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Enhancing Medical Biochemistry Education | Mansoura University Faculty of Medicine

Join our Medical Biochemistry Department to elevate teaching standards, scientific research, and diagnostic services for undergraduate and postgraduate students. Experience labs, lectures, and practical training in biochemistry. Our mission is to equip you with essential knowledge and skills in biochemistry, molecular biology, genetic diseases, and more. Visit us on the first floor of Building A to embark on your educational journey in medical biochemistry!

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Enhancing Medical Biochemistry Education | Mansoura University Faculty of Medicine

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to the Mansoura University

  2. Welcome to the Faculty of Medicine

  3. Study Years Six Years 2nd Three Years 1st Three Years Basic Medical Science Clinical Medical Science

  4. 1st Three Years Basic Medical Science 1st Two Years 3rd Year Medical Physiology Medical Biochemistry Anatomy Histology Pathology Microbiology Parasitology Pharmacology

  5. 2nd Three Years Clinical Medical Science Community & Public Health Ophthalmology ENT Pediatrics Gynecology & Obstetrics Internal Medicine General Surgery

  6. 1st & 2nd Years Basic Medical Science We build your Medical Biochemistry Knowledge Skills Attitude

  7. So, Smile &

  8. T C C T T A A G A G Welcome to the Medical Biochemistry Department With your host, All Staff Members!

  9. Importance of Medical Biochemistry

  10. Vision To live up the level of teaching of medical biochemistry and practical training for undergraduate and postgraduate students. Also to live up the level of scientific research and diagnostic service presented by our department to be ranked regionally

  11. Mission To provide an educational service in the field of medical biochemistry for academic undergraduate phase of medical, dental and nursing students . Preparing them to move to the clinical and postgraduate phase. Upgrading the scientific research in order to serve the community through promotion of applied research of modern fields.

  12. Where is Medical Biochemistry Department? First floor of building A on the right side of the stairs.

  13. Biochemistry Labs Students Lab. Research Lab.

  14. Students Labs

  15. Research Labs

  16. Staff Members

  17. Overall Aims of Course To enable students to acquire knowledge and skills and attitude related to some essential topics of biochemistry including Micro- and macromolecules of carbohydrates, lipids, protein, nucleotides and nucleic acids. The role of free nucleotides in signal transduction control; macromolecules involved in transmission of information from gene expression to the formation of functioning proteins. Basic principles of molecular biology and protein synthesis. The molecular basis of some genetic diseases. Biotechnology techniques (especially recombinant DNA technology) and their clinical implication and their importance in diagnosis of diseases. Physico-chemical basis of biological body fluids; the kinds and amounts of macro- and micro-nutrients needed for maintaining health. The basics of nutritional care in different diseases.

  18. Lecture Lecture • Education Process… • Prof., asst. prof., lecturer Lab. Sections Self Learning (Student presentation) • Demonstrator, assistant lecturer

  19. Lectures

  20. الخطة الزمنية المقترحة للفرقة الاولى للعام الجامعى 2016-2017 التيرم الأول

  21. الخطة الزمنية المقترحة للفرقة الاولى للعام الجامعى 2016-2017 التيرم الثاني

  22. A A U • Lecturer Role… • The lecture ideas are ordered, simplified & life application when possible. Ideas • Lecturer (the best) • Lecture structure

  23. Lecture is Uploaded to Medical Biochemistry Department Web Site.

  24. Idea 1 Idea 2 Idea 6 Idea 4 Lecture 1 Lecture 2 • LECTURE • is finished! BYE BYE! BUT • Some ideas say bye bye (difficult to understand & need revision ). • What happened to the finished lecture?

  25. Don’t be inhibited!Ask For Help!

  26. Your rights

  27. Idea 3 Idea 6 Idea 5 Lecture 1 Lecture 2 • Section Help! Welcome Back! • Missed ideas & imp. Ideas are revised by asst. prof. to get them back again. • What happened in 1st 30 mins of section?

  28. Is It Enough? No!

  29. MCQ Questions are Uploaded to Medical Biochemistry Department Web Site.

  30. Your rights

  31. Lecture Lecture • Education Process… • Prof., asst. prof., lecturer • Demonstrator, assistant lecturer Lab. Sections Self Learning (Student presentation)

  32. Practical Sections

  33. A A U U U U C C G G • Lab. Section Structure… • Lecture Revision • Theoritical Lab. Part • Practical Part

  34. الخطة الزمنية المقترحة للفرقة الاولى للعام الجامعى 2016-2017 التيرم الأول

  35. الخطة الزمنية المقترحة للفرقة الاولى للعام الجامعى 2016-2017 التيرم الثاني

  36. Unknown Solution Contents Virtual Lab. & Practical Molecular Biology Techniques Theoretical Physical Chemistry

  37. Molecular Biology Techniques DNA Extraction Gel Electrophoresis PCR Interpretation of Results

  38. Work in Small Groups 3 – 5 Students Record your results in Practical book

  39. Assessment!

  40. Blue Print 2016/ 2017

  41. توزيع الدرجات للفرقة الاولى العام الدراسى 2016-2017

  42. Practical Assesment

  43. Unknown Solution (10 marks) OSPE (10 marks) Sheet Paper (10 marks)

  44. Simulated Practical Exam Simulated OSPE

  45. Checklist !

  46. Practical Assessment Checklist ( 1st year) Examiner:…………………………… Date:…………………… Group number:…………….. Time:……………… Signature of the examiners: Stations A:………………………………… Stations B:………………………………….

  47. Simulated Practical Exam & Checklist Assessment

  48. Practical Exam & Checklist Assessment Every Staff Member (Examiner) Assess only 6-8 Student

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