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Explore the interconnection between science and the Bible, investigating intelligent design and the Anthropic Principle through various examples and concepts. Delve into the intricate harmony between scientific discoveries and biblical teachings.
Science, God & Christ The Emergent Harmony of Science and the Bible: Intelligent Design and the Anthropic Principal
The Cosmological Argument “The heavens are telling the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands…” Psalm 19:1ff.
The Emerging Harmony of Science and the Bible “[My fellow astronomers are] scaling the mountains of ignorance, … conquering the highest peak, … pulling [themselves] over the final rock … [to be] greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.” Robert Jastrow, founder and director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space
Evidence of Design(Walter Bradley) Mount Rushmore versus Hawaii Rock Design or not? http://cialab.ee.washington.edu/Marks/ccc/ScientEvid.htm
The AnthropicPrincipal: Week & Strong The Anthropic Principal: Weak & Strong “Now I want your definition of weak and strong anthropic principles on Wednesday. That'll be all.” XAVIER to a group of mutant students in the movie X-Men Patrick Stewart as Dr. Xavier, teacher of the X-Men.
Science, God & Christ Intelligent Design, the Anthropic Principal & Evolution: The Product of Zero & Infinity
A Recurring Theme in Cosmology & Biology • The “miracle” probability of intelligent creation p <<1 • Those who do not believe in a creator must establish a large number of events to explain apparent “design”. • To make the possible probable… 0 = something How big must be? What is “something”? • Examples • Convergence in Probability • Monkeys at typewriters
The AnthropicPrincipal: Week & Strong The Anthropic Principal: Weak & Strong Alfred Hitchcock & the Anthropic Principal • Story: Via Mail, a stranger picks seven straight horse race winners for a billionaire. Evidence that the horses were picked before the race was indisputable • The stranger offers to sell the results of the 8th race for a million bucks. • How does the stranger do this?
nn The AnthropicPrincipal: Week & Strong The Anthropic Principal: Weak & Strong Alfred Hitchcock & the Anthropic Principal The combinatorics of “miracles” The Problem: 10 horses in 10 races is ten billion. There are roughly 1078 atoms in the universe. http://itss.raytheon.com/cafe/qadir/q1797.html
Total number of letters sent: SUCKER! winner winner winner winner Horse F, Race 1: 117649 letters Horse E, Race 1: 117649 letters Horse D, Race 1: 117649 letters Horse A, Race 2: 16807 letters Horse B, Race 2: 16807 letters Horse E, Race 2: 16807 letters Horse F, Race 2: 16807 letters Horse C, Race 1: 117649 letters Horse G, Race 2: 16807 letters Horse D, Race 2: 16807 letters Horse A, Race 1: 117649 letters Horse C, Race 2: 16807 letters Horse B, Race 1: 117649 letters Horse G, Race 1: 117649 letters Horse G, Race 6: 7 letters Horse C, Race 6: 7 letters Horse F, Race 6: 7 letters Horse E, Race 6: 7 letters Horse A, Race 6: 7 letters Horse C, Race 7: 1 letter Horse B, Race7: 1 letter Horse A, Race 7: 1 letter Horse F, Race 7: 1 letter Horse E, Race 7: 1 letter Horse G, Race 7: 1 letter Horse D, Race 7: 1 letter Horse D, Race 6: 7 letters Horse B, Race 6: 7 letters RACE #1 RACE #7 RACE #6 RACE #2 The AnthropicPrincipal: Week & Strong Alfred Hitchcock & the Anthropic Principal 7 horse races with 7 Horses each First, send out 77 = 823,543 letters …
Blind Search! The blind man gives a twist and asks his friend “Is this it?”
Monkeys at a Typewriter Proposition: Given enough moneys at enough typewriters, will all of the great works of literature be produced? • In theory, yes – “Convergence in Probability” • The probability something will be classy is small – but even a small number multiplied by a big enough number gives a reasonable number. • 0 = ?
Bob Newhart’s skit: The supervisor of the monkeys. “To be or not to be, that is the qzxjsaiapoiju”
Monkeys at a Typewriter How long for John 3:16? “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” 141 characters chosen from 29 possibilities (26 letters + space + “.” + “,”. We won’t consider capitalization). Answer: One chance in 29141=1.578 10206 Compare: About 1078 atoms in the universe. So, chances are the same as choosing a specific atom from 10128 universes.
Specified Complexity in Evolutionary Algorithms(William Dembski: No Free Lunch) • Richard Dawkin’s Example METHINKS*IT*IS*LIKE*A*WEASEL About 1040 combinations. • Dawkin’s search: Search each letter until the letter is correct and keep it there. • Lots of information in the search! 29 fitness functions. • Dembski’s random search. Make a change. If it’s better, keep it. If not, go back & try again. • One fitness function. • BIG Differences in performance. • Why? The intelligence in the applied fitness function.
Is there intelligent design in evolutionary computing? “… when specified complexity seems to be generated for free [in evolutionary algorithms], it has in fact been front-loaded, smuggled in, or hidden from view” William Dembski, No Free Lunch
“No Free Lunch” Theorems “The upshot of these theorems is that averaged over all possible fitness functions, no search procedure outperforms any other.” William Dembski, No Free Lunch.
Information j in Evolutionary Search • No information is blind search. • Examples of information j(observation) • The value of the fitness • The slope of the decision surface. • How far away are you from the target. • The set of all information to which we have access to is J.
Generic NFL Theorem(Dembski) Let a solution T be achieved in m steps of evolutionary program E using information j. Let P(E,T,m,j) be the probability this happens (or some other metric). Average P over all information j in J. Then P(E,T,m,J) is independent of E. Thus, the average performance of E is no better than blind search.
Generic NFL Theorem Notes: In order for evolutionary algorithms to work, there must be intelligence (specified complexity) in the design of the fitness function and the manner the search agent interacts with the environment. The tuning of microevolution does not require this intelligence.
Drake’s Formula • N=R* fp ne fe fi fc L • N is the number of extant civilizations possessing interest and the capability for interstellar communication. • R* is the mean rate of star formation averaged over the lifetime of the galaxy. The Green Bank (GB) group said this was the total number of stars in the galaxy divided by the lifetime of the galaxy. By their values this was • fp is the fraction of stars with planetary systems. • ne is the mean number of planets in each planetary system with an environment favorable for the origin of life. Feeling that our sun was unexceptional in this regard for a star of its class, GB said between 1 and 5; Sagan uses 1. • fl is the fraction of suitable planets on which life does develop. Agreeing that life on such planets would be inevitable, both use the value of unity, 1. • fi is the fraction of life-bearing planets on which intelligence accompanied with manipulative ability appears. between 1 and 10-1. • fc is the fraction of planets on which an advanced technical civilization evolves. ~ 10-1. • L is the lifetime of the technical civilization and the most difficult variable to determine. (The L period of Earth just recently began with the development of the radio telescope, since only then did we become capable of communicating with other civilizations in space). • N is getting smaller and smaller. • Problem: L is the lifetime of the technical civilization • Excerpted from Possibility of Intelligent Life Elsewhere in the Universe, Report prepared for the Committee on Science and Technology U.S. House of Representatives, DOC Y 4.SCI 2:94-1-r, 1975. Pages 6-7 .
The AnthropicPrincipal: Week & Strong The Anthropic Principal: Weak & Strong “According to the strong Anthropic Principle, there are millions of different universes, each with different values of the physical constants. Only those universes with suitable physical constants will contain intelligent life.” Stephen Hawking Stephen Hawking http://www.hawking.org.uk
The AnthropicPrincipal: Week & Strong The Anthropic Principal: Weak & Strong “With the weak Anthropic Principle, there is only a single universe. But the effective couplings are supposed to vary with position, and intelligent life occurs only in those regions, in which the couplings have the right values. However, quantum cosmology, and the no boundary proposal remove the distinction between the weak and strong Anthropic Principles.” Stephen Hawking. Stephen Hawking http://www.hawking.org.uk
The AnthropicPrincipal: Week & Strong The Anthropic Principal: Weak & Strong “Many physicists dislike the Anthropic Principle. They feel it is messy and vague, it can be used to explain almost anything, and it has little predictive power. I sympathize with these feelings, but the Anthropic Principle seems essential in quantum cosmology.” Stephen Hawking http://www.hawking.org.uk
The AnthropicPrincipal: Week & Strong The Anthropic Principal: Weak & Strong • Evidence of Design • Dimensions • Existence & Creation of Time • Creation via the Big Bang • Creation via Cantorian Transfinite Numbers • Evidence in Biochemical Design • The Fine Tuning of the Universe • ALL Things “The problem [with those who seek evidence] … is not the absence of evidence; it is, rather, the suppression of it” Ravi Zacharias (Jesus Among Other Gods) • Harmony With Scripture
The Bible Claims: “All Things” • John 1:3 “All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.” • Psa 139:14 “... I am fearfully [and] wonderfully made: marvelous [are] thy works …”
Science, God & Christ Intelligent Design and the Anthropic Principal: Dimensions and String Theory
The AnthropicPrincipal: Week & Strong Why are we in 3D - not 8? “… why should we live in a four dimensional world, and not eleven, or some other number of dimensions?” Stephen Hawking Hawking’s Answer: The Anthropic Principal http://www.hawking.org.uk
Dimensions: Generalizations of the Meaning of When and Where
The Hottentots (Gamow) • One • Two • Three • Many
Dimensions • One Dimension = A Line • Two Dimensions = A Plane
Dimensions • Three Dimensions = Space • Four (Spatial) Dimensions = ??????? • “It is impossible to envision a four dimensional space” Stephen Hawking • Time as a dimension
Time As A Dimension Need 4 numbers to specify a point (ball) in time and space… time
How Long is a Second? • 186,000 miles/sec 1 sec = 186,000 miles
Building Dimensions • A POINT (Zero Dimensions) has no width, height or length. Here is a representation: • A LINE (1-D) is a sequence of points • A LINE (1-D) has length, but no width or height. It is infinitely thin!
Building Dimensions • A PLANE (2 Dimensions) is a sequence of lines: • An infinite number of lines is needed to make a plane. The plane has NO thickness,
Building Dimensions • SPACE (3 Dimensions) is a sequence of planes: • An infinite number of planes is needed to make space.
Building Dimensions • FOUR Spatial dimensions is a sequence of spaces: • PARALLEL UNIVERSES . • What of five, six, seven or an infinite number of dimensions? • Reality or Theory?
Building Dimensions:Time as a Dimension • SPACE – TIME (4 Dimensions) is a sequence of spaces: time • TIME is different. It only can be traversed in one direction.
Flatland by Edwin A. Abbott(1884) • Two Dimensional Creatures & the Theory of “UP”
Flatland by Edwin A. Abbott • Strange Visitation
Properties of High Dimensions • Lefties in Flatland • Once a lefty – always a lefty.
Properties of High Dimensions • Once a lefty – always a lefty? • Not if you can flip in three dimensions.
Application to Baseball Flip into the fourth dimension & back…
Breaking Chains • Chains in Flatland • Links can be separated in three dimensions.
Breaking Chains Chains linked in three dimensions can be separated in four. Acts 12:6 The night before Herod was to bring him to trial, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and sentries stood guard at the entrance. 7 Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the cell. He struck Peter on the side and woke him up. "Quick, get up!" he said, and the chains fell off Peter's wrists. Could this be right? IS it right? YES Maybe
Walking Through Walls. • Locked in a box in Flatland
3-D walls are no obstacle in four spatial dimensions • John 20:26 A week later his disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you!" Could this be right? IS it right? YES Maybe