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Bologna Process Survey Results among Croatian University Students

Results of a survey conducted among Croatian university students within the Tempus project JEP-UM-18094, exploring their knowledge of the Bologna Process, ECTS, teaching evaluation, and interest in EU mobility programs.

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Bologna Process Survey Results among Croatian University Students

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  2. QUESTIONAIRE ABOUT THE BOLOGNA DECLARATION Tempus project JEP_UM 18094, University of Zagreb 1. How much do you know about the Bologna Process? 1) I do not know anything 2) I know a little 3) I know something 4) I know a lot 2. If you know about it, what are the main features of the Bologna Process? 1) ___________________________________ 2) ___________________________________ 3) ___________________________________ 3. How did you learn about it? 1)   at the faculty 2) from media 3)   from colleagues 4)   other _____________________________ 4. What does ECTS mean for you? 1)   work load of teachers 2) hours of teaching 3)   work load of students 4)   something else, what __________________ 5) I do not know 5. Have you had an opportunity to evaluate the quality of teaching and teachers during your study? 1) I have never had this opportunity 2) only a few teachers asked for the evaluation 3) most teachers asked for the evaluation 4) it is a common practice at my studies 6. Are you interested to participate in the EU mobility programmes? 1) no 2) yes 7. If yes, what do you think would be the benefit? ________________________________________ 8. Is there anything else you would like to know about the Bologna Process? ________________________________________

  3. PARTICIPANTS: Students of the second year at: • University of Osijek N = 534 • University of Rijeka N = 179 • University of Split N = 89 • University of Zadar N = 111 • University of Zagreb N = 584 Total number = 1497

  4. How much do you know about the Bologna Process? Total results for Croatian universities

  5. How much do you know about the Bologna Process? University of Osijek University of Rijeka University of Split University of Zadar University of Zagreb

  6. How did you learn about it? Total results for Croatian universities % Percentage of surveyed students

  7. How did you learn about it? University of Osijek University of Rijeka % % University of Split University of Zadar % % University of Zagreb % % - Percentage of students surveyed at the university

  8. What does ECTS mean for you? Total results for Croatian universities % Percentage of surveyed students

  9. What does ECTS mean for you? University of Osijek University of Rijeka % % University of Split University of Zadar % % University of Zagreb % % - Percentage of students surveyed at the university

  10. Have you had an opportunity to evaluate the quality of teaching and teachers during your study? Total results for Croatian universities

  11. Have you had an opportunity to evaluate the quality of teaching and teachers during your study? University of Osijek University of Rijeka University of Split University of Zadar University of Zagreb

  12. Are you interested to participate in the EU mobility programmes? Total results for Croatian universities

  13. Are you interested to participate in the EU mobility programmes? University of Osijek University of Rijeka University of Split University of Zadar University of Zagreb

  14. University of Zagreb

  15. PARTICIPANTS: Students of the second year at: • Faculty of Agronomy N = 80 • Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing N = 192 • Faculty of Philosophy N = 175 • Faculty of Political Science N = 40 • Faculty of Veterinary Medicine N = 97 Total number = 584

  16. How much do you know about the Bologna Process? Total results for the University of Zagreb

  17. How much do you know about the Bologna Process? Faculty of Agronomy Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing Faculty of Philosophy Faculty of Political Science Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

  18. How did you learn about it? Total results for the University of Zagreb % Percentage of surveyed students

  19. How did you learn about it? Faculty of Agronomy Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing % % Faculty of Philosophy % Faculty of Political Science % Faculty of Veterinary Medicine % % - Percentage of students surveyed at the faculty

  20. What does ECTS mean for you? Total results for the University of Zagreb % Percentage of surveyed students

  21. What does ECTS mean for you? Faculty of Agronomy Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing % % Faculty of Philosophy Faculty of Political Science % % Faculty of Veterinary Medicine % % - Percentage of students surveyed at the faculty

  22. Have you had an opportunity to evaluate the quality of teaching and teachers during your study? Total results for the University of Zagreb

  23. Have you had an opportunity to evaluate the quality of teaching and teachers during your study? Faculty of Agronomy Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing Faculty of Philosophy Faculty of Political Science Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

  24. Are you interested to participate in the EU mobility programmes? Total results for the University of Zagreb

  25. Are you interested to participate in the EU mobility programmes? Faculty of Agronomy Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing Faculty of Philosophy Faculty of Political Science Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

  26. MAIN FEATURES OF THE BOLOGNA PROCESS • International recognition of diploma, European standards • Possibility to study in Europe, easier mobility for students and professors • System of credits (ECTS) • Changed duration and concept of studies • Decreased student load, exams immediately after the end of lecutres, greater choices, better quality • Greater relevant knowledge, more independent work, higher professional abilities of students • Better relationship between teacher and student • Aim – higher number of people with HE • Cooperation between universities • Cooperation among faculties and possibility to choose subjects at other faculties • New ways of evaluation of studies and teachers • Greater rights of students • Faster enter into the labour market • The title of Magistar after 5 years of study

  27. BENEFITS OF MOBILITY PROGRAMMES • Exchange of knowledge, experiences, new cultures • Knowledge of different education systems, different working culture • New people, new friends • Additional education, language, training, literature • Beter organization and quality of studies • Better evaluation of teachers • Better opportunities for job on the European market • Good recommendation in searching for job in Croatia

  28. IS THERE SOMETHING ELSE YOU WOULD LIKE TO KNOW ABOUT THE BOLOGNA PROCESS? • Why is Bologna implemented? • Who will be effected by the Bologna Process and to what extent? • Advantages/disadvantages of the Bologna Process? • Can students already enrolled change to the new system? • What happens to students who fail– will they continue in the new or old system? • How the BP will effect students who will finish in the old system if they want to continue with postgraduate studies? • Will fewer hours of teaching influence the quality, and will it decrease the number of hours of practical work (laboratory, field work, etc.)? • More information on the ECTS and new programmes. • More information about possibilities for mobility and grants. • Will the implementation of the BP be carried out at all faculties/will it be possible to implement it at all Croatian HE institutions? • When students will be adequately introduced to the BP? Students generally say that they do not know much about the Bologna Process and they believe they should be much better informed about it – through lectures, forums, brochures etc.

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