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Electron cloud studies at TU Darmstadt and GSI O. Boine-Frankenheim, O. Haas, F. Petrov

Electron cloud studies at TU Darmstadt and GSI O. Boine-Frankenheim, O. Haas, F. Petrov. Institut Theorie Elektromagnetischer Felder (TEMF) Computational Electromagnetics Laboratory. TEMF Staff. Professors:. Irina Munteanu Finite Methods and CST AG . Oliver Boine- Frankenheim

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Electron cloud studies at TU Darmstadt and GSI O. Boine-Frankenheim, O. Haas, F. Petrov

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  1. Electron cloud studies at TU Darmstadt and GSIO. Boine-Frankenheim, O. Haas, F. Petrov InstitutTheorieElektromagnetischer Felder (TEMF) Computational Electromagnetics Laboratory December 15, 2013 | TU Darmstadt | Fachbereich 18 | Institut Theorie Elektromagnetischer Felder | Oliver Boine-Frankenheim | 1

  2. TEMF Staff Professors: Irina Munteanu Finite Methods and CST AG Oliver Boine-Frankenheim Accelerator physics and GSI Beam physics department HaraldKlingbeil Accelerator technology and GSI Ring RF department + 36 Phd students and Postdocs (17 with accelerator related topics) + 11 external PhD students (3 at CERN) Sebastian Schöps Comput. Electromagnetics Thomas Weiland Head of the institute Research group leaders: Wolfgang Ackermann High frequencies Erion Gjonaj Coupled problems Wolfgang Müller Beam dynamics December 15, 2013 | TU Darmstadt | Fachbereich 18 | Institut Theorie Elektromagnetischer Felder | Oliver Boine-Frankenheim | 2

  3. Infrastructure: TEMF Computing Cluster 172 nodes, 2.064 cores, 21.89 TFlop/s Used for parallel computing with MPI. Fast Quad Data Rate (QDR) Infiniband connections December 15, 2013 | TU Darmstadt | Fachbereich 18 | Institut Theorie Elektromagnetischer Felder | Oliver Boine-Frankenheim | 3

  4. Simulation tools available at TEMFfor electron cloud related studies Commercial codes: Community maintained codes: • py-orbit (Shishlo, Cousineau, Holmes et al.) • https://code.google.com/p/py-orbit/ • Teapot tracking • 2D/3D space charge solvers • Parallel implementation (MPI) • -> coherent/incoherent e-cloud effects • CST Studio® (CST AG, Darmstadt) • 3D EM and particle solvers • -> Microwave transmission studies • Codes/modules under development at TEMF (see talks by O. Haas/F. Petrov): • Residual gas ionization and SEY models • Fast 2D/3D Poisson solvers for arbitrary shaped pipes (Python/C++ version on github) • Electron cloud buildup codes (2D PIC with ionization and SEY models) -> github • Coupling to pyorbit (under development -> talk by O. Haas) • VORPAL®now VSim®(Tech-X, Boulder, CO) • 3D EM PIC solvers • -> Electron cloud buildup studies • -> Microwave transmission studies • -> Wake field studies December 15, 2013 | TU Darmstadt | Fachbereich 18 | Institut Theorie Elektromagnetischer Felder | Oliver Boine-Frankenheim | 4

  5. Electron clouds in SIS100electron trapping in intense coasting ion beams BMBF project 06DA9022I (until end of 2012) Equilibrium neutralization: Coulomb heating vs. electron trapping F. Petrov, O. Boine-F., When do residual gas electron destabilize an ion beam ? NIM A (2013) Neutralization degree determined by: - e-I Coulomb collision (good vacuum) - two-stream instability (bad vacuum) Fedor Petrov Beam dynamics + electron cloud buildup ! December 15, 2013 | TU Darmstadt | Fachbereich 18 | Institut Theorie Elektromagnetischer Felder | Oliver Boine-Frankenheim | 5

  6. Electron clouds in the CERN LHC BMBF project 05H12RD7 (until end of 2014) Space charge limited or saturated electron clouddensity. Stopping power in a saturated cloud: Longitudinal wake field: Saturated vs. homogeneous cloud next step -> incoherent tune spread (talk by F. Petrov) O. Boine-F., F. Petrov, Th. Weiland, G. Rumolo, Energy loss and longitudinal wakefield of relativistic short proton bunches in electron clouds Phys. Rev. ST-AB (2012) December 15, 2013 | TU Darmstadt | Fachbereich 18 | Institut Theorie Elektromagnetischer Felder | Oliver Boine-Frankenheim | 6

  7. Simulation of microwave transmission F. Caspers, S. Federmann, et al. Oliver Haas Detailed buildup simulations (VORPAL) Effective electron density: O. Haas, O. Boine-F., F. Petrov, Simulations of the electron cloud buildup and its influence on the microwave transmission measurement, NIM A (2013) December 15, 2013 | TU Darmstadt | Fachbereich 18 | Institut Theorie Elektromagnetischer Felder | Oliver Boine-Frankenheim | 7

  8. German government funding for joint projects with CERN Funding period 2012-2014 German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) Johanna Wanka (German Minister) High energy physics: 4 % for accelerators Belle II / NA62OPERA:6,1 TEMF: 0,3 (= 2 projects) R&D Accel: 2,6 Projects between CERN and German university groups Next BMBF call for the funding period 2015-2017: End 2014 • 64 M€ -> Discussion of possible joint projects related to electron clouds - simulation code development - specific studies (coherent/incoherent effects) - measurement techniques - interplay: impedances, e-clouds,…. in M€ Marius Groll, PT-DESY, KfB Treffen December 15, 2013 | TU Darmstadt | Fachbereich 18 | Institut Theorie Elektromagnetischer Felder | Oliver Boine-Frankenheim | 8

  9. Many thanks for your attention. December 15, 2013 | TU Darmstadt | Fachbereich 18 | Institut Theorie Elektromagnetischer Felder | Oliver Boine-Frankenheim | 9

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