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Croatian Water Myths & Legends: The Mysterious Water Court

Discover the mystical world of Croatian water folklore including the Water Court, Water Men, Water Women, Water Fairies, Drowned Men, Water Giant, and Pit Monster. These legendary creatures inhabit rivers, lakes, and swamps, weaving tales of allure, danger, and ancient wisdom.

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Croatian Water Myths & Legends: The Mysterious Water Court

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  1. MYTHS AND LEGENDS Croatian about water

  2. THE WATER COURT • mysterious creatures who live in and around the water • by night they appear on the surface, and call innocent people to come into their watery empire, never to return

  3. THE LEGEND OFTHE BLACK QUEEN • there was a big drought • people were desperate for water

  4. they begged their Black Queen to give them water and she gave them profuse rain • the rain made 13 lakes • they named it PLITVIČKA JEZERA (Plitvice Lakes)


  6. VODENJAKI(Water Men) • live in the depths of rivers • drown anyone who disturbs their river • have powers all men wish to possess

  7. VODENKINJE(Water Women) • ugly, but they can turn into beauties • cruel and wise • lure people with their singing and looks

  8. VILE VODENICE(Water Fairies) • pretty and noble • can turn into swans

  9. FTOPLENIKI(Drowned Men) • slave of Water Men • people who swam in the river by night, in the dawn, and during midday

  10. VÜLIMAN (Water Giant) • makes whirlpools • eats everybody who catches its fish • guardian of the underworld

  11. GRABAR(Pit Monster) • lives in swamp • lurks small kids in the reeds

  12. “A quotation in the right place at the right time is like water in a desert.” Vikrant Parsai

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