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Columbus Southern’s Electric Rate Increase Proposals Marietta, Ohio June 2, 2011

Learn about Columbus Southern's proposed electric security plan and the potential rate increases for customers. Understand the history of Ohio's electric restructuring and the opportunities for customers to voice their concerns.

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Columbus Southern’s Electric Rate Increase Proposals Marietta, Ohio June 2, 2011

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  1. Columbus Southern’s Electric Rate Increase Proposals Marietta, OhioJune 2, 2011

  2. Agenda • Ohio electric restructuring history. • Columbus Southern’s (or AEP-Ohio’s*) current electric security plan (“ESP”). • Columbus Southern’s proposed ESP. • Customers’ opportunities to be heard. *Columbus Southern and Ohio Power comprise AEP-Ohio

  3. A little History • Prior to 2001, investor-owned electric utilities in Ohio (like Columbus Southern) were “the only game in town”. • In 1999, Ohio passed a new law (“SB 3”) that gave electric customers the right to select their supplier of “generation service” after January 1, 2001. • Customers that do not select a generation service supplier receive generation service from the incumbent utility (Columbus Southern in this case) and the service is called “default supply service” or the “Standard Service Offer” (“SSO”). • SB 3 required electric utilities to “unbundle” their generation, transmission and distribution service offerings and establish separate prices for each service offering. • FYI: Ohio consumers also have access to unbundled natural gas services.

  4. Unbundling Customers have the ability to select their generation or production (commodity) supplier, with enhanced opportunities for “self-help”. Delivery functions continue under mostly-traditional price and service regulation with new features and functions to enable effective competition in the commodity market. Natural Gas Electric

  5. Ohio rate Plans • Electric distribution utilities (“EDU”) in Ohio are required to provide generation supply to customers that do not obtain generation service from a competitive retail electric service (“CRES”) provider. The price of this default service or SSO must be approved by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (“PUCO”). • The PUCO can establish prices for the SSO using one of two options. The PUCO can approve a market rate offer (“MRO”) or an ESP. We are here because Columbus Southern has proposed a new ESP to be effective January 1, 2012 and it is asking the PUCO to approve increases in the prices you currently pay for electricity. We think you should know more about these proposals.

  6. THE current ESPs • Columbus Southern’s and Ohio Power’s current ESPs are scheduled to end December 31, 2011 (but they may continue by operation of law in certain circumstances). • The current ESP provides for annual increases subject to bill increase limitations (expressed as a percentage) as follows: CSPOP 2009 7% 8% 2010 6% 7% 20116% 8% • Increases authorized by the PUCO but above these limits are subject to future collection. For example, Ohio Power expects to have $642 million in deferred revenue (subject to future collection) as of December 31, 2011. • Columbus Southern’s SSO electric prices have gone up since 2009. Market prices have gone down. Customers are starting to shop to reduce their electric bills both individually and through communityaggregation programs.

  7. AEP-ohio’s Proposed ESP • Presumes a single merged company in Ohio called “AEP-Ohio”. • Proposed 29-month ESP period - January 2012 to May 2014. • Full fuel costs (impacts Ohio Power customers). • Spreads part of Ohio Power deferred revenue recovery (total estimated at $642 million) to Columbus Southern customers. • Generation rate design moving to kWh-based generation rates. • “Market transition rider” proposed to moderate effects of proposed increases but contingent upon merger approval. • FYI: - Separate distribution rate increase cases initiated.

  8. The PLAceholder Riders • The proposed ESP has several “placeholder riders” that, if approved, will allow electric bills to increase by amounts that AEP-Ohio has not identified. • AEP-Ohio has asked the PUCO to make many of these placeholder riders non-bypassable, which means that shopping customers pay the riders even if they obtain electricity from another supplier. • AEP-Ohio’s public statements about the amount of the proposed rate increases only touch on the base rate increases (not the full story).

  9. AEP-Ohio’s Current and Proposed Riders

  10. ESP summary • Because of the many placeholder riders for which rates have not been identified, customers cannot predict their prices under the proposed ESP. • The change to the generation rate/price structure will produce varying impacts on customers depending on how much electricity they use and when they use it. • Rate class average increase percentages will not be relevant to most customers. • The proposed ESP will result in higher generation base rates for most customers although some customers could experience a base rate decrease due to generation ratedesign. But these observations do not reflect the unknown rate increase impacts of the proposed riders.

  11. Average residential Monthly Bill before and after columbus southern • Monongahela Power $ 68 • May 2011 - Columbus Southern $118 • Increase of approximately 73% in bills since 2006. • Increases to future bills beginning in 2012 not known at this time due to AEP-Ohio’s proposed riders with unknown amounts. Note: Monthly bill amounts are for a residential customer consuming 1,000 kWh of electricity.

  12. Comparison of columbus southern rates to aep-owned utilities in neighboring states • Residential customer monthly bills: • Kentucky Power $ 77 • Appalachian Power (WV) $ 80 • Columbus Southern $106 • Columbus Southern (May 2011) $118 • Note: Figures are as of January 2010 for a residential customer consuming 1,000 kWh of electricity for Kentucky Power and Appalachian Power, and January 2010 and May 2011 for Columbus Southern.

  13. Shopping opportunitiesresidential generation supply • For a residential customer using 1,000 kWh per month, Columbus Southern’s current average annual residential “price to compare” is 6.65 cents per kWh (7.22 cents with POLR). • FirstEnergy Solutions’ community aggregation programs are providing 5% - 6% off the “price to compare” plus providing funds for use by the community. • AEP Retail Energy is offering 5.89 cents per kWh through December 2011 to Duke Energy Ohio customers.

  14. Distribution rate increase • In addition to the proposed ESP rate increases (known and unknown), Columbus Southern has filed an application at the PUCO requesting approval for an increase in distribution rates. • Columbus Southern has requested an increase in annual base distribution revenues of $30,544,958 or 8.99%.

  15. Actions customers can take Upcoming local public hearing • The PUCO will conduct a local public hearing to give customers an opportunity to provide input on the proposed ESP: • When and where: • Monday June 13, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. at Washington State Community College, Arts & Science Building, Harvey Graham Auditorium, 710 Colegate Drive, Marietta, Ohio 45750. • CONTACT OFFICIALS (handout)

  16. Questions?

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