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Working together to embed successful outcomes for Whānau transformation. Hakahuatanga. Transformation.
Working togetherto embed successfuloutcomes for Whānau transformation
Hakahuatanga Transformation
Te Pu O TeWhekeare embracing the notionof a learning organization by workingcollaboratively with Collectives, whānauandother stakeholders to develop and implement a workforceresourcethat supports transformation Hakahuatanga
Learning organizations are characterized bytotal employee involvement in a process of collaborativelyconducted, collectively accountable change directedtowardsshared values or principles.(Watkins and Marsick 1992: 118)
A CollectiveWorkforceStrategy Tai Tokerau Collectives are working togetherto build core competence in a navigationalwhānaucentric approach. Collaboration is the workforce's capability for working together effectively across project, functional and organisational boundaries.(Taylor and Francis 2002).
The result is an e-basedmultimedia learningresource ‘Hakahuatanga’,designed as a 4 part series.
The ‘Whanau Ora in Action’ module is designedas a 101 introduction and orientation for all kaimahi regardless of what type of organization they work for. - Lets look at some snippets from the module
Motivation &PurposeforWhānuaOra “Whānau-ora: restoring the essenceofwhowe are; putting the vibrant traditions from our people at the heart of our whānau. WhānauOra begins with you. Whānau is the heart of our people, it is the foundation on which our country thrives. It is about reaffirming a sense of self-belief.” (Maori Party).
Whanau Ora has an overarching aim of seeking best outcomes for whānau
Recognise the need to shift from ‘seeing parts to seeing wholes, from seeing people as helpless reactors, to seeing them as active participants in shaping their reality, from reacting to the present to creating the future.Senge1990:69
What are the 5 keyelements of the whānaucentric approach? Integrated and Comprehensive Works with whanau as a whole Identifies whanau strengths Builds whanua capability Operates within TeAoMaori
Acknowledgements: Whanau Representatives TePuniKokiri NgaRipo Collective TeHauAwhiowhio o Otangarei Collective Te Tai TokerauWhanauOra Collective Nga Manga Puriri