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INTEGRATED SERVICES FOR HIGH ENTHALPY GEOTHERMAL APPLICATIONS. 3 Reputed Companies have established a cooperation to promote, sell and execute services for the Geothermal Industry Engineering and Design, (Private Company)

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  2. 3 Reputed Companies have established a cooperation to promote, sell and execute services for the Geothermal Industry • Engineering and Design, (Private Company) • Geology and Geotechnical, (Private Company) • Reservoir Modelling Specialist, Spin-off Company of the University of Bologna (DICAM department)

  3. The group co-operate to provide an integrated service package

  4. available professional profiles • Hydrogeologist • Geochemist • Geophysicist • Field Engineer • Drilling Engineer • Well Site Geologist • Reservoir Engineer • Reservoir Simulation Expert • Gathering and Network Engineer • DocumentController • Lawyer • Economist • Financial Expert • Estimator • Project Controller • Project Manager

  5. Added values • Use of the most advanced numerical codes and of pre and post processing tools developed in-house from SERENGEO for reservoir modelling • Use of coupled wellbore-reservoir flow simulation • Collaboration with renowned Research Centres and Universities (Berkeley, University of Bologna, etc.) • Use of the most advanced techniques for well data filtering selection reporting and quality controlling • Deployment of most advanced tools for well advancing monitoring • Use of the state-of art Project Management processes, tools and techniques • Proven experience in Risk & Stakeholder Management • International experience and reputation

  6. software tools • Project Planning & Control • Primavera P6 (Oracle) – project portfolio management software • Document Management • EDOK electronic document (EDOK) - documents management EDOK electronic document • Man-hour Management • Zucchetti- man-hour Tracking Management

  7. Geological and mapping tools • eSpatial– free open source mapping software for Geo-Location and creation of maps. Geotechnical tools • GeoSuite 7 – geotechnical software for civil and geologists parameters calculation and structural evaluation. Well Data Logs • Well Cad – software for well site real time data collection, display, merge and calculation. Technical drawing • AutoCad 2D–3D – software for technical drawing on 2D or 3D projects.

  8. Numerical simulation code • TOUGH2 - simulator for non-isothermal multiphase flow in fractured porous media Pre and post processing tools • TOUGH2Viewer - 3D visualization software and post-processor for TOUGH2 numerical simulator • TOUGH2GIS - creates locally refined unstructured (Voronoi) grids and assigns automatically rock types to grid blocks • Petrasim - graphical tools for simulating non-isothermal multiphase flow and transport in fractured and porous media.

  9. Reservoir modeling and engineering (2) Geographical tools and scientific visualization • GRASS GIS - free and open source Geographic Information System (GIS) software suite used for geospatial data management and analysis, image processing, graphics and maps production, spatial modeling, and visualization • QGIS - user friendly Open Source Geographic Information System (GIS) • Paraview - open-source, multi-platform data analysis and visualization application.


  11. Related Publications/Presentations and Speeches of Involved Professionals • The Risk Management of Construction Projects’ Consents Availability - PMI Switzerland Chapter Magazine, 2011; • LUISS Business School “Ex post analysis of a claim for a civil works project” November 19th, 2010 - Rome; • PMI Northern Italy Chapter “Risk, thus I am” December 3rd, 2010 - Bologna; • PMI Rome Chapter Seminar “Parametric Cost Estimating” April 9th, 2010 - San Donato Mil.se (MI); • Milan's Arbitration Chamber “Arbitration Techniques: Special Session” Feb 21st, 2010 - speaker on Loss of Productivity Claims; • ANIMP “The Contract in International Engineering and Construction Projects” 2008 and 2009 seminars - speaker on Claims Management - Milan; • Seminar Pre-contractual Risks in Projects: Understanding and Controlling - March 18th, 2008 in Milan; • Crisis Management: Contents, Objective and Processes - IIR Newsletter On Project and magazine “I Contratti”, December 2003 published by IPSOA; • PMI Rome Chapter Seminar - Presentation on Project Contingencies Estimates through Cost Risk Analysis Method - February 2nd 2003 - San Donato Mil.se (MI) • Project Risk Management: Strategy, Method, Limitations and Current Trends - IIR Newsletter On Project. • IIR seminar on Contract Management Practices in ICT Projects - June 4th and 5th, 2002 - Milan;

  12. Salzer, J.T., Milillo, P., Varley, N., Perissin, D., Pantaleo, M., Walter, T., 2017: “Evaluating links between deformation, topography and surface temperature at volcanic domes: Results from a multi-sensor study at Volcan de Colima, Mexico”. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 479, 354-365. • Pantaleo, M. Walter. T.R., 2014: "The ring-shaped thermal field of Stefanos crater, Nisyros Island: a conceptual model." Solid Earth 5, 183-198. • Schöpa, A., Pantaleo, M., Walter, T.R., 2011: “Scale-dependent location of hydrothermal vents: Stress field models and infrared field observations on the Fossa Cone, Vulcano Island, Italy”. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 203 (2011) 133–145. • Pantaleo M., Walter, T.R. “Spatial patterns of fumarole fields revealed by infrared imaging”. Cities on Volcanoes 2014, Yogyakarta – Indonesia. • Pantaleo M., Walter, T.R. “Infrared mapping of thermal fields at volcano craters: Which parameters are controlling fumaroles location ?”. Cities on Volcanoes 2012, Colima – Mexico. • Pantaleo M., Walter, T.R., Ramatschi, M., Chen, J., Gendt, G., andGe, M. “Nisyros volcano monitoring through ground based InSAR, GPS, seismology and thermal sensing”. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2011, Vien, Austria. • Well site Geologist – oil well supervision and sample analysis in North Sea and Norwegianfields (2012 – 2016). • Advanced Gas evaluation and analysisforsafetypurpose and reservoircharacterizationfor oil fieldsexplorations (2012 – 2016). • AdvancedHydraulicevaluation and balance on realtimewellsdrillingfor oil fieldsexplorations (2012 – 2016).

  13. Vasini, E. M., Battistelli, A., Berry, P., Bonduà, S., Bortolotti, V., Cormio, C., Pan, L. (2017) “Interpretation of production tests in geothermal wells with T2Well-EWASG”Geothermics. • Bonduà, S., Battistelli, A., Berry, P., Bortolotti, V., Consonni, A., Cormio, C., Geloni, C., Vasini, E.M.(2017) “3D Voronoi grid dedicated software for modeling gas migration in deep layered sedimentary formations with TOUGH2-TMGAS” Computer & Geoscience. • Battistelli, A., Berry, P., Bonduà, S., Bortolotti, V., Consonni, A., Cormio, C., Geloni, C., Vasini, E.M.(2016) “Thermodynamics-related processes during the migration of acid gases and methane in deep sedimentary formations” Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology. • Geloni, C., Consonni, A., Della Rosa, M., Battistelli, A., Bortolotti, V., Bonduà, S., Vasini, E.M., Cormio, C. (2016) “Non-hydrocarbon Migration Model in Petroleum System Analysis – An Integrated Procedure for Accurate Risk Assessment” Proceedings of 78th EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2016, Vienna. • Battistelli, A., Berry, P., Bonduà, S., Bortolotti, V., Consonni, A., Cormio, C., Geloni, C., Vasini, E.M. (2015) “Thermodynamics related processes during the migration of acid gases and methane in deep sedimentary formations” Proceedings of the TOUGH Symposium 2015. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, California. • Bonduà, S., Battistelli, A., Berry, P., Bortolotti, V., Consonni, A., Cormio, C., Geloni, C., Vasini, E.M. (2015) “Voronoi 3D pre- and post- processing tools for the modeling of deep sedimentary formations with the TOUGH2 family of codes” Proceedings of the TOUGH Symposium 2015. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, California. • Berry, P., Bonduà, S., Bortolotti, V., Cormio, C., Vasini, E.M. (2014) “A GIS-based open source pre-processor for georesources numerical modelling” Environmental Modeling & Software, vol. 62, pp 52-64.

  14. CormioC., Berry P., Bonduà S., Bortolotti V. (2012) “Innovative tools for continuum discretization, better management of TOUGH2 input data and analysis of the numerical simulation results” Proceedings of the TOUGH Symposium 2012. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, California, pp. 52- 59. • Bonduà, S., Berry, P., Bortolotti, V., Cormio, C. (2012) “TOUGH2Viewer: A post-processing tool for interactive 3D visualization of locally refined unstructured grids for TOUGH2” Computers& Geosciences. • Berry, P. Bonduà, S., Bortolotti, V., Diolaiti, A., Cormio, C., Lognoli, E. (2011) “GRASS GIS per il pre-processing di TOUGH2”GeomaticsWorkbooks vol. 10, luglio 2011, Politecnico di Milano – Polo Territoriale di Como, pp. 1-14, ISSN 1591-092X.

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