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‘ ’ EU-RO-IN ASSOCIATION IASI, ROMANIA TR- Kırsehir   08-11 November  2013

‘ ’ EU-RO-IN ASSOCIATION IASI, ROMANIA TR- Kırsehir   08-11 November  2013. Learn About Finding Jobs for the disabled L@jost. THE SPECIFIC OF. EU-RO-IN Association is a non-governmental, non-profit, independent association with public benefit, founded in 2010. ‘ ’.

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‘ ’ EU-RO-IN ASSOCIATION IASI, ROMANIA TR- Kırsehir   08-11 November  2013

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  1. ‘’ EU-RO-IN ASSOCIATION IASI, ROMANIA TR-Kırsehir   08-11 November  2013 Learn About Finding Jobs for the disabled L@jost

  2. THE SPECIFIC OF EU-RO-IN Association is a non-governmental, non-profit, independent association with public benefit, founded in 2010. ‘’ Learn About Finding Jobs for the disabled L@jost

  3. The members of the EU-RO-IN Association want to join in order to promote in Europe the Romanian cultural values and traditions, and to promote in Romania the European values, to create an authentic democracy and a smooth integration of our country in EU and among the countries with a socio-economic development and advanced policy. PURPOSE Learn About Finding Jobs for the disabled L@jost

  4. theinvolvement of thecitizens in theelaboration of decisionsandofthe public policy, in solvingthecommunityproblems OBJECTIVES • defendingandcompliance of thehumanrights as they are stipulated in internationaltreaties Learn About Finding Jobs for the disabled L@jost

  5. theachievement of civil control regardingthe functioning of public institutions on democratic principles,defending human fundamental values,therightsandliberties of thecitizen on local, nationalandworldwidelevel OBJECTIVES • theinsurance of transparency on the functioning of public institutionsandthe increase of theirresponsibilities in relation tocitizens as direct beneficiaries of their public services Learn About Finding Jobs for the disabled L@jost

  6. promotion of theequalityofopportunitiesbetweenmenandwomen, thefightagainst social, ethnical, racial, cultural and political exclusion,anddiscrimination • promotion of theélitesfromthefolowingdomains: educational, economic, social, cultural,political OBJECTIVES • to organizate some activities for personal and professional training and development, for the disadvantaged groups, for people involved in adult, youth and children formal and non-formal education Learn About Finding Jobs for the disabled L@jost

  7. education of thecitizensregardingthecompetencesandduties of public authorities; • informingthecitizens about issues of public interest • promotion of someformsofcollaborationand mutual assistance of thecitizens, especially for thosewhobelongtodisadvantagedclasses OBJECTIVES Learn About Finding Jobs for the disabled L@jost

  8. the organization of training courses, seminars, conferences, public debates, as well as the organization of marches, public demonstrations and other public awareness activities, according to the law • the granting of consultancy and advice for people who are interested in matters regarding the respecting of human rights, the development of civic conscience, and other issues of general interest related to public life Activities Learn About Finding Jobs for the disabled L@jost

  9. the organization and development of activities regarding environmental protection • the development of their own projects and programs or in partnership with local, national or international authorities, with non-governmental organizations and private institutions (from their country and abroad) Activities • informing and educating the citizens, the communities and the public authorities regarding the need for civic dialogue • arranging meetings between citizens and the representatives of public authorities • organizing debates and opinion polls on public issues Learn About Finding Jobs for the disabled L@jost

  10. the active involvement of the citizens on decision and public policy elaboration • establishing some annual awards for civic, educational, social and cultural activities • the organization and development of activities to identify and promote young talents Activities Learn About Finding Jobs for the disabled L@jost

  11. the fight against juvenile delinquency, AIDS and drugs • the organization of humanitarian, financial, material and food aids • the organization of professional training courses in different fields of activity Activities • competitions, exhibitions, preparing radio and TV shows Learn About Finding Jobs for the disabled L@jost

  12. the organization of activities for promoting the principle of equal opportunities, making programs to support old people who have low incomes, children and disadvantagedyouth. Activities • the organization of information, counseling, selection and work placement, services for labor mediation on the intern and extern market Learn About Finding Jobs for the disabled L@jost

  13. EUROPEAN PROJECTS I.”DISCOVER A NEW WORKING FIELD “ (LDV/PAR/2012/RO/066) Leonardo da Vinci Partnership Project Period: 2012-2014 Partners: Turkey, Spain, Romania, Italy, Poland, UK Learn About Finding Jobs for the disabled L@jost

  14. II. Learn About Finding Jobs for the disabled Project EUROPEAN PROJECTS (LDV/PAR/2013/RO/184) Leonardo da Vinci Partnership Project period: 2013-2015 Partners: Turkey, Estonia, Romania, Italy, UK L@jost Learn About Finding Jobs for the disabled L@jost

  15. INITIAL ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE – L@JOST Project elaborated by SC Training Cons 2005 srl team, Iasi, RO What type of project is the LDV project which you participate in? What are countries and partner institutions? What are the project objectives? To which local/national/European requirements this project responds? What determined you to take the decision to participate in this project? What activities will be developed in the project? How do you plan to be involved in the project? What do you think you will win as a result of your participation in the project? Name and surname:...   Signature: ... Date:... *Applied, Data Analyses and Interpreting follows Learn About Finding Jobs for the disabled L@jost

  16. Romanian Education System‘’ = a Decade of Change Among the achievements of the latter reform: 1) the revitalization and modernization of higher education, and alignment of Romania's higher education with the modernization process occurring in the west; 2) extension from 8 to 10 years of free and compulsory education; high education to 12 years, and academic education with more specific specialties – LMD (licence, master degree, PhD); 3) a rise of enrolment at all levels; and, 4) reorganization of vocational education. Learn About Finding Jobs for the disabled L@jost

  17. Romanian Education System Implementing the Bologna principles and following the priorities of Lisbon strategy, Romanian education system and, particularly, the higher education system, reconsiders and rebuilds its vision and mission as well as its entire strategy. Following basic elements are considered in: •What is learned must be relevant to the needs of the people in economy. Educational providers need to be in touch with labour market requirements; •Effective learning must be judged on the basis of the outcomes that result, rather than on the inputs required; •Ways must be found to facilitate learning rather than to simply supply instruction; •The valuing of research and innovation within educational organizations must be increased; •Tailor made “entrepreneurial” education towards the necessities of the market, especially focused on small and medium size enterprises; •The lifelong learning – education permanence - should be continuously developed and be linked to the market requirements. The role and the main influences that higher education system will have over economic and human resources development are underlined. Also, appreciating that entrepreneurship becomes more and more one of the most important factors of development, the education and economic development are linked through the concept of “entrepreneurial university”. Cf. Sitnikov, C. S., O noua provocare a invatamantului superior din Romania - universitatile antreprenoriale. A new challenge for higher education in Romania –entrepreneurial universities SPECIAL EDUCATION - part of the Romanian Education System!!! Learn About Finding Jobs for the disabled L@jost

  18. VOCATIONAL ROMANIAN EDUCATION SYSTEM “Education for All” = = A Dimension of Education in the 3rd Millennium Innovation and Creativity in Education Continuous training of human resources – a solution to crisis going out Human resources represent the essential element of the competition, both on national and international level. The quality and the inventive human resources = the main factors that make the difference between the countries of the world. Fairness and equal opportunities in education. THAT’S WHYL@jost! Providing basic education for all is a means of ensuring equal opportunities, of reducing social exclusion, of adapting to the requirements of socio-economic changes and active participation in shaping the future of Europe and the world. Learn About Finding Jobs for the disabled L@jost

  19. VOCATIONAL ROMANIAN EDUCATION SYSTEM info on disabled people Educational information guides Decision educational and vocational guidance Special courses for guiding and take professional decisions Activities useful for L@jost: EX. 1, INSERT Project – Building a network of rehabilitation and occupational integration for persons with disabilities in Romania, in order to improve their access to the labour market, European Project with FSE Fundings EX. 2, The Somatic Association of Handicapped People of Romania held on Friday, 20 September 2013 in Bucharest, the second edition of the Job Fair, addressed to persons with disabilities and those affected by diseases that affect professional and social life (chronic diseases). The message promoted: "Support those who want to work!“ and a Regional Conference on the theme, “Trends and Outlook for the labour market integration of persons with disabilities in rural areas”. - European Projects with FSE Fundings, partners with INSERT Learn About Finding Jobs for the disabled L@jost

  20. Local partners of EU-RO-IN ASSOCIATION : Iasi City Hall The Prefect’s Office, Iasi “Al. I. Cuza” University, Iasi The Department of Child Protection, Iasi The County School Inspectorate, Iasi The Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, Iasi The Teachers’House, Iasi “G.Ibraileanu” National College Technological High School, TarguFrumos The Orthodox Seminary “St. Vasilecel Mare”, Iasi Learn About Finding Jobs for the disabled L@jost

  21. Contact and address: website: http://asociatia-euroin.co.cc/ Address: EU-RO-IN ASSOCIATION Carol I Boulevard, no.40 , block B2, ap.32, Iasi, Romania euroinassociation@yahoo.com phone 0040745702127 President of EU-RO-IN: PhD, Elena Anghel, Comenius expert of EU Commission This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Learn About Finding Jobs for the disabled L@jost

  22. THANK YOU! EU-RO-IN ASSOCIATION Learn About Finding Jobs for the disabled L@jost

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