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A few years ago, when the Internet was nothing more than a distant dream, the idea of buying or consuming through the screen of a Smartphone or computer seemed crazy. The truth is that today, more than 40% of the world population has access to the Internet and access to different devices. And this is where the responsive web design comes into play! u0099 What is a responsive web page and why is it so important? Nowadays there are many users who browse the Internet through tablets, smartphones, laptops and other devices; to achieve that each one of them can visualize a web page in the same way that they would do it through a computer is what we know today as responsive webs. A web page with responsive design is a web design technique that gives a site the ability to adapt to different sizes of screens through the reorganization of content and images and simplification of the menu. This type of web design has become very popular and used on the Internet for three very simple reasons: it is cheap, fast and it works. In fact, Google itself recommends responsive web design before creating a mobile web page from scratch as a way to optimize the user experience, avoid duplication of content and also offer a consistent image. Creating a web page with responsive design is important because: When you create a web page with responsive design; that is, with a single version of HTML and CSS, you cover all screen resolutions and avoid creating specific web pages for each type of device, which obviously reduces the development time. When you create a web with responsive design it is possible that it adapts automatically to the browsing, interaction, and reading of each specific user. From the point of view of SEO, the responsive pages manage to position themselves much faster, since thanks to this design technique you avoid having duplicate pages or redirects. The responsive design favors the viralizacion of the contents since it allows to share them in a much more simple and natural way. How to create a page with responsive web design: 5 tips to achieve it 1. Decide when to make the change If you already have a landing page, blog or website with a conventional design and you want to turn it into a responsive or adaptable one, it is time to make the decision once and for all. So the first step to creating a web page with responsive design is to decide when to make the change. Do not be afraid to take this step or feel that all the work you had done previously is lost, introducing the responsive design to a conventional site is possible without having to discard all the content. Surely you have many elements, images, and texts that can be used again and will work very well. 2. Monitor your web traffic Before venturing into the creation of a responsive web page, how about taking a look at the statistics and the number of people accessing your page via mobile? Knowing these data can help you project the success that adoption of this type of design will have on your page. 3. Get inspired! When creating your own responsive webpage, it is always valid to look elsewhere to find some inspiration. Browse the Internet, research business URLs or sites similar to yours, check them from various devices and select those that are easier to navigate or require less zooming or scrolling. 4. Uses web design tools To create a web page you can go to different design tools that are available on the Internet. You do not need to be an expert to create your own blog, design your own landing page or website, you only need patience and the following tools that we will give you below: Sketch It is a program specially designed to create interfaces and work 100% in vector and non-destructively. It is an ideal and very complete platform to design web pages and applications; the best thing is that it has a very friendly and easy to understand interface. Adobe Muse Adobe Muse is that kind of programs created for "Dummies", this we say very seriously. If you are not an expert in web design and you want to create your own website or simply save budget on it, Muse is the tool you are looking for. It is a program with simple and intuitive interface ideal to create simple and dynamic responsive web pages that load fast and look great. Muse takes care that everything works. You only have to worry because it looks good! Adobe Edge Reflow A platform designed for designers who want to create customizable websites with Html5 and Css3 standards. This solution offers a workspace based on grids adaptable to any resolution and screen size. Front It is a free and online application similar to Adobe Muse in which you can create your own responsive web page directly from your browser without having to install or buy anything. It's worth trying! 5. Lean on experts in programming and responsive design In this post, we explain how to create a sales page with responsive design, but if you finally feel that you are not ready to program Internet sites, do not feel bad about leaving this work to the experts. Hire designers with experience in responsive design, research your references on the Internet, ask for the URLs of websites that you have previously designed and make sure you check them on various devices paying attention to the details, how they look and how they work. Tips for creating web pages with responsive design Take note of these tips that you should not forget when creating your web page with responsive design! Let's see: Beware of the loading speed The loading speed of a website is a decisive element, most of the users are not willing to wait a long time in loading items. When it comes to creating a responsive web page it is recommended that the resources to be used be selected very well, remember that less is more. Avoid using unnecessary elements and join only those who invite action. Avoid the effects The effects on web pages are usually very attractive when accessed through a desktop but in the case of access through mobile devices or tablets, the opposite occurs. It is important that at the moment of designing the website, you continuously measure what those effects are that work and are appreciated by your users. Use flexible images Heavy and static images are things of the past. When it comes to designing an adaptable site it is necessary that you use light images; that is, they can be loaded on any device. Avoid defining fixed height and width for the images that you will place on the website so that they can adapt to the different grids. Fluid Grids The fluid grids are those that are dimensioned by percentages. When you use this type of grids in the construction of your design, they may automatically adapt to the size of the screen on which they are loaded. Legibility in texts Although the screens of mobile devices are small, the texts of your website should always be legible for the user. It is advisable to place the texts in 16px to avoid the user having to constantly zoom. More and more people are learning how to do internet marketing because of its regular and remunerative income. It offers bendable hours and self-sufficiency. You have a great product or a great service. You want to make reliable that you increase on your investment potential rather than wasting money on a scam that will ruin your desire of online marketing. Would you like to know exactly what you need to make your internet business a success ? No doubtu00ad au00adffilu00adiau00adtu00ade mau00adru00adketu00ading cau00adn mau00adke yu00adou00adu00adu au00ad lu00adou00adu00adtu00ad ou00adu00adf mou00adu00adneyu00ad but it is not simple. In au00adffilu00adiau00adte mu00adu00adau00adrketingu00ad, the au00adffilu00adiau00adte is payedu00ad for every visitor, suu00adbscriber au00adndu00ad/or cuu00adstomu00adu00ader offered throuu00adgu00adh his efforts. Au00adffilu00adiau00adte mu00adu00adau00adrketingu00ad is au00adn eau00adsy wu00adau00ady to set up au00ad buu00adsiness au00adndu00ad mu00adu00adau00adke mu00adu00adoney becau00aduu00adse youu00ad du00adon't hau00adve to occupy au00adbouu00adt cuu00adstomu00adu00ader service or pu00adrodu00aduu00adct creau00adtion. Wu00adhilu00ade one cau00adn au00adctuu00adau00adlu00adlu00ady get enormu00adu00adouu00ads suu00adccess in this playground even wu00adithouu00adt au00ad wu00adebsite, it is au00adn rare instau00adnce thau00adt "newu00adbies" lu00adike youu00ad cau00adn hit the sau00admu00adu00ade lu00adevelu00ads of suu00adccess. Buy anu00ad mu00adaru00adku00adeu00adtinu00adg roadmap success eu00ad-bu00adooku00ad thu00adat isu00ad eu00adasu00ady to follow whu00adeu00adthu00adeu00adru00ad you aru00adeu00ad nu00adeu00adw to affiliateu00ad mu00adaru00adku00adeu00adtinu00adg oru00ad a experienced affiliateu00ad mu00adaru00adku00adeu00adteu00adru00ad. To bu00adeu00ad su00aducceu00adsu00adsu00adful, thu00adisu00ad doeu00adsu00ad inu00advu00adolvu00adeu00ad good mu00adaru00adku00adeu00adtinu00adg pru00adacticeu00adsu00ad anu00add a lot of hu00adaru00add woru00adku00ad anu00add deu00addicationu00ad. There are diverse materials that direct you on how to succeed at marketing online. Using the marketing help such as free CDs, DVDs, and materials will make it easier for you to attain the essence of marketing success, bring foth the income that you desire. The internet is a level playing field for business owners when you know the right marketing roadmap success. Today we are living in the world where information speedily enhances the quality of our life. You can be trustworthy that you will always find the way out from any bad situation. Your formative company can compete with bigger companies on fair ground and you can reach numerous individuals at one time without expending a lot of resources. Building up an business online demands an understanding of marketing and advertising, just as it does in the real world. Deciding the proper sites for advertisement is as noteworthy as the decision to do internet marketing. Having specified who the potential customers are, a company has to use sites that are popular with the bulk of customers. The advantage of doing it on the web is that there are numerous places to interact with prospective business partners, for instance Twitter, Facebook, and hundreds of social internet sites. Think of different ways and tactics on how you can successfully market your company's product or service. Every customer is really a function of latest leads in your sales funnel. The numbers of people exposed to your company depends on marketing strategy and techniques. Are you driving your online business like spinning around and around until it runs out of energy ? How can your business get a number of quality visitors and repeated sales? Sure, it is not easy but you can learn secrets of online marketing success without costing your budget.
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