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This project involves creating a 2 to 3-minute clip to be shown during the graduation ceremony. The clip should reflect the true meaning of success and incorporate elements from Aristotle's text on friendship, the poem "If I Knew" by Kimberly Kirberger, epigraphs, phrases, and poems found through research, and two contrasting videos for inspiration. The visual and audio aspects should be carefully selected to create a cohesive and impactful final product.
Colégio Dante Alighieri This project can be extended to TV D@nte. The selected videos to be presented during the graduation ceremony
What Is Success? What is success? To laugh often and much To win the respect of intelligent people and affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty; To find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived; This is to have succeeded As members of the staff of a publicity agency you have been hired by the school to create a clip, from 2 to 3 minutes long, which will be exhibited during the graduation ceremony of the 3rd grades, “ensino médio”
Since you have achieved excellent results in previous tasks, your team has been chosen, among others, to work in this project. In a group of 5 people, each one has a specific role to cope with (director, producer, photographer, art director, sound technician) and everyone is responsible by the result, the final product. Therefore, take good care of the process while developing that product; after all, live up to your reputation.
We are going to work with an adaptation of the real professional roles and functions.
We all know that filmmakers are very creative. And to reflect about the contents of a film script is as absolutely necessary as to be creative. This is the challenge you have to face, and it’s essential to have this idea in mind during the whole process. We thought about four activities aiming at help your team to develop a clip with a meaningful message related to the selected theme for this piece of work. Your goal is to take relevant elements out of each of those activities with the purpose of reflecting about the real meaning to be conveyed in your clip about graduation .
Read Aristotle’s text The Kinds of Friendship and extract from it at least 5 topics that you and your partners regard as essential to give philosophical support to the clip. • Read the poem If I Knew by Kimberly Kirberger and build up 5 propositions to be established as fundamental to improve the opportunity of living at current time in a peaceful, enjoyable and intelligent way. • Research in the indicated web sites : epigraphs, phrases and poems that you recognize as adequate to enrich your product. Choose one epigraph, 1 phrase and 1 poem in order to improve the quality of your clip. • To add two more new or contrasting features to show the best quality of your job, watch the videos suggested in resources. • All the texts are supposed to be handed in in English within the deadline stipulated by the teacher.
IMAGES Considering the importance of the visual part in a presentation, it’s the moment to search for inspiration and get into the task of selecting and filing pictures and images to illustrate the clip. The cooperative work will be essential regarding the image file supposed to be shown in perfect harmony with the topics, propositions, epigraph, phrase and poem you worked with in the previous steps of the process. Wewillmake use os theMovieMaker software to build up vídeo. Afterselectingtheimages, inserttheofpictures ( JPG?GIF/BMP) in thevideo file.
SOUND Having the contents and images in mind, you’re challenged to think about the soundtrack of the clip, being aware that all the different steps of the process will be, from now on, considered as a whole, as one single element of creation. Still making use oftheMoviemaker, insertthesoundtrackselectedbygroup in the file. Dont´t forgetthetthis file has to be in MP3.
Films http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNBnfGbqOho (Sunscreen) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_b1GKGWJbE8 (The Secret) • Indication of sites to research about epigraphs, phrases and poems that make reference to the theme graduation. www.poemsforfree.com/gradpo.html http://dir.yahoo.com/Education/Graduation/Graduation_Poems/ http://graduation.freenettips.com/documents/graduationquotes.html • Philosophic and literary texts to improve the ability of being sensible, reasonable, and introduce discussions about topics such as companionship and respect. If I Knew The kinds of Friendship
Duringtheelaborationoftheclipyoucanbecomeawareofthetopicsthatwillbeconsidered for the final evaluation. Remenberthatbesidesbeingworth, theselectedvideoswillbeexhibitedduringthegraduationceremony. Therefore, takecareof it!
If I knew You know how you always hear people say, “If I knew then what I know now. . .” ? Have you ever wanted to say ... yeah ... well ...go on ... So here we go I would listen more carefully to what my heart says. I would enjoy more... worry less. I would know that school would end soon enough... and work would... well, never mind. I wouldn´t worry so much about what other people were thinking. I would appreciate all my vitality and tight skin. I would play more, fret less. I would know that my beauty/handsomeness is in my love of life. I would know how much my parents love me and I would believe that they are doing the best they can. I would enjoy the feeling of “being in love” and not worry so much about how it works out. I would know that it probably won´t ... but that something better will come along. I wouldn’t be afraid of acting like a kid. I would be braver. I would look for the good qualities in everyone and enjoy them for those. I would not hang out with people just because they’re “popular”. I would take dance lessons. I would enjoy my body just the way it is. I would trust my girlfriends. I would be a trustworthy girlfriend. I wouldn´t trust my boyfriends. ( Just kidding) I would enjoy kissing. Really enjoy it. I Would be more appreciative and grateful, for sure.
http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=lBzdmc1LODE&mode=related&search=http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=lBzdmc1LODE&mode=related&search= http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=3xs4lAYFT6U&mode=related&search= http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=oWDcTPgOSK4&mode=related&search=