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English 2.0: from mass communication to mass collaboration. Katta, 02.02.2011 andreas.lund@uv.uio.no. What happens when English goes online? What can we do with English? How can we prepare for a world where communication is (mostly?) in English and (mostly?) online?. New questions:.
English 2.0: from masscommunication to masscollaboration Katta, 02.02.2011 andreas.lund@uv.uio.no
What happens when English goes online? What can we do with English? How can we prepare for a world where communication is (mostly?) in English and (mostly?) online? New questions:
Trends Norway?
Global English - An international resource (Graddol, 1997, 2005) • Variants, 'New Englishes' (Crystal, 1997) • Literature in English • Universally comprehensible dialect (”light”) Joseph LoBianco: Global English has no native speaker! The first place-unspecific language!
Netlish • Spelling: email, etrade, BiCaps (PeaceNet, HotDog, DreamWeaver), warez, gamez, tunez, kool, c%l, phreak, fone, it wuz lotsa lafs... • Vocabulary: netizen, the digiterati, newbie, webliography, webcam, webzine, cyberian, chatterbot, dotcom, geekification... • Structural elements: the e-turn, the link, wiki features… • Genres: email, asynchronous discussion list, synchronous chat, multilogues, MOOing [say/do/emote], blogs, wikis, VLEs…
Englishes (Netlish) and conventions Conferencing Topic: Relationships [Post Message to "Relationships" | Create New Topic] · Date Limit: · Message Layout:View Summaries Only | Print View · Sort Order:Newest on Top FROM: Elizabeth (01/23/01 2:49 AM GMT -06:00)SUBJECT: Relationships[Reply | Send a personal message to Elizabeth] Harald: I share your opinions, but what I also mean, and what I think Tom meant is that the better you know a person, the more it COULD hurt(it doesn't HAVE TO hurt...) When you know a person THAT well, you know that persons thoughts and even feelings, and it's sometimes easy to say or do something hurtful...But I agree 100% when you say that it's great and SO valuable to have a friend THAT close...:)
R D PRTY L8R? d:*0 WUCIWUG #:0 VTE LBR 2MORO (2001) SMS William Hague Tony Blair
New practises • Writing modelling (wp, dictionary, thesaurus) • Searching (”googling”) • Presenting (PowerPoint) • Communicating 1 1 (email) • Communicating 1 many (asynchronous discussion, blogs) • Communicating many many (synchronous chat, asynchronous LMS, wiki, GoogleDocs, GoogleWaves) • Multimodal texts • Sound, podcasting • Video, YouTube etc • Web 2.0 ”prosumers” • VLEs (2nd Life) experiencing and acting through avatars • What is literacy in the knowledge society? • ”READING THE WORLD THROUGH ENGLISH”
InfoNation • http://www.un.org/cyberschoolbus/infonation3/menu/advanced.asp • Design a task that combines competence in text, statistics, and graphics!
Screenshot of InfoNation showing six countries with a comparison of CO2 emissions and Gross national Product per capita.
Interlocutors • ”Grammar and lexicon safari” (sett uttrykk mellom ”...” i Google • (Halsbrekkende?) oversettelser BabelFish, Langenberg, Google • Kaldprat og “hot topics”: BOTs • Hypotesetesting: InfoNation Chatterbots: http://www.botspot.com/pages/chatbots.html
Masscollaboration • Linux (” Linus Torvalds with the assistance of developers around the world”) • Wikipedia (10m articles, 230+ languages, social surplus of 100m working hours) • takingITglobal ("TakingITGlobal.org is the social network that connects you to the global issues that affect us all") • InnoCentive (” open innovation…an internal web-based collaborative community for problem solvers”) • CAMBIA (community of researchers and farmers, biology&ecology) • IDEO: 3000+ products; 40+ industries. “Bright ideas for dark times”. “The space remembers!” • Open Courseware Consortium “Share your university’s courses”. • Academia.edu Who is researching what (FB+Twitter) • MySpace, YouTube, Skype, Flickr, Diigo…
Wiki • Anyone can add, change and delete • Multivoiced • Flat, open structure, built from within • Thematic, atemporal • ”Empty spaces” • Interdependence, reciprocity, trust • Meta functions (discussion, history, roll-backs, stats…) http://www.wikispaces.com/
Learners’ voices: • I like this because it is a win/win situation. To help others and get help back is nice. Co-operating is very important in our daily lives and our future jobs! • I like this because we so easily can compare and share information on what we know and what we do not know about the American way of living • We never worked alone, and many helped me with my work • It doesn’t matter if it is yours or others. This way it is possible for people to argue and discuss • Because then I don’t have to be afraid of making a mistake ‘cause there will always be someone there to clear it up! • Someone can change what you have written, even when you know what you have written is correct • My texts got deleted • You socialize… in a weird way
Teacher’s concerns May: “(…) I lost the learners (….) it was difficult to trace, for me as a teacher, who had contributed with what, and I felt that I lostthe learners, I did not know where to go in order toguidethem (…) because in general there is no extensive spacefor a teacher (…) it becomes a separate world (…) they [learners] tend to disappear into their separate worlds and it becomes difficult for me to guide them and maintain my job as a knowledge provider. (…) I don’t knowwhat is the end product, what I am supposed to assess at the end”
The activity map (”Swim Lanes”) (compressed timeline) “Swimlanes” for each student in theclass. (Namesof students areremoved). A vertical line represents a weeklyassignment. Blue lines representsomeonewriting a commentonsome wiki page.
”Conversation – the driver of group genius” (R. Keith Sawyer, 2007)