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Software tools for ILC Studies

Software tools for ILC Studies. Akiya Miyamoto KEK. CIAW07 November 5-7, IHEP, Beijing, China. Event Generator. Detector Simulator. Event Reconstruction. Physics Analysis. Beamtest Analysis. Pythia CAIN StdHep. QuickSim FullSim. Digitizer Finder Fitter.

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Software tools for ILC Studies

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  1. Software tools forILC Studies Akiya Miyamoto KEK CIAW07 November 5-7, IHEP, Beijing, China

  2. Event Generator Detector Simulator Event Reconstruction Physics Analysis Beamtest Analysis • Pythia • CAIN • StdHep • QuickSim • FullSim • Digitizer • Finder • Fitter • Jet finder Our software tools CIAW07, Akiya Miyamoto

  3. Event Generator Detector Simulator Event Reconstruction Physics Analysis Beamtest Analysis • Pythia • CAIN • StdHep • QuickSim • FullSim • Digitizer • Finder • Fitter • Jet finder Our software tools ROOT objects : Event Tree & Configuration • Link to various tools at http://acfahep.kek.jp/subg/sim/soft • GLD Software at http://ilcphys.kek.jp/soft • All packages are kept in the CVS. Accessible from http://jlccvs.kek.jp/ CIAW07, Akiya Miyamoto

  4. Software tools in the world CIAW07, Akiya Miyamoto

  5. Jupiter/Satellites for Full Simulation Studies For real data Tools for simulation Tools Satellites URANUS JUPITER METIS Input/Output module set IO JLC Unified Particle Interaction and Tracking EmulatoR Unified Reconstructionand ANalysis Utility Set Monte-Carlo Exact hits To Intermediate Simulated output LEDA Library Extension forData Analysis Geant4 based Simulator JSF/ROOT based Framework MC truth generator Event Reconstruction JSF: the analysis flow controller based on ROOT The release includes event generators, Quick Simulator, and simple event display CIAW07, Akiya Miyamoto

  6. Modular structure  easy installation of sub-detectors Jupiter feature - 1 • Currently using Geant4 8.2p01. Update to Gean4.9p01 soon. • Geometry • Simple geometries are implemented ( enough for the detector optimization ) • parameters ( size, material, etc ) can be modified by input ASCII file.  Parameters are saved as a ROOT object for use in Satellites later CIAW07, Akiya Miyamoto

  7. Run mode: A standalone Geant4 application JSF application to output a ROOT file. Post-hits Break point Jupiter feature - 2 • Input: • StdHep file(ASCII), HepEvt, CAIN, or any generators implemented in JSF. • Binary StdHep file interface was implemented, but yet to be tested. • Output: • Exact Hits of each detectors (Smearing in Satellites) • Pre- and Post- Hits at before/after Calorimeter • Used to record true track information which enter CAL/FCAL/BCAL. • Break points in tracking volume • Interface to LCIO format is prepared in the JSF framework CIAW07, Akiya Miyamoto

  8. GLD Geometry in Jupiter 1 module CH2mask BCAL FCAL IT Include 10cm air gap as a readout space VTX CIAW07, Akiya Miyamoto

  9. A Typical Event CIAW07, Akiya Miyamoto

  10. Satellites Analysis Satellites is a collection of JSF modules for Jupiter data reconstruction Jupiter result make smeared TPC hits from exact hit make TPC tracks Cheated track finder Kalman fitter make hybrid tracks (TPC+IT+VTX) make smeared/merged CAL hits from exact hit 1x1cm2 5x1cm2 cell make Particle Flow Objects Cheated PFA or Realist PFA(GLD-PFA) jet clustering Physics Study CIAW07, Akiya Miyamoto

  11. Momentum Resolution Exact hit points created by single m events were fitted by Kalman fitter s(pt)/pt2 (GeV-1) by A.Yamaguchi (Tsukuba) CIAW07, Akiya Miyamoto

  12. Particle reconstruction Jet Measurements in ILC Det. Charged particles in tracking Detector Photons in the ECAL Neutral hadrons in the HCAL (and possibly ECAL) b/c ID: Vertex Detector • For good jet erg resolution  Separate energy deposits from different particles • Large detector – spatially separate particles • High B-field – separate charged/neutrals • High granularity ECAL/HCAL – resolve particles CIAW07, Akiya Miyamoto

  13. e- e+ GLD PFA • Critical part to complete detector design • Large R & medium granularity vs. small R & fine granularity • Large R & medium B vs. small R & high B • Importance of HD Cal resolution vs. granularity • … • Algorithm developed in GLD: Consists of several steps • Small-clustering • Gamma Finding • Cluster-track matching • Neutral hadron clustering Red : pion Yellow :gamma Blue : neutron CIAW07, Akiya Miyamoto

  14. GLD PFA Performances Using 1x1cm2 calorimeter cell size • DEjet/Ejet • is uniform except very forward • does not change significantly for ECAL cell size of 1x5cm2 • is worse for higher energy jets CIAW07, Akiya Miyamoto

  15. 18 GeV 30 GeV 12 GeV 10 GeV Track PandoraPFA Could get merged Won’t merge Won’t merge LDC00 g g g • A detailed and highly tuned algorithm • Topology based cluster merging • Identify photons, merged tracks, backscatters, MIP segments • Perform iterative re-clustering as needed, using track momentum CIAW07, Akiya Miyamoto

  16. Detector Optimization Zuds pair events are used for detector optimization GLD PFA: Dep. on ECAL Rin PandoraPFA: B dep. for 100 GeV jets LDC like SiD like GLD like PandoraPFA: ECAL segmentation • Larger ECAL Rin performs better • ( R is slightly more important than BR2 rule) • Further studies on physics channels are awaited. CIAW07, Akiya Miyamoto

  17. Physics performance Studies of physics performances by full simulations have been started. GLD Cheated PFA Analysis • n, ISR g, undetected particles, and Edouble count are main contributor to s(mH). After correct them, it is same as Z0 case • Preliminary result by GLD-PFA, • including ISR/BS, and b-tag. • mH offset and wide s(mH) are seen. Study is in progress to improve them. CIAW07, Akiya Miyamoto

  18. Physics Performance -2 CIAW07, Akiya Miyamoto

  19. Software for LOI/EDR era • For LOI, Research Director/IDAG/WWSOC will define physics processes for detector benchmarks. A plan is under discussion. • Candidate processes: • Reduced set of processes defined by the physics benchmark panel (hep-ex/0603010 ) • SM background processes would be considered • StdHep files at SLAC would be used as standard generator inputs • ILD: • GLD and LDC are going to work on common models. Jupiter+Satellites  Mokka+MarinRecoLCIO format is accepted as a common IO format and a basis of joint studies. CIAW07, Akiya Miyamoto

  20. T.Yoshioka, ALCPG07

  21. T.Yoshioka, ALCPG07 For Z0 events, Satellites and GLD-PFA resolution is ~30%/√E For Higher energies ( 350 GeV), Jupiter-PandoraPFA performs better than GLD-PFA Need more studies to understand consistencies and differences.

  22. GRID for ILD study • GRID is a tool • to produce huge amount of data needed to optimize detector parameters for LOI/EDR • to share data samples across oceans • ILC VO and CALICE VO hosted by DESY will be used for GRID based ILD studies. • In Japan, KEK joined ILC and CALICE VO and is operating as a WLCG production site. Tohoku and Kobe are another GRID sites related to the ILC activities. • GRID in KEK has been used to access files in DESY so far. • Installation of JSF/Jupiter/Satellites in GRID are slowly in progress. CIAW07, Akiya Miyamoto

  23. Summary Software tools based on ROOT and Geant4 have been developed and extensively used for GLD studies. For ILD studies in coming months, close collaboration with European tools are more important. LCIO and GRID are keys for activities in this direction. CIAW07, Akiya Miyamoto

  24. Backup Slides

  25. Framework: JSF = Root based application All functions based on C++, compiled or through CINT Provides common framework for event generations, detector simulations, analysis, and beam test data analysis Unified framework for interactive and batch job: GUI, event display Data are stored as root objects; root trees, ntuples, etc JSF • Release includes other tools QuickSim, Event generators, beamstrahlung spectrum generator, etc.

  26. Sample study by QuickSim DE/E(beam)~0.1% Differential Luminosity(500GeV) Incl. beamstrahlung 350GeV, nominal s(Mh)~109MeV Incl. beamstrahlung 350GeV, high-lum s(Mh)~164MeV Incl. beamstrahlung 250GeV, nominal s(Mh)~27MeV

  27. GLD Configuration GLD Side view • Moderate B Field : 3T • R(ECAL) ~ 2.1m • ECAL: 33 layers of 3mmt W/2mmt Scint./1mmt Gap • HCAL: 46 layers of • 20mmt Fe/5mmtScint./1mmt Gap • Photon sensor: MPPC ~O(10M) ch. Configuration of sensor is one of the R&D items

  28. GLD Configuration - 2 VTX: Fine Pixel CCD: ~5x5mm2 2 layers x 3 Super Layers TPC: R: 0.452.0m, ~200 radial sample Half Z: 2.3m MPGD readout: srf<150mm • SIT: Silicon Strip Barrel/Endcap

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