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Massachusetts National Guard Boston Marathon Response, April 2013

Learn how the Massachusetts National Guard swiftly mobilized to support civil authorities after the tragic bombing at the 2013 Boston Marathon. Providing security, assistance, and expertise, the Guard was instrumental in safeguarding citizens and infrastructure. Major General L. Scott Rice and the Joint Task Force - Massachusetts coordinated emergency response efforts with Governor Deval Patrick to ensure public safety. From initial response to ongoing support and investigation, the National Guard displayed courage and professionalism in the face of adversity.

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Massachusetts National Guard Boston Marathon Response, April 2013

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  1. Massachusetts National Guard Boston Marathon Response, April 2013

  2. Situation The Massachusetts National Guard supports the Boston Marathon every year and our mission is to provide security to local agencies along the marathon route and to safeguard citizens and property by maintaining public order.

  3. Situation (cont.) Two bomb devices exploded near the Boston Marathon finish line at approximately 2:50 P.M. April, 15 2013. The explosions occurred about 550 feet apart from each other with the first explosion occurring at 2:50 P.M. and the second one ten seconds after it. Three civilians died and more than 180 were wounded by the explosions.

  4. Joint Task Force – Massachusetts Response Joint Task Force Massachusetts (JTF-MA) conducted a change in mission from Boston Marathon support to incident response. JTF-MA re-tasked available Massachusetts National Guard elements and mobilized additional units to provide support to Federal and Massachusetts State civil authorities in response to the Boston Marathon attack in order to save lives, prevent further injury and protect critical infrastructure. JTF-MA also re-tasked units which were on hand in the Boston area for the marathon support to immediately assist Federal and State civil authorities at the explosion site near the Boston Marathon finish line. Maj. Gen. L. Scott Rice, the Adjutant General, of the Massachusetts National Guard after conferring with Governor Deval Patrick, stood up Joint Task Force Massachusetts (JTF-MA) and the Joint Operations Center (JOC). Initially, 629 Massachusetts National Guard Army and Air National Guard Soldiers and Airmen provided first response assistance and security support on April 15.

  5. Monday, 15 April 2013 Immediately after the explosions and through Monday night, members of the Massachusetts National Guard assisted the Boston Police Department to cordon off and help secure the crime scene for the FBI to investigate the site of the explosions. More than 400 National Guard troops, who were on duty assisting with security support at the Marathon when the bomb devices exploded, immediately assisted the civil authorities with crowd control and protected the bombing site. The Federal Bureau of Investigation was the lead civil authority at the explosion site and began an intense investigation of the explosions.

  6. Monday, 15 April 2013 (cont.) The Massachusetts National Guard’s 1st Civil Support Team (WMD) was already at the marathon to assist with WMD/CBRN identification and provide WMD management support. After the explosions, the 1st CST immediately began to monitor the area for any possible chemical or biological agents. None were detected. Cell phone communications were not working, so the 1st CST set up its organic satellite communications for civil authorities (FBI) to use. The 387th Explosive Ordinance Detachment (EOD) was requested by civil authorities and was activated to assist civil authorities with explosive detection capabilities.

  7. Tuesday, 16 April 2013 As of Tuesday morning, 1,240 Soldiers and Airmen of the Massachusetts National Guard were on duty to support the Boston Police Department and the MBTA. To support the Boston PD, almost 400 Soldiers from the 182nd Infantry provided cordon support and operated Traffic Control Points (TCPs) around a large area in the Back Bay to keep crowds away from the bombing site for the FBI to investigate the area. About half of those Soldiers helped the MBTA to check passenger’s baggage in the MBTA transit stations and provided presence patrols in the area. The 1st CST and the 387th EOD were still on duty and actively supporting civil authorities with CBRNE detection and explosive detection and disposal capabilities.

  8. Wednesday, 17 April 2013 The Massachusetts National Guard’s 211th MPs sustained the cordon operation and maintained Traffic Control Points to keep crowds away from the bombing site for the FBI to investigate the area. MANG Soldiers also continued to assist the MBTA in the MBTA transit stations and through presence patrols in the area. The 387th EOD continued to assist the FBI through its explosives detection capabilities. As of Wednesday morning, the MANG strength was reduced to about 890 personnel due to fewer requested support missions.

  9. Thursday, 18 April 2013 The Massachusetts National Guard was on standby to assist Federal and State authorities with security support during President Obama’s visit to the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Boston. The Massachusetts National Guard continued to provide cordon support and operate Traffic Control Points (TCPs) around a large area in the Back Bay to keep crowds away from the bombing site for the FBI to investigate the area. MANG soldiers also continued to assist the MBTA in the MBTA transit stations and through presence patrols in the area. The 387th EOD continued to assist the FBI through its explosives detection capabilities.

  10. Friday, 19 April 2013 The situation changed Thursday night when two suspects in the bombing were identified and law enforcement officials began the search for them. While the cordon security and MBTA transit station support missions remained, a MIT police officer was killed in Cambridge by the two terrorist suspects. Police identified them in the Watertown Area and after an exchange of gunfire, one suspect was killed and the other escaped in a vehicle. Law Enforcement set up a perimeter in the area and a staging area at the Arsenal Mall, Watertown, MA. The Boston Police requested EOD support and also armored vehicles with drivers to help with cordon support. Law enforcement officials also requested aviation support. UH-60 Blackhawks provided direct support to transport Massachusetts State Police SWAT teams.

  11. Friday, 19 April 2013 (cont.) The Massachusetts National Guard sustained its security at the crime scene and maintained its presence with the MBTA at transit stations. The 387th EOD assisted with explosives detection. The MANG sent 21 up-armored vehicles (HMMWVs) and 120 armed Military Police to assist local police. Armed Military Police helped to establish a outer security perimeter in Watertown and later that night, police apprehended the terrorist suspect, Dshokar Tsarnaev.

  12. Saturday, 20 April 2013 The 387th EOD executed an explosives detection mission at Fenway Park and ended duty after conducting more than 30 missions for civil authorities. The National Guard sustained its cordon security at the crime scene and also maintained its presence with the MBTA at transit stations which it ended later in the afternoon. The Massachusetts National Guard later transferred operations to civil authorities Saturday evening.

  13. Media Coverage • As of Wednesday, 17 April 2013, approximately 1,600 stories were covered by local, national and international outlets providing media coverage of the Massachusetts National Guard’s Boston Marathon explosion response efforts. • Over 100 media outlets from television, radio, newspapers and the Internet covered the Massachusetts National Guard’s efforts and reported positively on the Guard’s response to troops removing barricades to assist bombing victims. • More than 15 interviews were conducted by media with National Guard members.

  14. Mission Summary The Massachusetts National Guard quickly and efficiently responded to the Boston Marathon incident with nearly 1,300 combined State Active Duty and Active Duty National Guard Soldiers and Airmen. More than 12 different Massachusetts Guard units and the Headquarters participated in the Marathon explosion response. The Massachusetts National Guard provided: -First response immediately after the Boston marathon explosion-Security and support to local, state and federal civil authorities and stabilized the area from the beginning to the capture of the second suspect The 1st CST provided:-Immediate first response to the explosion site -WMD response and detection -Established satellite communications for civil authorities (FBI) due to cellular communications being compromised

  15. Mission Summary (cont.) The Massachusetts National Guard: Assisted the FBI, Boston Police and other civilian law enforcement by:-Establishing cordon control around crime scene/explosion site-Operating traffic control points around cordon area-Helped secure an armed outer perimeter with up-armored HMMWVs covering a 20 block radius in Watertown Friday night when the suspected terrorist was apprehendedAssisted the MBTA through:-Baggage checks at MBTA transit stations -Presence patrols EOD team provided direct support to FBI with explosives detection and disposal capabilities: -Conducted more than 60 missions in support of the FBI and local civil authorities -Provided aviation support through airlifting State Police SWAT and other key emergency personnel

  16. Mission Summary (cont.) -The Massachusetts National Guard provided Command and Control (C2) and efficient interagency coordination and communication through its Joint Operation Center (JOC) located at Hanscom Air Force Base. -Massachusetts National Guard provided on-site senior leadership for six continuous days in Boston and surrounding communities

  17. Since 1636, the Massachusetts National Guard has always supported its communities in times of need. INSERT COOL PHOTO

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