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California Community Colleges Data Warehouse

California Community Colleges Data Warehouse. Patrick Perry, Vice Chancellor of Technology, Research, and IS California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office. Overview. California’s Educational Data Quagmire The CCC System-All About Us Data Collection Methodology and System-Getting the Data

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California Community Colleges Data Warehouse

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  1. California Community Colleges Data Warehouse Patrick Perry, Vice Chancellor of Technology, Research, and IS California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office

  2. Overview • California’s Educational Data Quagmire • The CCC System-All About Us • Data Collection Methodology and System-Getting the Data • Data Dissemination Systems-Using the Data

  3. Educational Data in California • Typical Silos: • UC-Unitary Student, Enrollment Summaries • CSU-Unitary Student, Enrollment Summaries • CDE (K-12)-Student/Institutional Summary, no enrollment • CCC-Unitary Student, Unitary Enrollment • CPEC-gets summary extracts from all

  4. The CCC System • 108 Community Colleges • 71 Districts, locally governed • 1.8 million Fall, 2.9 million year undup. Students • Largest postsecondary system in the world • $11 per credit, no entrance requirements

  5. Data Collection • In 1985, the Legislature said “Let There Be Data” • Data “good” since 92-93 • CCCCO (Sacramento) is mandated to collect data from Districts

  6. Uses of Data • Funding (Mandate--legacy of K-12 based funding scheme) • Policy Analysis • Research • Accountability • PR, Spin, and Advocacy

  7. What is Collected? • Well-defined and stable Data Element Dictionary • http://www.cccco.edu/divisions/tris/mis/dedmain.htm • Collected in local systems, sent to CO, stored in 3rd normal form

  8. COMIS Data Submission: Timeline (or…why we are the bane of Susan Broyles’ existence…) AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL EMPLOYEE ACTUAL (Due Aug 1) Employee Demographic File Employee Assignment File SPRING TERM END Student Basic File Student Enrollment File Course File Section/Session/ Assignment File Student Matriculation File Student Disability File Student EOPS File Student Precollegiate Basic Skills File Student VATEA File COLLEGE CALENDAR College Calendar File FALL TERM END Student Basic File Student Enrollment File Course File Section/Session/ Assignment File Student Matriculation File Student Disability File Student EOPS File Student Precollegiate Basic Skills File Student VATEA File ANNUAL (Due Oct 1) Program Award File Financial Aid File Assessment File SUMMER TERM END Student Basic File Student Enrollment File Course File Section/Session/ Assignment File Student Matriculation File Student Disability File Student EOPS File Student Precollegiate Basic Skills File Student VATEA File EMPLOYEE CENSUS (Due Nov 1) Employee Demographic File Employee Assignment File

  9. How is it Collected? • 71 districts, 71 different MIS/ERP systems • Colleges must “push” data to us in DED format • Colleges submit ASCII flat files to us • Master Database: NCR Teradata • Weekly update to mirrors and marts (MS-SQL)

  10. Data Integrity • Submission process: • 1. Syntactical Edit • 2. Referential Edit • 3. Load Processing Feedback

  11. Data Integrity • 4. Detail/Summary/Analysis Reports • http://www.cccco.edu/divisions/tris/mis/submission.htm

  12. Data Integrity • 5. Public Humiliation by Reporting • Ie… no “Leonardization” • 6. Fund off of it…that cleans things up real fast

  13. What Else Can We Throw In The Warehouse? • External Data Matches: • Transfer-CSU, UC, Student Loan Clearinghouse…annual transfers and cohort tracking • Wage Data- EDD match for “leaver cohorts” • Social Services: DSS match to see who’s on assistance • CDE: SAT-9 scores for HS test takers

  14. We Have The Data… • Now Let’s Do Something With It. • The Data Mart • The Cohort Study (SLOTS) • The Expanded SRTK Files • The Accountability Program • The Brio Ad-Hoc Warehouse • www.cccco.edu

  15. Chancellor’s Office Data Mart • Public site • Online query tool • Create ad hoc queries • Aggregate data • Download queries in csv format • Reports • Updated as data are submitted or resubmitted • Download into CSV format

  16. The Cohort Study (SLOTS) • Sudent Longitudinal Outcomes Tracking System • http://www.cccco.edu/divisions/tris/mis/srtk.htm • SRTK Rates: Completions & Transfer • FTF Student Cohort Tracking • Cohort Demographics • Awards • Transfer

  17. The Expanded SRTK Datasets • Comma-delimited relational dataset; cohort study of FTF students • Cohort table: demographics • Enrollment table: enrollments • Awards table: Awards conferred • Transfers table: Transfers

  18. The Accountability Program: Partnership For Excellence • http://www.cccco.edu/divisions/tris/rp/pfe.htm • Transfers • Xfer Directed/Prepared/Ready • Annual Certificates & Degrees • Successful Course Completion • Basic Skills Improvement

  19. The Brio Ad-Hoc Warehouse • Internally and Selectively Externally accessible data warehouse containing 3NF, summary, and mart files • Just a SQL Server at an IP address, password protected • Connectivity is by ODBC

  20. How Much? • Annual Cost of Teradata: • Hardware lease: $80k • Maintenance: $50k • SQL Servers: $5-30k • Assorted Software (Brio, SAS,ColdFusion) • Staff: • 1 Teradata DBA, 1 SQL DBA, 2 Programmers, 1 IPEDS Coordinator, 1 Submissions Coordinator…and me.

  21. The Future • CALPASS: Regional Data Sharing Consortia • Enrollment-Enrollment data collection done regionally, stored centrally • Used for Program Evaluation & Curriculum Alignment • Bottom-Up Approach

  22. Contacts: • Patrick Perry, pperry@cccco.edu • Website: www.cccco.edu

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