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Earth Science Need to Know Facts

Earth Science Need to Know Facts. Final Review. Observation and Measurement. Same substance = same density As pressure increases, density increases. PRESSURE. TEMPERATURE. Observation and Measurement. As temperature increases , density decreases Water expands when it freezes. D E N

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Earth Science Need to Know Facts

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  1. Earth Science Need to Know Facts Final Review

  2. Observation and Measurement • Same substance = same density • As pressure increases, density increases. PRESSURE TEMPERATURE

  3. Observation and Measurement • As temperature increases, density decreases • Water expands when it freezes D E N S I T Y TEMPERATURE

  4. Observation and Measurement • A sphere is the best model of Earth’s shape (oblate spheroid) • Altitude of Polaris equals your latitude!!!! Zenith 36° 54° Horizon

  5. Observation and Measurement • Longitude (time) is based on the sun • Close contour lines=steep slope/gradient

  6. Observation and Measurement • Contour lines “bend” upstream—Law of V’s

  7. Rocks and MineralsSedimentary • Form underwater • Horizontal layers • Contains fossils • Compaction • Cementation • Evaporites • Precipitates

  8. Rocks and MineralsIgneous • Solidification of Magma • Intergrown Crystals • Extrusive (formed at Earth’s surface)- cools fast-small crystals (fine), no crystals (glassy) Scoria Obsidian

  9. Rocks and MineralsIgneous • Intrusive (formed within the Earth)- cools slow-large crystals (coarse to very coarse) • Felsic/Mafic Diorite

  10. Rocks and MineralsMetamorphic • Heat • Pressure • Recrystallization • Foliated-shows minerals alignment Phyllite

  11. Rocks and MineralsMetamorphic • Non-Foliated-do not have mineral alignment • Banding-layered arrangement • NO MELTING!!! Marble

  12. Minerals • Naturally Occurring • Inorganic • Definite Chemical Composition • Solid • Crystal Structure (internal arrangement of atoms)

  13. Minerals Properties of MineralIdentification • Color -Density • Streak • Luster • Hardness • Cleavage/Fracture • Special Properties

  14. Surface Processes and Landscapes • Porosity (amount of holes) – size doesn’t matter (when sorted) • Permeability (holes connected) – the bigger the particle size, the faster water goes through

  15. Surface Processes and Landscapes • Gravity is behind all erosion (wind, running water, glaciers, ocean waves) • Streams are the number one agent of erosion

  16. Surface Processes and Landscapes • Capillarity (movement upward) – increases as particle size decreases

  17. Surface Processes and Landscapes • Stream velocity depends on slope and discharge (amount of water in stream)

  18. Surface Processes and Landscapes • Velocity is faster on outside of meander bend – erosion occurs there and it is deepest.

  19. Surface Processes and Landscapes • Heavy dense round particles settle out first in water • Graded bedding (vertical sorting) biggest sediments on the bottom • Horizontal sorting – large particles settle out first (stream slows down when entering a larger body of water)

  20. Surface Processes and Landscapes • Glacial sediments are unsorted, scratched, U-shaped valley and can carry boulders. • Stream deposits are sorted, round, smooth, V-shaped valley (Abrasion)

  21. Astronomy Seasons • Earth is tilted at 23.5° • When the North Pole is tilted toward the Sun it’s SUMMER!!! • Earth revolves around the sun • Earth axis is always points in the same direction • Equator= no seasons= always has 12 hours of daylight • Hottest time of day – 3 pm • Coldest time of day – around sunrise

  22. Astronomy Seasons

  23. Astronomy Seasons

  24. Astronomy Seasons

  25. Astronomy Seasons

  26. Astronomy • Earth rotates West to East • 15°/hr • All celestial objects appear to move from E to W • Evidence of rotation: • Coriolis Effect — deflects winds to the right in the Northern Hemisphere • Foucault Pendulum—changes direction of swing

  27. Astronomy • Earth revolves counterclockwise • 1°/day • Evidence of revolution—changing constellations each season • Earth is closer to the sun in winter, revolves fastest • Geocentric—Earth centered / Heliocentric—Sun centered

  28. Astronomy • Red Shift • Moving Away • Blue Shift • Moving Toward • Our universe is red shifting, expanding, getting bigger

  29. Astronomy • The lower the sun the longer the shadow; noon shadow in NY points North • Energy in stars is produced by nuclear fusion.

  30. WeatherCloud Formation • Rising air!! • Air expands and cools to the dew point • The air becomes saturated • Water vapor attaches to condensation nuclei • Condensation GL

  31. WeatherWind • Horizontal movement of air • Caused by uneven heating of Earth’s surface

  32. Weather H

  33. Weather L

  34. Weather • Isobars close together= fast wind • Air mass—region of atmosphere with uniform temperature and humidity • Front—boundary between two air mass

  35. Weather • Passing of a front= precipitation and change in temperature and wind direction • Cold fronts move fastest • Weather move NE in NYS

  36. Weather • Cold Front • Precipitation occurs before and after the front

  37. Weather • Warm Front • Precipitation occurs before the front

  38. Weather • Occluded Front • occur when cold air is replacing cool air or vice versa at the surface, with warm air above.

  39. Energy • Black/Rough = Good ABSORBER • White/Smooth = Good REFLECTOR • !!!A good absorber of energy is a good radiator of energy!!!

  40. Energy • Conduction—molecule to molecule • Radiation—through space (vacuum) – ex. Light • Convection—due to differences in density

  41. Energy • Temperature does NOT change during a phase change • Condensation G L • Evaporation LG • Freezing LS • Melting SL • Sublimation SG

  42. Energy • Infrared radiation – reradiated from Earth – long wave radiation (Greenhouse Effect) • Ultraviolet radiation – from Sun – short wave radiation • Greenhouse Gases • Carbon dioxide • Methane • Nitrous oxide • Water vapor • Ozone

  43. Climates • Latitude: low latitude = small temperature range and warm temperatures • Elevation: higher elevations = cooler temperatures

  44. Climates • Wind belts: from the south =warm, from water = moist • Mountain barriers • Windward = cool and moist • Leeward = warm and dry

  45. Climates • Ocean Currents

  46. Dynamic CrustP-Waves • Faster • Can travel through solid, liquid and gas • Arrive at the station 1st

  47. Dynamic CrustS-Waves • Slow • Can travel through solid only • Arrive at the station 2nd • Need 3 stations to locate the epicenter

  48. Geologic Time • Law of Superposition—bottom layer is the oldest • Intrusions and faults are younger than the rocks they cut through

  49. Geologic Time • Unconformity—gap in geologic time –erosional surface Unconformity

  50. Geologic Time (Climate) • Arid Landscape • Steep slopes

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