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Empowering with Information: Dyslexia in the Classroom

Explore the importance of naming dyslexia in the classroom, understand Specific Learning Disability disorders, and empower individuals with vital information. Learn how dyslexia can impact students and how proper recognition can lead to positive outcomes.

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Empowering with Information: Dyslexia in the Classroom

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  1. Should we name dyslexia? Michelle Keiper, Decoding Dyslexia OK

  2. Currently in the classroom

  3. Specific Learning Disability: • Disorders include conditions such as perceptual disabilities, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia, and developmental aphasia. • Disorders not included. SLD does not include learning problems that are primarily the result of visual, hearing, or motor disabilities, of mental retardation, of emotional disturbance, or of environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage. IDEA 2004.34CFR300.8

  4. dysgraphia dyslexia dyscalculia

  5. US Department of EducationOctober, 2015 • US Department of Education issues a Dear Colleague letter to ensure a high-quality education for children with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD). • There is noting in IDEA that would prohibit the use of the terms dyslexia, dyscalculia, and dysgraphia in IDEA evaluation, eligibility, determinations or IEP documents.

  6. Empower individuals with Information

  7. “not Alone”“Look what we can do”“without a quiver in her voice”

  8. Currently in the classroomunrecognizedAnxietyBehavior Issues

  9. 89% of children who commit suicide and leave a note, could have been identified with a learning disability based on the note. – Linda Siegel Its Time to Name Dyslexia in the Classroom

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