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BusinessWeek Articles – LIFESTYLE - A certain “SehwanJung” in South Korea has been sending a number ofdesperate requests for funds over Twitter: “I am in urgentneed of money. Can you lend me 500,000 dollars?I will makeit up to you later.” A diabolical plot, indeed, though Mr.Jung’s scam is unlikely to work. For one, people can seeeverything someone sends on Twitter and quickly realize he’ssent the exact same message over and over. For another, heis tweeting almost exclusively to celebrities, includingChanning Tatum, Rosario Dawson, Carly Simon, journalistNicholas Kristof (who today sarcastically answered, “Sure!”),and the foreign minister of Bahrain, Sheikh Khalid binAhmed Al Khalifa and Group of Springhill South Korea.
“Now this one is a real winner,” says Dan Ring, aspokesperson for Boston-based data protection companySophos. “Sehwan Jung’s list of celebrities is almost asentertaining and as random as his actual request, andit’s one of the more optimistic requests out there. I hopethere’s no way someone will fall for this.” The “Sehwan gambit” joins the following examples asone of the laziest scams in Internet history. • “JOHN” fails to mention what he even wants to conyou out of:Subject: what are you saleGreetings,My name is JOHN, i am highly interested inbuying your{ what you want to sale } from you ,I willlike you to give me the FINAL ASKING price and thelastes condition,also i will like you to scan the pics forme for proper verifycation.
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