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Jeopardy. 1920s. Depression. WWII. Post WWII. Vietnam. $100. $100. $100. $100. $100. $200. $200. $200. $200. $200. $300. $300. $300. $300. $300. $400. $400. $400. $400. $400. $500. $500. $500. $500. $500. Final Jeopardy.

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  1. Jeopardy 1920s Depression WWII Post WWII Vietnam $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy

  2. Movement to end the sale of alcohol that resulted in a disrespect for the law and a rise in organized crime What is Prohibition? 20s - $100

  3. 20s - $200 • He became famous for the first non-stop flight across the Atlantic in 1927. • Who is Charles Lindbergh?

  4. 20s - $300 • Engineer and early automobile manufacturer. His goal was to build an automobile that everyone could afford. • Who is Henry Ford?

  5. 20s - $400 • Term for the development of African-American art, literature, and music. Key people included Langston Hughes, Alain Locke and Zora Neal Hurston. • What is the Harlem Renaissance?

  6. 20s - $500 • The first person to fly a publicly viewed flight. He also manufactured airplanes, built the largest fleet during World War I. • Who is Glenn Curtiss?

  7. 30s - $100 • Program created by FDR and consisted of Relief, Recover, and Reform. It focused on the Banking Crisis, unemployment and restoring the economy. • What is the New Deal?

  8. 30s - $200 • This Commission oversees the day to day operations in the stock market and prevent fraud • What is the Securities and Exchange Commission?

  9. 30s - $300 • This Corporation was created by FDR to oversee and protect bank deposits. • What is the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation?

  10. 30s - $400 • FDR’s proposal to allow the president to appoint an additional Justice for every member of the Supreme Court over 70 • What is FDR’s Court Packing Plan?

  11. 30s - $500 • Refers to the initial part of FDR’s presidency when he pushed through many of his programs including the Bank Holiday • What are the Hundred Days?

  12. WWII - $100 • Leader of Nazi Germany and led an attempted genocide known as the Final Solution. • Who is Adolf Hitler?

  13. WWII - $200 • Term for detaining Germans, Italians, and Japanese during WWII • What is Internment?

  14. WWII - $300 • Dictator of Italy, formed the Fascist Party and invaded Albania and Ethiopia • Who is Benito Mussolini?

  15. WWII - $400 • Policy of regulating the amounts of goods that a consumer could obtain during the war. Exercising this policy was to work over against anger over shortages. • What is Rationing?

  16. WWII - $500 • Americans were encouraged to buy these to help finance the war effort. They reduced the currency in circulation and curbed inflation. • What are War Bonds?

  17. Post WWII (1) - $100 Provided returning servicemen educational opportunities, low interest loans and unemployment insurance. • What is the GI Bill?

  18. Post WWII (1) - $200 • The invasion at this location is also referred to as “D Day,” June 6, 1944. This began the effort to liberate Western Europe. • Where is Normandy?

  19. Post WWII (1) - $300 • New type of music that blended traditional blues and electronic instruments to become “American music.” Included Chuck Berry and Elvis Presley. • What is Rock and Roll?

  20. Post WWII (1) - $400 • Over 30 million babies were born in the US during the postwar era of prosperity • What is the Baby Boom?

  21. Post World War II (1) - $500 • Considered to be the turning point for the Pacific Theater. Americans broke the Japanese code and resulted in destroying 4 Japanese aircraft carriers. • What is the Battle of Midway?

  22. Vietnam - $100 Authorization of escalation of forces in Vietnam after what was believed to be an attack on a US war ship. • What is the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?

  23. Vietnam - $200 Distance between what the government reports about the war, and what the American people perceive from the media reports. • What is the Credibility Gap?

  24. Vietnam - $300 • US intervention in the Vietnamese civil war over Communism and Nationalism; US supported nationalist South Vietnam. • What is the Vietnam War?

  25. 5 - $400 • Belief that if South Vietnam fell to Communism, other Southeast Asian nations would as well, such as Cambodia and Laos. • What is the Domino Theory?

  26. Vietnam - $500 • President can only deploy US soldiers for so long without Congressional approval or declaration of war. • What is the War Powers Act?

  27. Final Jeopardy • US will assist economically and militarily countries resisting Communist takeover by armed minorities, like Greece and Turkey. • What is the Truman Doctrine?

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