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Enhancing Integration through Innovative Social Programs

Promoting integration of non-EU newcomers through social activation trajectories and tailored support programs in Belgium. Focus on autonomy, education, employment, and inclusive policies in Flanders, Wallonia, Brussels, and the German-speaking community.

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Enhancing Integration through Innovative Social Programs

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Presentation Transcript

  1. AMIF et ISF

  2. Avant(programmation 2007 – 2013) • Fonds européen d'intégration (SPP IS) • Fonds européen pour le retour (OE) • Fonds européen pour les réfugiés (fedasil)

  3. Budget AMIF BE

  4. Budget Intégration

  5. Gestion • Autoritéresponsable: SPF Intérieur, Cellule Fonds européens • En coopérationavec les autresadministrations (SPP IS, Fedasil, Office des étrangers, …) • Deux autoritésdéléguées: Agence FSE Flandre et Agence FSE Fédération Wal – Br. • Plus de programmesannuels (possibilitéd’avoir des projetssurplusieursannées)

  6. Programmenational: Intégration Federal: Promoting integration through intensive social activation trajectories of non-EU newcomers too far removed from the labour market and too vulnerable for other existing integration programmes. French speaking Community: in Wallonia as in Brussels, a welcome/integration parcoursfor the target group in order to support and give the necessary information to ensure them a total autonomous life, increase their education level and decrease the employment rate gap. Flemish Community: an inclusive and horizontal policy in which the two way process is taken into account. … The strategy of Flanders will be to finance policy interventions bringing innovative answers to the integration needs ... These social policy experiments will be implemented on a small scale, in conditions which ensure the possibility of measuring their impact and in order to be repeated on a wider scale if the results prove to be convincing. German Speaking Community: focus on improving cooperation between services and on supporting cultural and anti-discrimination activities as well as civic orientation and language classes. These activities would be open to asylum seekers and the intention is to cooperate withGermany where possible.

  7. Questions ? www.amif-isf.be amif.isf@ibz.eu nele.dekerf@ibz.fgov.be – 02/500 20 84

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