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Dramatic Changes in the Political Economy 20 th Century SOCIAL CONDITIONS 1900 (Tozer, Chapter 5) Pressures of 1893 Depression, the rise of modern industrial society, urbanization and immigration. Social problems: Immigration Industrialization Low Wages
Dramatic Changes in the Political Economy 20th CenturySOCIAL CONDITIONS 1900 (Tozer, Chapter 5) Pressures of 1893 Depression, the rise of modern industrial society, urbanization and immigration. Social problems: Immigration Industrialization Low Wages Labor Unrest (Strikes, Riots) Poverty in Cities Child Labor Discrimination
Critique of Traditional Common School in 1900 NOT MEETING THE NEEDS OF SOCIETY What did critics say about traditional schooling?(Tozer, Chapter 5, 151) 1. Failure of the traditional classical curriculum in old high school model (math, English, Greek, Latin, history) to motivate students. 2. High dropout rates in both elementary and secondary schools. 3. Growing problems of juvenile delinquency. 4. Waste and inefficiency in school management by local schools. 5. Irrelevance of the traditional curriculum to the “real” needs of modern industrial society.
Aims of a perfect society for Social Efficiency and Developmental Democracy Progressive were very different. But Progressives did agree on need to reform traditional common schools: • Schools need to change curriculum based on “needs and interests” of students They were responding to new social, economic and political conditions, changing ideology (NEW PSYCHOLOGY), and the “failure” of traditional schools. • Learn through activities • Reflect current social conditions • Help solve social problems. (Tozer, p. 151)
Philosopher John DeweyOne of the main leadersDisagreed with Social Efficiency about: Developmental Democracy Progressives disagreed with social efficiency progressives’ views about school reform. • Dewey did not support: • Differentiated curriculum (Dewey supported a unified curriculum) • Vocational training in schools (Dewey supported manual training, occupations of life, but not training for specific jobs) • Limited view of human capacity (Dewey believed in the tremendous potential of human rationality if proper education provided)
Today, we want to answer three questions about Dewey’s theory of learning. 1. What is Dewey’s theory of learning? 2. How much influence did Dewey have on public education from 1900 to 1950? 3. Most importantly, are there elements of Dewey’s theory of learning that can be relevant to the aims of schooling today? Grounded in a developmental democracy model.
Is Dewey relevant today?Two theories that he combines… • PSYCHOLOGY Dewey’s theory of learning is similar to learning theories studied today. • Active learning • Learning to learn • Inquiry based learning • SOCIAL THEORY Dewey’s view that democracy should be infused in all aspects of life aligns with today’s concerns about teaching to improve our democratic society.
DEWEY’S DEVELOPMENTAL DEMOCRACY Aim to improve democracyTozer, 151-153 DEVELOPMENTAL DEMOCRACY Democracy in all aspects of life, not just in politics, but in every part of life. “For education to be most successful, it is necessary that people participate in democratic forms of life.” Institutions need to contribute to the all round growth of every member of society. DEVELOPMENTAL DEMOCRACY APPLIED TO SCHOOLS AS KEY SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS Schools are laboratories for democracy Schools need to develop programs and teaching approaches based on the special nature of child
Dewey’s Philosophy of Learning. Emphasized experience, non-authoritarian teaching approaches, active learning, the learning environment, and connecting to life. • Dewey’s PSYCHOLOGY • Tap the child’s nature (curious, social, expressive, and constructive) • Growth is a product of the transaction between child and the environment (teacher is crucial). • A free person could frame and execute purposes of his or her own. (Tozer)
Progressive meant for Dewey, activities grow progressively out of student interests and past experiences, where new experiences build upon the each other. (Tozer) Last Week’s Handout • Schools need to develop programs and teaching approaches based on the special nature of child • GROWTH (developmental) Bring each person to an ever widening set of experiences in a positive direction, changes that open up more experiences. • OPTIMISM Faith in the possibilities of democratic society, faith in ordinary people. • EXPERIENCE Link thinking and doing, thought and feeling, reason and imagination. • COOPERATION Cooperative use of intelligence • Education individuals for a changing future.
What does Deweymean by growth? • Education is a process of development, an educated person has the power to go on and get more education, to grow. • Grow like a seed? [Not exactly.] Not as deterministically, as say a tree. Humans have great potential to grow in many directions. The environment for growth matters. Traditional schools fail to recognize the diversity of capacities, the need for the initiate in growth must come from the needs and powers of the pupil (not a blank slate). • Toward “more effective techniques, greater self-reliance, a more thoughtful and inquiring disposition more capable of persistent effort in meeting obstacles.”
Overview of Dewey’s view of knowledge An educated person has the power to gain more education 5. GROWTH 1.EXPERIENCE (past/present) 4. REFLECTION 2. PROBLEM? 3. INQUIRY Use scientific methods
“My Pedagogic Creed”John Dewey 1897 • WOW! JConnell Dewey said “I believe that when society once recognizes the possibilities in this direction, and the obligations which these possibilities impose, it is impossible to conceive of the resources of time, attention, and money which will be put at the disposal of the educator.” • OPTIMISTIC, Dewey SAYS just wait 20 years!! To see the changes IF a new kind of education is provided (MPCreed, Dewey)
Core of Dewey’s learning theory.Experience makes learning meaningful, integrates learning into student’s habits of life.Seeks intelligent, reflective, critical thinking. Knowledge gained through experience is best understood, more useful, and retained longer.
Dewey’s PhilosophyRole of Teacher Teachers must encourage students to find genuine problems which excite their interest, problems which can be explored and solved by engagement with the curriculum. Interest and effort leads to the student-curriculum integration that Dewey desires.
Illinois Math and Science Academy Message From the Principal Dr. Eric McLaren http://www.imsa.edu/learning/principal.php • An education at IMSA offers far more than conventional honors courses. We foster a collaborative learning environment that develops students as bold inquirers, problem solvers and ethical leaders. • Our talented faculty members, who are among the nation's best, guide students to engage in exploration, think critically and creatively, and apply their cross-discipline knowledge to address significant, real-world issues. • The Academy's curriculum includes the major disciplines of mathematics, science, English, history and social sciences, world languages, fine arts and wellness.
http://www.imsa.edu/learning/inquiry/ConductingSIR/index.phpStudent Initiated Research SIR IMSA Captures Dewey’s Interest/Curriculum Integration • The student investigation is conducted as an interactive partnership with an advisor to pursue a question or topic about which the student is keenly interested. • While pursuing this investigation, using inquiry standards and with the support of the advisor, the student acquires further knowledge and a deeper understanding of the topic, and further develops skills in planning, investigating, analyzing, and communicating results of the investigation. .
“I believe the only way to make a child conscious of his social heritage is to enable him to perform those fundamental types of activities which make civilization what it is.” The child’s introduction into the more formal subjects of the curriculum should be through the medium of these activities—sewing, gardening, cooking, carpentry.” Dewey believes that learning and interest arise from the transaction between the child’s instincts and experiences and the environment (teachers helped to create this environment). How did John Dewey view occupations as themes to structure school activities?
DEWEY as SOCIAL REFORMERFor a Stronger DemocracyMore Participatory Democracy Dewey My Pedogogic Creed Schools to improve society Democracy: • Needs to have interests that connect people “interests that are mutually interpenetrating”-- social • Repudiates external authority Freedom • Cultivate voluntary dispositions and interests through education. Autonomy and self-discipline • Touches all aspects of life Way of life • Community must care, communicate, and negotiate Wants students to develop overlapping interests, have wide associations with many groups, “enter into proper relations with others in unity of work and thought” (MPC)
What are some weaknesses in Dewey’s philosophy of education? Does not articulate clearly or anticipate: • How OCCUPATIONS will be misused as “vocational education”. • How broader educational aims get lost and activity becomes an end in itself. (projects for what end?) • How to make study of subject matter interdisciplinary, so much more demanding and challenging to organize. • How to create a highly trained teacher • How to challenge the powerful social efficiency movement.
Dewey cautions: “Reading is a harmful substitute for experience, it is all important in interpreting and expanding experience.” (Dewey, School and Society, 85). Explain what Dewey means.
Urban Academy Magnate School Admission Process Mixed study body“Second Chance School” • Mission “All students receive a strong academic foundation for life.” • Philosophy of John Dewey, Progressive Education • Schools as democratic communities • Less hierarchical, students and faculty share office space • Teachers view teaching as social activism • Teach for diversity, in a humane way • Values what students bring, but lack skills • Rejects drills and discipline approaches • Pedagogy (Methodology) Inquiry based learning • All students perform community service, relevance
Urban Academy, New York CityCentral Park East Secondary, New York CitySecond chance school—students failing in other schools—must sign a contract and be accepted. See quick time video of this school on our homepage.
Who attends UrbanAcademy?”* 35:30 120 students • 39% African American, • 28% Hispanic, • 30% White, 3% Asian, • 60% eligible for free or reduced lunch, • SAT above national average of 1071 composite, • 96% of graduates attend 4 year colleges
Modern Version of Dewey’s TheoryInquiry Cycle - Professor Chip Bruce, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, UIUCBased on Dewey’s Philosophy Cycle is for both students and teachers.
Dewey--Knowledge should be useful and students should possess skills to deal with CHANGE. Students need the ability to think critically about change and be able to adapt to the future.
“Education and Social Change”Dewey, 1937 The Social FrontierLocated at the end of Tozer, Chapter 5 • Schools have a role in the production of social change, but can’t be the main agency of change. • Right now in the 1930s, social confusion and conflict • Preserve old social order • Perpetuate current confusion • Or use newer science, technology and cultural forces as allies to change schools to serve the new needs • Produce insights, understanding, attitudes and habit of action in individuals
“Education and Social Change”Dewey, 1937 The Social FrontierLocated at the end of Tozer, Chapter 5 Schools are not neutral sites, producing effects now. Aim is not to overthrow current social order, but to reform it. Not talking about endorsing one political party or to involve students in the political or economic arena. Must recognize powerful forces outside of schools which shape mind and character. Difference between indoctrination (one point of view, impose economic and political views) and education Democratic education means the active participation of students in reaching conclusions and forming attributes.
“Education and Social Change”Dewey, 1937 The Social Frontier • Democracy is the frame of reference for social change (but must find out what it means) • We can oppose the undemocratic aspects of our current institutions. • Not sure what social democracy entails or will bring in terms of changes. Finding out what it means when applied in economic, domestic, international, religious, cultural, and political arenas. • Schools need to provide equal opportunity for all (teachers are needed who are committed to this goal for their students). • Democracy involves personal voluntary participation in reaching decisions and executing them (right now, poor embodiment of democracy)
Schools should not be “static in subject matter, authoritarian in methods, and mainly passive.” Traditional schools fail to take into account diversity of capacity and needs, initiative in growth comes from the needs and powers of the pupils. Education is about possibilities not limits. Schools should not just use activities, but select activities that connect to democratic life. What is important about school reform during the Progressive Era (1890-1940s)? Dewey stresses “The Need for a Philosophy of Education” 1934
Quotes from Dewey “What a child gets out of any subject presented to him is simply the images which he himself forms with regard to it” “Interests are the signs and symptoms of growing power” The aim of education is the development of individuals to the utmost of their potentialities. “A society of free individuals in which all, doing each his own work, contribute to the liberation and enrichment of the lives of others is the only environment for the normal growth to full stature.” (NPE)
Quotes “only true education comes through the stimulation of the child’s powers by the demands of the social situation” “the child’s own instincts and powers furnish the material and give the starting point for all education” “The educational center of gravity has been too long in the teacher, the textbook, anywhere and everywhere you please except in the immediate instincts and activities of the child himself.” John Dewey
Dewey’s View of Knowledge Less attention to the end products than to the HABITS of intelligence or reflective thinking (Dewey, Democracy and Education, 1916, 163) Such things as knowledge, beliefs, and ideas cannot be passed physically from one to another like bricks; they cannot be shared as persons would share a pie by dividing it into physical pieces (Dewey, Democracy and Education, 1916, 4)
Aims are critical. Aims: Inquiry (skills), Heritage, Democratic community in school Dewey’s School Plan 1900 1st Floor Tap Nature of Child: Social, Constructive Expressive, Curious Experience and Learning 2nd Floor Build on experience of familiar activities