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Can we trust the Bible?

Explore the authenticity, historicity, veracity, and inspiration of the Bible. Discover why attacking or defending it is futile. Uncover the impregnable yet accessible nature of the Bible for profound study. Delve into the importance of authenticity and the wealth of ancient manuscripts.

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Can we trust the Bible?

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  1. Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: Jeremiah 15:16

  2. Can we trust the Bible?

  3. Four basic questions • The authenticity of the original documents • Are they genuine? • The historicity of the original documents • Are they accurate? • The veracity of Scripture • Is it true? • The inspiration of Scripture • Is it the Word of God?

  4. Health warning • Attacking the Bible is futile • “The Bible is a rock from which all the hammers of criticism have never chipped a single fragment.” Sir Isaac Newton • Defending the Bible is unnecessary • “Defend it? I would as soon defend a lion. Turn it loose.” C. H. Spurgeon • The Bible is impregnable to forced entry • But accessible to all who come to it with the keys of faith and submission

  5. Bible study • Scholarship is encouraged in the Bible; The treasures of the Bible are not to be found through serendipity, lying on the surface • Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Tim. 2:15 KJV • But scholarship is not the key; The Bible is a revelation from the living God only the author can explain it • The Bible demands that we stand under it even when we don’t understand it

  6. Authenticity • Are the Bible documents genuine? • The Bible makes the claim that it is the word of the Creator God, spoken and written by men • If you doubt this claim you will not be the first to doubt it by any means • Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?” Genesis 3:1 ESV • “Did God actually say?”

  7. Authenticity • “Every effort that is being made to deny the divine inspiration of the scriptures, every attempt put forward to set aside their absolute authority, every attack which we now witness in the name of scholarship, is only a repetition of this ancient question” A. W. Pink • When scholars explore the authenticity of a work of antiquity they address such questions as; • How many manuscripts (handwritten copies) do we have? How good are they? How close are they to the original?

  8. Authenticity • Concerning the Bible manuscripts Sir Isaac Newton said; • “There are more sure marks of authenticity in the Bible than in any profane history” • It has long been accepted (but not publicised) that the Bible has the greatest number of manuscripts of any work of antiquity • How many manuscripts? • Since the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947 there exists well over 100 scrolls of Old Testament material and nearly 25,000 copies of all or part of the New Testament

  9. Authenticity • Here are some other notable works of antiquity • Homer’s Iliad 643 copies • Livy’s Roman History 20 copies • Caesar’s Gallic wars 10 copies • Historian Tacitus 10 copies • Alexander the Great 0 manuscript copies • How close in time are the manuscripts to the original documents? (The bibliographical test)

  10. Authenticity • Homers Iliad (written in 730 BC ) 643 copies none earlier than 10th century AD • Livy’s Roman History 20 copies one fragment within 400 years • Caesar’s Gallic wars 10 copies none within 1000 years • Historian Tacitus 10 copies none within 900 years • Plato's REPUBLIC was written somewhere between 427 and 347 B.C. That's when Plato lived • The closest thing extant to a genuine manuscript of the Republic is probably the collection of Plato texts in the Bodleian (M.S. E.D. Clarke 39), dated 895 AD

  11. Authenticity • In Magdalen College in Oxford, among the ancient artefacts, is stored three tiny fragments of papyrus. The largest is no larger than a postage stamp • They were bequeathed to the College in 1901and believed to date from the 2nd Century. In 1994 the world-leading papyrologistCarstenThiede dated them to the third quarter of the 1st Century • The writing on them comes from the Bible

  12. Authenticity • Next we come to the John Rylands Fragment housed in the John Rylands Library in Manchester University • It measures approximately 6cms by 7cms and • It contains 5 verses from the New Testament (Gospel of John) and is dated AD 117-138 • Next we have the Bodmer Papyri and the Chester Beatty Papyri both dated around AD 200 • Chester Beatty Papyrus 46 Dating from the 3rd Century showing 2 Corinthians 11:33-12:9

  13. Authenticity • Then come the oldest major manuscripts; • The Codex Vaticanusstored in the Vatican and containing seventy-six papyri manuscripts which are 4th Century (AD 350) copies of almost the entire Bible • The Codex Sinaiticusfound at the monastery at Mount Sinai in 1859 again contains almost the entire Bible dated to AD 350

  14. Authenticity • Until 1947 the earliest Hebrew manuscripts of the Old Testament were from AD 900, some 1300 years after the Old Testament closes but the Dead Sea scrolls took this back to 200 BC • How good are the copies? • The Bible is clearly the work of antiquity with the most documents to support it • It is also the one with the documents closest in time to the events recorded

  15. Authenticity • But how good are these thousands of copies? • The vast number of manuscripts provides of course corroborating evidence but also potential variations • Critics say that there are 200,000 variations • Strictly speaking that is true but only if you are very strict and count the same misspelling every time it occurs

  16. Authenticity • There are only 10,000 places where variations occur between all the manuscripts • F.J.A. Hort, the great Cambridge scholar stated after a lifetime of study, ‘the proportion of words accepted by all as raised above doubt is very great, not less, on rough computation, than seven-eighths of the whole. The remaining eighth, therefore, formed in great part by changes of order and other comparative trivialities, constitutes the whole area of criticism”

  17. Authenticity • Norman Geisler and William Nix in their book, ‘A General introduction to the Bible’ state that only about one-sixtieth of the variations rise above ‘trivialities’ • Brooke Westcott, a colleague of Hort at Cambridge concludes that the amount of the New Testament where there is any significant variation in the various sources is not more than one thousandth part of the text

  18. Authenticity • Historian Philip Schaff has shown that only 400 variants could have any possible effect on the meaning of the passage and only 50 of those are of any significance and none of them affects a single article of the Christian faith • By all means argue about the meaning of a passage if you must but it would be difficult to do it on the basis of an understanding of the authentic documents since significant variations do not exist

  19. Authenticity • The following quotations are from Sir Frederic Kenyon, one time director and principal librarian of the British Museum and FF Bruce professor of New Testament studies at Manchester University • Sir Frederic George Kenyon GBE KCB TD FBA FSA 1863-1952 was a British palaeographer, biblical and classical scholar. He was the director of the British Museum. He was also the president of the British Academy from 1917 to 1921, and from 1918 to 1952 he was Gentleman Usher of the Purple Rod

  20. Authenticity • Sir Frederic Kenyon; ‘It cannot be too strongly asserted that in substance the text of the Bible is certain: especially is this the case with the New Testament. The number of manuscripts of the New Testament, of early translations from it and of quotations from it of the oldest writers of the church, is so large that it is practically certain that the true reading of every doubtful passage is preserved in some one or other of these ancient manuscripts. This can be said of no other ancient book in the world.’

  21. Authenticity • Sir Frederic Kenyon; ‘In no other case is the interval between the composition of the book and the date of the earliest extant manuscripts so short as that of the New Testament--- and the last foundation for any doubt that the scripture have come down to us as they were written has now been removed. Both the authenticity and the general integrity of the New Testament may be regarded as finally established’

  22. Authenticity • FF Bruce; ‘There is no body of ancient literature in the world which enjoys such a wealth of good textual attestation as the New Testament’ • Frederick Fyvie Bruce (1910 - 1990), also known as F. F. Bruce, was Rylands Professor of Biblical Criticism and Exegesis at the University of Manchester. Author of 37 books • Before we leave the subject of authenticity let us trace the preservation of the Old Testament scriptures as highlighted by the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls

  23. Authenticity • In the council of Jamnia (near modern-day Tel Aviv) held between AD 90-100. The leaders of the Jews recognised the text that they had copied for 500 years as the only text of the T’nach • From AD 100-500 the task of transcribing the text fell to the Talmudists who developed an obsessively detailed format for the copyists • The manuscripts were prepared from the skins of clean animals • Each skin had an equal number of columns

  24. Authenticity • Each column had to be between forty-eight and sixty lines long and each line had to contain thirty letters • The letter, line and book spacings were specified • The ink was to a particular formula, The pen likewise • The scribe bathed and dressed ceremonially and each copy had to be perfect • From AD 500-900 the work passed to a group of scholars known as the Masoretes and they gradually added vowel ‘points’ and punctuation and it is their text that we have in our Bibles today

  25. Authenticity • After the Dead Sea scrolls were discovered scholars were able to compare the scrolls of the Masoretes with the scrolls of the Essenes of 1100 years earlier • Of the 166 words of Isaiah 53 only 17 letters differed; 10 of them due to differing spellings of the same word

  26. Authenticity • 4 more letters were minor stylistic changes in conjunctions • Only 3 letters were different and they formed the word for ‘light’ which is added in verse 11; ‘by the light of His knowledge’ • Over 1100 years of copying and one 3 letter word is changed • It is small wonder that Bible scholars are constantly writing of the authenticity of the Bible documents

  27. The cave at Qumran

  28. Scroll of Isaiah on display in Israel (7.3 metres 24 foot long)

  29. Historicity • The verdict of the scholars seems clear enough until we consider seriously the prevailing view of the present generation • The Bible is an assortment of folk tales and superstitious stories from an oral tradition of Middle Eastern goat-herders • It has been discredited by science and scholarship and is irrelevant to today’s educated, sophisticated, post-modern world and is hardly worth the papyrus it was written on! (John Blanchard, ‘Does God believe in atheists?’)

  30. Historicity • This view of the Bible persists largely because of the success of the so-called higher critics of the early part of the nineteenth century • This view popularised the so-called Graf–Wellhausen theory of the Pentateuch, which identified and dated sources for the books of Moses • In England it became very successful after the publication of; An Introduction to the Literature of the Old Testament, (1891) by S R Driver

  31. Historicity • Whatever the objective of this branch of scholarship the result is still with us • The critics were driven by certain convictions • That miracles were impossible and that any account of them has to be explained away • That prophecy was likewise impossible so every text that indicates knowledge of the future has to be re-dated to a time after the event described • That every text can be dated and its authorship established by an examination of the vocabulary and the writing style

  32. Historicity • They came to certain conclusions which liberal theologians hold to this day • That the first six books, that is, the Pentateuch and Joshua, were composed by at least a dozen editors out of five or more other books ( J, E, D, H, and P), which were written from 900 to 450 B.C.; • That the book of Judges was put in its present form ‘by a hand dependent on P’ after 450 B.C.

  33. Historicity • Lamentations was not written by Jeremiah • Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and the Song of Songs were not written by Solomon. • David did not write any of the Psalms, and many critics put the Psalms after the captivity and assign many of them to Maccabean times. • Job is generally assigned to the sixth century B.C. • In other words you cannot trust the historicity of the Bible; scholarship has disproved it

  34. Historicity • Step forward Robert Dick Wilson PH.D., D.D Professor of Semitic Philology, Princeton Theological Seminary • Professor Wilson did not agree with the critics nor did he agree with the approach of Mr Spurgeon that the Bible didn’t need defending • He determined to defend it against the higher critics and to do so he set himself a 45 year programme; he would study the languages and dialects of the Bible peoples of Old Testament times for fifteen years

  35. Historicity • During those first fifteen years he studied twenty-six languages and dialects including Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic and Arabic • He would then study the texts of the Old Testament and of all of the monuments and documents of the nations for a further fifteen years • Then he would prepare his conclusions for the next fifteen years • The result was his book; ‘A scientific Investigation of the Old Testament’ 1919

  36. Robert Dick Wilson

  37. Historicity • Many of the arguments of the higher critics have been defeated by later scholarship and archaeological finds including the Dead Sea Scrolls • Whether Wilson needed to defend the Bible or not the result of his work is an astonishing confirmation of its historicity • Two examples will serve our purpose out of hundreds in Professor Wilson’s book • The first is the Bible record of the kings of Judah and Israel and the nations around them

  38. Historicity • The second is the use of one title for the kings of Persia • First the record of the kings; Wilson concludes, • ‘Thus we find that in 143 cases of transliteration from Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian and Moabite into Hebrew and in 41 cases of the opposite, or 184 in all, the evidence shows that the text of the proper names in the Hebrew Bible has been transmitted with the most minute accuracy. That the original scribes should have written them with such close conformity to correct philological principles is a wonderful proof of their thorough care and scholarship; further, that the Hebrew text should have been transmitted by copyists through so many centuries is a phenomenon unequalled in the history of literature.

  39. Historicity • In particular he focused on the Bible’s record of kings who lived during a period of about 1600 years and are mentioned in the records of other nations • He concludes, ‘It means that out of 56 kings of Egypt from Shishak to Darius II, and out of the numerous kings of Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Tyre, Damascus, Moab, Israel, and Judah, that ruled from 2000 to 400 B. C., the writers of the Old Testament have put the names of the 40 or more that are mentioned in records of two or more of the nations, in their proper absolute and relative order of time. Any expert mathematician will tell you, that to do such a thing is practically impossible without a knowledge of the facts such as could be drawn alone from contemporary and reliable records.’

  40. Historicity • Second example; the higher critics placed the four books of Ezra, Nehemiah and 1&2 Chronicles as late as 300BC because of the title ‘King of Persia’ which was ‘contrary to all contemporary usage’ • Wilson showed from the ancient documents and monuments that not only was the title in common usage at least 100 years earlier but it was specifically used by Nabuniad of Babylon in referring to Cyrus in 546 BC, seven years before it was used in the Bible

  41. Historicity • He also demonstrated that the same title was employed 38 times, by 18 authors, in 6 different languages between 546 and 365 BC • He dismisses the claim of the critics with these words; ‘Having read carefully and repeatedly what these critics have to say on this title, I have failed to find any hint indicating that they have ever appealed for their information to any original sources outside of Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic’

  42. Historicity • Wilson has hundreds of these historical examples and his work was completed long before the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls or the most important archaeological finds of the 19th and 20th Century • Many of these finds were the work of our next witness Sir William Ramsay who did for the New Testament what Wilson had done for the Old • He also started from the same place as Wilson except where Wilson was the great opponent of Julius Wellhausen, Ramsay was a disciple

  43. Historicity • He believed that the Book of Acts was a product of the mid-second century A.D. (150 A.D.). He set out to prove it. However, after thorough research, he changed his mind. He became a firm defender for the mid-first century authorship of Acts. • As the first Professor of Classical Archaeology at Oxford University, Ramsay pioneered the study of antiquity in what is today western Turkey.

  44. Sir William Ramsay Author of St Paul the Traveller and Roman Citizen Professor of Classical Art and Architecture Oxford Regius Professor of Humanity at Aberdeen Founder member of the British Academy Holder of nine honorary doctorates and knighted in 1906

  45. Historicity • Sir William Ramsay is regarded as one of the greatest archaeologists ever to have lived. He was very sceptical of the accuracy of the New Testament, and he ventured to Asia Minor to refute its historicity. • He especially took interest in Luke's accounts in the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts, which contained numerous geographical and historic references. • Dig after dig the evidence without fail supported Luke's accounts. • Governors mentioned by Luke, that many historians never believe existed, were confirmed by the evidence excavated by Ramsay's archeological team. • Without a single error, Luke was accurate in naming 32 countries, 54 cities, and 9 islands.

  46. Historicity • Ramsay finally had this to say: • I began with a mind unfavourable to it...but more recently I found myself brought into contact with the Book of Acts as an authority for the topography, antiquities, and society of Asia Minor. It was gradually borne upon me that in various details the narrative showed marvellous truth. • Luke is a historian of the first rank; not merely are his statements of fact trustworthy...this author should be placed along with the very greatest historians.

  47. Historicity • The classical historian A.N. Sherwin-White corroborates Ramsay's work regarding the Book of Acts: • Any attempt to reject its basic historicity even in matters of detail must now appear absurd. Roman historians have long taken it for granted. • E M Blaiklock, Professor of Classics at Auckland University, New Zealand wrote;‘Luke is a consummate historian, to be ranked in his own right with the great writers of the Greeks’

  48. Historicity • As Sir William Ramsay discovered it is not wise to approach the Bible with the assumption that it is anything other than it purports to be • Time after time, scholarship and especially archaeology have ‘caught up’ with the Bible and indeed the findings have never refuted the Bible • Our last witness for Historicity is Nelson Glueck (1900-1971); he was a German-born American citizen • He was a rabbi, an academic and he served as president of Hebrew Union College

  49. RABBI Nelson GlueckPh.DThe ‘DEAN’ of Palestinian archaeology “No archaeological discovery has ever controverted a biblical reference” Rivers in the Desert: A History of the Negev (1959) His pioneering work in biblical archaeology resulted in the discovery of 1,500 ancient sites

  50. Veracity • In 1974 Time magazine had an important article entitled "How True Is the Bible?" where they discussed the condition of the Bible after two hundred years of attacks by critics. • They stated: “The breadth, sophistication and diversity of all this biblical investigation are impressive, but it begs a question: Has it made the Bible more credible or less? After more than two centuries of facing the heaviest scientific guns that could be brought to bear, the Bible has survived and is, perhaps, better for the siege. Even on the critics' own terms, in historical fact, the Scriptures seem more acceptable now than they did when the rationalists began the attack.”

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