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Enhancing the Response to HLP Issues in Humanitarian Operations: Lessons Learned and Future Directions

Explore the importance of Housing, Land, and Property (HLP) rights in humanitarian contexts. Learn about key issues, challenges, and lessons from past emergency shelter programs. Discover why HLP matters and the way forward for more effective responses. Presented at the Shelter Meeting 2012, Geneva.

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Enhancing the Response to HLP Issues in Humanitarian Operations: Lessons Learned and Future Directions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Housing, Land and Property (HLP) Shelter Meeting 2012 Geneva 24 May 2012

  2. Presentation Structure Background on HLP Emergency Shelter and HLP Issues Some Lessons Learned Way Forward

  3. Who we are Protection ClusterArea of Responsibility (AoR) Aim: more predictable, accountable and effective response to HLP issues 2012-13: support to field and partnership with the emergency shelter cluster

  4. Some of the places we work…

  5. What are HLP rights? Origins are in housing rights movement Now include the full range of residential, land and natural resource rights in IHL and global standards (respect, protect, fulfil) Include statutory, customary and informal rights

  6. Why HLP matters Conflict: land a root cause of displacement and violent conflict Risk Reduction: poor land-use increases exposure to hazards Humanitarian Operations: access to land and security of tenure critical for emergency shelter programming

  7. HLP & Emergency Shelter Issues 1 Assessment – inclusion and analysis (Libya, Haiti, Pakistan 2010-11) Emergency Shelter Strategy – HLP issues incorporated? (Philippines, Haiti) Host Families – insecure rights of host family (Pakistan 2009) Collective Centres – residual caseload often due to HLP issues (2004 tsunami)

  8. HLP & Emergency Shelter Issues 2 Eligible Beneficiaries – documentation required by Govt or Donor (various countries) Access to land– sites for emergency or transitional shelter (Gujarat 2001, Pakistan 2005, Haiti) Rubble Removal– whose rubble? who removes it? when? (Pakistan 2005, Haiti) Abandoned land & property – role in broader shelter strategy under-developed (Kosovo, Bouganville, PNG) Secondary Occupation – good faith versus deliberate strategy? (Kosovo)

  9. HLP & Emergency Shelter Issues 3 Informal rights holders – squatters, informal settlements, renters (Gujarat 2001, Haiti) Evictions– new demand for emergency shelter (Afghanistan, Cambodia, Rwanda, etc.) Unsafe Land/Landlessness – risk assessment, resettlement (Gujarat 2001, Pakistan 2005, Pakistan 2010-11, Phils 2012) Handover – what kind of documentation/ rights to emergency shelter? (Aceh 2004, Iraq)

  10. Shelter & HLP: Some Lessons Ignoring land issues is not an option – incorporate into response strategy Significant awareness and practical experience in shelter cluster Emergency shelter can help secure HLP rights (positive and negative) Urban contexts increase complexity, but some rural approaches still valid

  11. Way Forward Increased collaboration at the global level – 2012-13 HLP Work Programme Closer operational working relationship at the field level Expanding the roster of HLP and Shelter experts

  12. Thank You! Szilard Fricska Chair, Housing, Land and Property AoR fricska.unhabitat@unog.ch

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