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Electroweak physics at LHC. Marina Cobal, University of Udine ‘IFAE’, Torino Apr 14 - Apr 16, 2004. Outline. Introduction W mass measurement Top mass measurement EW single top quark production: measurement of V tb . A FB asymmetry in dilepton production: sin 2 θ eff lept (M Z 2 ) .
Electroweak physics at LHC Marina Cobal, University of Udine ‘IFAE’, Torino Apr 14 - Apr 16, 2004
Outline • Introduction • W mass measurement • Top mass measurement • EW single top quark production: measurement of Vtb. • AFB asymmetry in dilepton production: sin2θefflept(MZ2). • Conclusion.
pp (mainly) at s = 14 TeV Startup in April 2007 Initial/low lumiL~1033 cm-2 s-1 2 minimum bias/x-ing “Tevatron-like” environment 10 fb-1 /year Design/high lumiL=1034 cm-2 s-1 after ~ 3 years ~ 20 minimum bias/x-ing fast ( 50 ns) radhard detect 100 fb-1 /year LHC and experiments TOTEM 27 km ring 1232 dipoles B=8.3 T ATLAS and CMS : pp, general purpose ALICE : heavy ions, p-ions LHCb : pp, B-physics
ATLAS cavern CMS yoke Huge activities in construction of both CMS and ATLAS
from n, m decays from meson decays GF (1) VCKM (4) mfermions (9) from direct measurements SM (17 parameters) predictions mbosons (2) (down to 0.1% level) mH not discovered yet H ln(mH/mW) t mt2 What we know No observable directly related to mH. Dependence through radiative corrections. Example: mW=mW(mt2,log(mH)) By making precision measurements (already interesting per se): • one can get information on the missing parameter mH • one can test the validity of the Standard Model
Where we are Uncertainties on mt, mW are the dominating ones in the ew fit Each “observable” (Aq, Al, Rq, Rl, , m, sinW,…) can be calculated as a function of: had, s(mZ), mZ, mt,mH At the Tevatron run II: mt 2.5 GeV ; mW 30 MeV mH/mH 35% What can we expect/should be our goal at LHC?
√s [TeV] Luminosity [cm-2s-1] ∫L [fb-1/y] TeVatron 2 <1032 0.3 LHC (low lum) 14 1033 10 LHC LHC (high lum) 14 1034 100 TeVatron Predictions - -
n e W beam line (missing pT) MW measurement at the LHC year 2004: MW 30 MeV , year 2007: MW< 30 MeV (Lep2+Tevatron) • mtop and MW: equal weight in the EW fitifMW 0.007 mtop at LHC: mtop 2 GeV gives the precision MW : 15 MeV • Methods: same as at the Tevatron, with Wl decays butLHC statistics is higher Wl 60 M reconstructed @ lowL(x10 RunII) • PTl spectrum • R=MTW / MTZ spectrum • MTW Pile-up , theo. know. of PTW Small syst, sample /10 Best choice for low lum phase
Mw measurement: Transverse Mass • Use Transverse mass to cope with unmeasured PL • W mass: fit exp. shape to MC sample with different Values of MW • stat. error negligible • syst. error: MC modelling of the physics • and the detector responses physics detector
Advantages of LHC Profit from Tevatron experience: Many potential hidden sources of systematics from the detector description in the simulations (+pile-up, + radiation) use data samples for in-situ calibrations ! Advantages of the LHC: Huge statistics of signal & control samples like Z leptonic decays: Larger production cross-section for the control process Z(e/)(e/) (6 millions/y/exp) granularity + acceptance + resolution are better Error from control samples at the LHC < than at the Tevatron
Detector systematics 0.02% on lepton E/p scale precision needed Zee, Z mass reconstruction leptonic decays of , J/ ~15 MeV/y-e-l can be reached … and ~1-2% uncertainty in E+p resolution Z width reconstruction beam tests data ~5 MeV/y-e-l can be reached Recoil modelling (UE + detector) determine response/resolution of the recoil (+UE) from Z data ~5 MeV/y-e-l can be reached low extrapolation error ZW
Implicit SM assumption to determine W From LEP From theory Physics systematics pT(W) use pT(Z) from Z, use pT(W)/pT(Z) to model MC. ~5 MeV/y-e-l can be reached Uncertainties on the parton density functions Compare different models, constrain pdfs through Z+W data ~10 MeV/y-e-l can be reached W width use measurement of <10 MeV/y-e-l can be reached Radiative decays constrained through W? <10 MeV/y-e-l, theory work needed Background checks on Z and W (composition similar to Tevatron) <5 MeV/y-e-l should be reached
MW , Wl one lepton species low lum, per exp., per year Much better! Internal calibration from Z data mainly. Need excellent control of energy flow+ p scale • Combining channels and exp., should reach MW 15 MeV
Cross section determined to NLO precision Total NLO(tt) = 834 ± 100 pb Largest uncertainty from scale variation Compare to other production processes: Top production cross section approximately 100x Tevatron Mtop measurement: production ~90% gg~10% qq Low lumi Opposite @ FNAL LHC is a top factory!
Br(ttbbjjl)=30%for electron + muon Golden channel Clean trigger from isolated lepton The reconstruction starts with the W mass: different ways to pair the right jets to form the W jet energies calibrated using mW Important to tag the b-jets: enormously reduces background (physics and combinatorial) clean up the reconstruction Lepton side Hadron side MTop from lepton+jet Typical selection efficiency: ~5-10%: • Isolated lepton PT>20 GeV • ETmiss>20 GeV • 4 jets with ET>40 GeV • >1 b-jet (b40%, uds10-3, c10-2) Background: <2% W/Z+jets, WW/ZZ/WZ
Hadronic side W from jet pair with closest invariant mass to MW Require |MW-Mjj|<20 GeV Assign a b-jet to the W to reconstruct Mtop Kinematic fit Using remaining l+b-jet, the leptonic part is reconstructed |mlb -<mjjb>| < 35 GeV Kinematic fit to the tt hypothesis, using MW constraints j2 j1 b-jet t Lepton + jet: reconstruct top Borjanovic et al., SN-ATLAS-2004-040 W-mass • Selection efficiency 5-10%
Method works: Linear with input Mtop Largely independent on Top PT Biggest uncertainties: Jet energy calibration FSR: ‘out of cone’ give large variations in mass B-fragmentation Verified with detailed detector simulation and realistic calibration Mtop systematics Challenge: determine the mass of the top around 1 GeV accuracy in one year of LHC
Mtop Alternative mass determination • Select high PT back-to-back top events: • Hemisphere separation (bckgnd reduction, much less combinatorial) • Higher probability for jet overlapping • Use the events where both W’s decay leptonically (Br~5%) • Much cleaner environment • Less information available from two ’s • Use events where both W’s decay hadronically (Br~45%) • Difficult ‘jet’ environment • Select PT>200 GeV Various methods all have different systematics
Use exclusive b-decays with high mass products (J/) Higher correlation with Mtop Clean reconstruction (background free) BR(ttqqb+J/) 5 10-5 ~ 30% 103 ev./100 fb-1(need high lumi) Mtop from J/ MlJ/ Different systematics (almost no sensitivity to FSR) Uncertainty on the b-quark fragmentation function becomes the dominant error M(J/+l) M(J/+l) Mtop
Determination MTop in initial phase Use ‘Golden plated’ lepton+jet Selection: Isolated lepton with PT>20 GeV Exactly 4 jets (R=0.4) with PT>40 GeV Reconstruction: Select 3 jets with maximal resulting PT Signal can be improved by kinematic constrained fit Assuming MW1=MW2 and MT1=MT2 Commissioning the detectors • Calibrating detector in comissioning phase • Assume pessimistic scenario: • -) No b-tagging • -) No jet calibration • -) But: Good lepton identification No background included
Signal plus background at initial phase of LHC Most important background for top: W+4 jets Leptonic decay of W, with 4 extra ‘light’ jets Alpgen, Monte Carlo has ‘hard’ matrix element for 4 extra jets(not available in Pythia/Herwig) Commissioning the detectors ALPGEN: W+4 extra light jets Jet: PT>10, ||<2.5, R>0.4 No lepton cuts Effective : ~2400 pb L = 150 pb-1 (2/3 days low lumi) With extreme simple selection and reconstruction the top-peak should be visible at LHC measure top mass (to 5-7 GeV) give feedback on detector performance
Direct determination of the tWb vertex (=Vtb) Discriminants: - Jet multiplicity (higher for Wt) More than one b-jet (increase W* signal over W- gluon fusion) 2-jets mass distribution (mjj ~ mW for the Wt signal only) Three production mechanisms: Main Background [xBR(W→ℓ), ℓ=e,μ]: ttσ=833 pb [ 246 pb] Wbbσ=300 pb [ 66.7 pb] Wjjσ=18·103 pb [4·103 pb] Single top production 1) Determination of Vtb 2) Independent mass measurement +16.6 Wg fusion: 245±27 pb S.Willenbrock et al., Phys.Rev.D56, 5919 Wt: 62.2 pb A.Belyaev, E.Boos, Phys.Rev.D63, 034012 W* 10.2±0.7 pb M.Smith et al., Phys.Rev.D54, 6696 -3. 7 Wg [54.2 pb] Wt [17.8 pb] W* [2.2 pb]
Single top results • Detector performance critical to observe signal • Fake lepton rate • b and fake rate id • Reconstruction and vetoing of low energy jets • Identification of forward jets • Each of the processes have different systematic errors for Vtb and are sensitive to different new physics • heavy W’ increase in the s-channel W* • FCNC gu t increase in the W-gluon fusion channel • Signal unambiguous, after 30 fb-1: • Complementary methods to extract Vtb • With 30 fb-1 of data, Vtb can be determined to %-level or better(experimentally)
Drell-Yan production at the LHC Goals: • Measure pdf • Determine parton lumi • Measure sin2W
sin2leff measurement • sin2θefflept is one of the fundamental parameters of the SM! • precise determination will constrain the Higgs mass and check consistency of the SM. • From AFB in p-pZ, l+ l- • at the Z pole, AFB comes from interference • of the V and A components of the couplings • [hep/ph9707301] • At pp collider, forward direction not naturally definedBUT • -Always from sea softer: direction given by the sign of y(ll) • - Asymmetry increase with y(ll) AFB = b { a - sin2θefflept( MZ2) } a and b calculated to NLO in QED and QCD.
L= 100 fb-1 sin2leff measurement • To reach World Average precision, need to • use full calorimeter coverage (e channel only) • - Z + - ||<2. • - Z e+ e- ||<2.5 jet rejection factor 1000 • - Z e+ e- 2.5<||<5 jet rejection factor 10 - 100 [%] σ ( Z → l +l - ) ~ 1.5 nb (for either e or μ) ( statistical ) ( statistical ) • Main sys. effect: uncertainty on pdf, lepton acceptance (~0.1%), radiative correction Can be further improved: combine channels/experiments.
Conclusions: • LHC will allow precision measurements: unexplored kinematic regions, high-statistics (W, Z, b, t factory); • MWcan be measured with a precision of 15 MeV (combinig e/μ and ATLAS + CMS); • Mtop: ~ 1 GeV(combined with ∆mW~15 MeV, constrains MH to ~ 25%); • EW single top production: direct measurement of Vtb; measurement of top polarization (Wg with statistical precision of ~ 1.6%); • sin2θefflept( MZ2) can be determined with statistical precision of 1.4x10-4(competitive to lepton collider measurements!)
challenge • lepton E,p scale • goal ~0.02% mandatory for MW • knowledge of ID material to 1% • precise alignment (<1m) • precise magnetic fields maps (<0.1%) • differents sub-detectors concerned • jet energy scale (light jets / b jets) • goal ~1%mandatory for Mtop • coverage • ||<2.5 • ||<5 e, , jets ATLAS challenge CMS
Backup Stan Bentvelsen Moriond-QCD 2004
MW & Mtop measurement- From D. Glenzinski (CDF), ICHEP2002 10 fb-1 of LHC (per experiment) 2 fb-1 of RunII (per experiment)
tt Cross Section at 14TeV total NNLO:uncertainty from scale (mt/2, 2mt)< 3%!!! (N.Kidonakis, hep-ph/0401147)
Assuming total uncertainty on W-mass of 15 MeV Combined LHC prospect Very challenging measurement! Repeat the Electro-Weak fit changing the uncertainties: Mtop=1 GeV MW =15 MeV Same central values SM constraints on MHiggs: Summer 2003 values: Chances to rule out SM! Consequences from Mtop Thanks to M.Grunewald direct EXCLUDED (mH/mH 32%) (mH/mH 53%)
j2 j1 b-jet Mtop t High Pt sample • The high pT selected sample deserves independent analysis: • Hemisphere separation (bckgnd reduction, much less combinatorial) • Higher probability for jet overlapping • Use all clusters in a large cone R=[0.8-1.2] around the reconstructed top- direction • Less prone to QCD, FSR, calibration • UE can be subtracted Mtop Statistics seems OK and syst. under control R
Use events where both W’s decay hadronically (Br~45%) Difficult ‘jet’ environment (QCD, Pt>100) ~ 1.73 mb (signal) ~ 370 pb Perform kinematic fit on whole event b-jet to W assignment for combination that minimize top mass difference Increase S/B: Require pT(tops)>200 GeV Top mass from hadronic decay • Selection • 6 jets (R=0.4), Pt>40 GeV • 2 b-tagged jets • Note: Event shape variables like HT, A, S, C, etc not effective at LHC (contrast to Tevatron) 3300 events selected: (tt) = 0.63 % (QCD)= 2·10-5 % S/B = 18
Continuous jet algorithm Reduce dependence on MC Reduce jet scale uncertainty Repeat analysis for many cone sizes R Sum all determined top mass:robust estimator top-mass Determining Mtop from (tt)? huge statistics, totally different systematics But: Theory uncertainty on the pdfs kills the idea 10% th. uncertainty mt 4 GeV Constraining the pdf would be very precious… (up to a few % might not be a dream !!!) Alternative methods • Luminosity uncertainty then plays the game (5%?) Luminosity uncertainty then plays the game (5%?)
W TGC vertex γ/Z W L= 30 fb-1 L= 30 fb-1 ▓ SM ▓ SM ∆g1Z = 0.05 λ1 = 0.01 Triple gauge boson couplings • TGC of the type WWγor WWZ provides a direct test of the non-Abelian structure of the SM (EW symmetry breaking). • It may also indicate hints of new physics: new processes are expected to give anomalous contributions to the TGC. • This sector of the SM is often described by 5 params: g1Z, κγ, κZ, λγ and λγ (SM values are equal to g1Z = κγ = κZ = 1 and λγ = λγ = 0, tree level). • New physics could show up as deviations of these parameters from their SM values. • Anomalous contribution to TGC is enhanced at high √s (increase of production cross-section).
sensitive to high-energy behaviour: mWV, pTV • Variables: Wγ: (mWγ, |ηγ*| ) and (pTγ, θ* ) WZ: (mWZ , |ηZ*| ) and (pTZ, θ* ) sensitive to angular information: |ηV*|, θ* • SM: vanishing helicity at low |η| Non-standard TGC: partially eliminates `zero radiation’ Systematic uncertainties: • At the LHC, sensitivity to TGC is a combination of the very high energy and high luminosity. L = 30 fb-1 Using max-Likelihood fit to mWV |ηV*| • Uncertainties arising from low pT background will be quite small: anomalous TGC signature will be found at high pT. • Theoretical uncertainties: p.d.f.’s & higher order corrections