4. Computer analysis of cardiac catherization parameters 5. Computer averaging in electronencephalographic evoked response
6. Computer analysis of pulmonary (肺功能的電腦分析) - 呼吸率, 血管內的氣體變化 - Fig 22-16 7. Computer evaluation of clinical laboratory chemical tests (臨床實驗室化學測試的電腦計算) - 血液, 尿液及其它體液的分析 - 把分析所得的資料做即時處理以方便診斷 8.Computed tomography - CT (電腦斷層攝影) - 經由pencil beam在不同角度的掃瞄獲得x-光的照片,然後 利用電腦重新畫出 - 可看出組織或腫瘤的細部外觀 - Pattern recognition - Fig 22-17 & Fig 22-18
9. Magnetic resonance imaging – MRI (磁振照影) - 又稱核磁共振 - 原理 : 共振的氫原子核有很大的能量 靜磁場 兩個field 較弱的時變場跨在需造影的部位 共振的H原子發射能量由sense coil接收 - 對於組織的細微變化的成像特別有效 CT造影是量測多少X-ray經過組織 MRI則是量測組織中水 (hydrogen)的密度 10. Positron emission tomography - PET - 把碳,氧,氮,氟的positron emitting radionuclide注入人體 - Position因電子而衰減並產生X-ray
- 在人體另一側分析radionuclide和X-ray便可把organs的影像呈現 - 用於研究腦,心功能,和在有機體的生理過程 11. Computer analysis of nuclear medicine results (核子醫學結果的電腦分析) 12. Digital radiology - 用高解析度的digital imegery 取代X-ray底片 - 電腦輔助診斷用於FFDM (乳房X光攝影術) 13. High-resolution imaging(高解析度造影) -可用於改善外科手術的準確度,讓病人快速的康復 14. High-speed imaging(高速造影) - 用於瞭解有心臟疾病的心臟血管血流情形
- 慢動作重播可幫助瞭解血流的動態 - Flow visualization system 15. Biotelemetry (遙測醫學) - 可用在ECG, EEG, BP和生理參數的量測上 - 可傳送適當的醫療處理方法 16. Computers in other biomedical equipment (其它設備的使用) - ECG monitor - respiratory servoventilators - the delivery of anesthesia - ultrasonic scanning analysis
22-30 Summary 電腦的革命使得醫療系統目前被廣泛的使用 電腦的硬體和軟體, 包含系統架構和電腦程式 多媒體技術的結合 神經網路和專家系統 Internet PC-based computer health care system 電腦在醫學研究和臨床診斷上的貢獻